Faculty members and Fellows
The title SSPH+ Fellow is granted ex officio to the public health sciences professors recruited by the Foundation universities (= SSPH+ faculty) as well as to the academic directors of the SSPH+ training programs (PhD, MAS, DAS, CAS, and seasonal schools). Upon request of an SSPH+ Fellow, experts active in the SSPH+ fields of public health can be granted the title of SSPH+ Fellow. The president of Public Health Schweiz and the cantonal physicians are also ex officio SSPH+ Fellows (see Regulation).
SSPH+ Faculty members are all SSPH+ Fellows holding a faculty position at a member university of the SSPH+ Foundation and an academic track record in public health sciences (i.e. regardless of their academic discipline and faculty affiliation at the SSPH+ partner university) and having ongoing participation in research projects related to public health.
How to become an SSPH+ Faculty member or Fellow: an SSPH+ Faculty member (from your university) sends an email to snocera@ssphplus.ch recommending you as SSPH+ Faculty member or Fellow (e.g. by highlighting your research and teaching activities in public health, with your motivation (max. 100 words) and CV (SNSF format) included). Deadlines for applications are 31 March or 31 October! The SSPH+ Foundation Board will then take decision in its semi-annual meetings (May or December).
All SSPH+ Faculty members are included in our Expert Database which shows their expertise in public health.
See Regulation.
Name | First name | Affiliation | Status |
Abel | Thomas | University of Bern | Emeritus |
Akre | Christina | University of Lausanne | Faculty |
Albanese | Emiliano | Università della Svizzera italiana | Faculty |
Allegranzi | Benedetta | University of Geneva | Faculty |
Althaus | Christian | University of Bern | Fellow |
Amati | Rebecca | Università della Svizzera italiana | Fellow |
Auwerx | Johan | EPFL | Faculty |
Avendano | Mauricio | University of Lausanne | Faculty |
Babst | Reto | University of Lucerne | Faculty |
Bachmann | Gaudenz | Fellow | |
Baggio | Stéphanie | University of Bern, University of Fribourg | Faculty |
Balthasar | Andreas | University of Lucerne | Faculty |
Bangerter | Adrian | University of Neuchâtel | Faculty |
Barroy | Hélène | University of Geneva | Faculty |
Barth | Jürgen | University of Zurich | Faculty |
Bastiaannet | Esther | University of Zurich | Faculty |
Battegay | Edouard | UniversitätsSpital Zürich | Fellow |
Bauer | Georg | University of Zurich | Faculty |
Beck | Hans-Peter | University of Basel | Emeritus |
Beeres | Frank | University of Lucerne | Faculty |
Bender | Nicole | University of Zurich | Faculty |
Beran | David | University of Geneva | Faculty |
Berezowski | John | University of Bern | Fellow |
Berger | Anke | University of Basel | Fellow |
Berger | Christoph | University of Zurich | Faculty |
Berkley | Seth | University of Geneva | Emeritus |
Bernegger | Guenda | University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) | Fellow |
Berthet | Aurélie | University of Lausanne | Faculty |
Bezençon | Valéry | University of Neuchâtel | Faculty |
Bianchi | Monica | University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) | Faculty |
Bize | Raphäel | University of Lausanne | Faculty |
Blanchet | Karl | University of Geneva | Faculty |
Blankart | Katharina | Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH) | Faculty |
Blum | Johannes | University of Basel | Emeritus |
Boccardi | Marina | University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) | Fellow |
Bochud | Murielle | University of Lausanne | Faculty |
Bodenmann | Patrick | University of Lausanne | Faculty |
Boes | Stefan | University of Lucerne | Faculty |
Bohlius | Julia | University of Basel | Faculty |
Boillat Blanco | Noémie | University of Lausanne | Faculty |
Bollag | Yvonne | University of Basel | Fellow |
Bolon | Isabelle | University of Geneva | Fellow |
Bonvin | Raphaël | University of Fribourg | Faculty |
Borel | Nicole | University of Zurich | Faculty |
Borisch | Bettina | University of Geneva | Emeritus |
Bosch-Caplanch | Xavier | University of Basel | Faculty |
Bot | Nathalie | University of Geneva | Fellow |
Bovet | Pascal | University of Lausanne | Emeritus |
Brall | Caroline | ETH Zürich | Fellow |
Brancucci | Nicolas | University of Basel | Faculty |
Briel | Matthias | University of Basel | Faculty |
Broers Kayser | Barbara | University of Geneva | Faculty |
Brulé | Gaël | HES-SO | Faculty |
Bucher | Heiner C.C. | University of Basel | Emeritus |
Bucher | Tamara | Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH) | Faculty |
Bulliard | Jean-Luc | University of Lausanne | Faculty |
Burgat | Sabrina | University of Neuchâtel | Faculty |
Burri | Christian | University of Basel | Faculty |
Burton-Jeangros | Claudine | University of Geneva | Faculty |
Caiata Zufferey | Maria | University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) | Faculty |
Calciolari | Stefano | Università della Svizzera italiana | Faculty |
Calmy | Alexandra Laurence | University of Geneva | Faculty |
Camerini | Anne-Linda | Università della Svizzera italiana | Faculty |
Cantoreggi | Nicola | University of Geneva | Fellow |
Carassa | Antonella | Università della Svizzera italiana | Emeritus |
Carmeli | Cristian | University of Fribourg | Faculty |
Chiolero | Arnaud | University of Fribourg | Faculty |
Chitnis | Nakul | University of Basel | Faculty |
Christie | Derek | HES-SO, University of Geneva | Faculty |
Cignacco Müller | Eva Lucia | Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH) | Faculty |
Cissé | Guéladio | University of Basel | Emeritus |
Clack | Lauren | University of Zurich | Faculty |
Clair | Carole | University of Lausanne | Faculty |
Comte | Eric | University of Geneva | Fellow |
Corna | Laurie | University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) | Faculty |
Cornuz | Jacques | University of Lausanne | Faculty |
Courtine | Grégoire | EPFL | Faculty |
Courvoisier | Delphine | University of Geneva | Faculty |
Crivelli | Luca | University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) | Faculty |
Cullati | Stéphane | University of Fribourg | Faculty |
D'Acremont | Valérie | University of Basel, University of Lausanne | Faculty |
Dagron | Stéphanie | University of Geneva | Faculty |
Danesi | Giada | University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) | Fellow |
Danuser | Brigitta | University of Lausanne | Emeritus |
Daubenberger | Claudia | University of Basel | Faculty |
De Geest | Sabina | University of Basel | Faculty |
de Hoogh | Kees | University of Basel | Faculty |
De Pietro | Carlo | University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) | Faculty |
de Savigny | Don | University of Basel | Emeritus |
Deplazes | Peter | University of Zurich | Emeritus |
Di Tanna | Gian Luca | University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) | Faculty |
Didierlaurent | Arnaud | University of Geneva | Faculty |
Diebold | Monika | Fellow | |
Dratva | Julia | University of Basel, Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) | Faculty |
Dressel | Holger | University of Zurich | Faculty |
Dugerdil | Adeline | University of Geneva | Fellow |
Dumas | Christelle | University of Fribourg | Faculty |
Dunand | Jean-Philippe | University of Neuchâtel | Faculty |
Dupont | Anne-Sylvie | University of Neuchâtel | Faculty |
Dupraz | Julien | University of Lausanne | Fellow |
Eberhardt | Christiane | University of Geneva | Faculty |
Eckerle | Isabella Anne | University of Geneva | Faculty |
Eeftens | Marloes | University of Basel | Faculty |
Ehret | Georg | University of Geneva | Faculty |
Elger | Bernice Simone | University of Basel, University of Geneva | Faculty |
Elia | Nadia | University of Geneva | Faculty |
Essig | Stefan | University of Lucerne | Fellow |
Etter | Jean-François | University of Geneva | Emeritus |
Fadda | Marta | Università della Svizzera italiana | Faculty |
Faraci | Francesca | University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) | Fellow |
Fehr | Jan Sven | University of Zurich | Faculty |
Felder | Stefan | University of Basel | Faculty |
Felger | Ingrid | University of Basel | Emeritus |
Fellay | Jacques | EPFL | Faculty |
Filippini | Massimo | Università della Svizzera italiana | Faculty |
Fink | Günther | University of Basel | Faculty |
Fiordelli | Maddalena | Università della Svizzera italiana | Faculty |
Flahault | Antoine | University of Geneva | Faculty |
Foley | Rose-Anna | HES-SO | Faculty |
Fraefel | Cornel | University of Zurich | Faculty |
Francetic | Igor | University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) | Fellow |
Frei | Anja | University of Zurich | Faculty |
Freund | Romain | University of Lausanne | Fellow |
Frey | Urs | University of Basel | Faculty |
Friemel | Thomas N. | University of Zurich | Faculty |
Fuhrimann | Samuel | University of Basel | Faculty |
Gagneux | Sébastien | University of Basel | Faculty |
Gaume | Jacques | University of Lausanne | Faculty |
Gayet-Ageron | Angèle | University of Geneva | Faculty |
Geissbuhler | Antoine | University of Geneva | Faculty |
Gemperli | Armin | University of Lucerne | Faculty |
Genton | Blaise | University of Lausanne | Emeritus |
Gerber-Grote | Andreas | Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) | Faculty |
Gerber | Markus | University of Basel | Faculty |
Giannakopoulos | Pantaleimon | University of Geneva | Fellow |
Gille | Felix | University of Zurich | Fellow |
Glass | Tracy | University of Basel | Faculty |
Gomez | Patrick | University of Lausanne | Faculty |
Gonçalves | Paulo | Università della Svizzera italiana | Faculty |
Grabherr | Silke | University of Geneva, University of Lausanne | Faculty |
Grimm | Felix | University of Zurich | Fellow |
Gross | Karin | University of Basel | Fellow |
Grübner | Oliver | University of Zurich | Fellow |
Guessous | Idris | University of Geneva | Faculty |
Guillod | Olivier | University of Neuchâtel | Emeritus |
Guscetti | Franco | University of Zurich | Faculty |
Guseva-Canu | Irina | University of Lausanne | Faculty |
Günthard | Huldrych | University of Zurich | Faculty |
Haas | Karin | Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH) | Faculty |
Hahn | Sabine | Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH) | Faculty |
Haller | Guy | University of Geneva | Faculty |
Hanssen | Henner | University of Basel | Faculty |
Harbarth | Stephan | University of Geneva | Faculty |
Hartnack | Sonja | University of Zurich | Faculty |
Hatz | Christoph | University of Basel, University of Zurich | Emeritus |
Held | Leonhard | University of Zurich | Faculty |
Hengartner | Michael Pascal | Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) | Faculty |
Hetzel | Manuel | University of Basel | Faculty |
Heusser | Rolf | University of Zurich | Fellow |
Hierink | Fleur | University of Geneva | Fellow |
Hincapié | Cesar | University of Zurich | Faculty |
Hopf | Nancy B. | University of Lausanne | Faculty |
Hothorn | Torsten | University of Zurich | Faculty |
Hotz | Sandra | University of Neuchâtel | Faculty |
Huber | Martin | University of Fribourg | Faculty |
Huber | Christian | University of Basel | Faculty |
Hummel | Friedhelm | EPFL | Faculty |
Hurst-Majno | Samia | University of Geneva | Faculty |
Hämmig | Oliver | University of Zurich | Faculty |
Höglinger | Marc | Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) | Faculty |
Jackson | Yves-Laurent | University of Geneva | Faculty |
Kabengele Mpinga | Emmanuel | University of Geneva | Faculty |
Kahlmeier | Sonja | Fellow | |
Kaiser | Laurent | University of Geneva | Faculty |
Kaspar | Heidi | Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH) | Faculty |
Katapodi | Maria | University of Basel | Faculty |
Keiser | Jennifer | University of Basel | Faculty |
Keiser | Olivia | University of Geneva | Faculty |
Kerksieck | Philippe | University of Zurich | Fellow |
Kickbusch | Ilona | IHEID Geneva | Fellow |
Kipar | Anja | University of Zurich | Faculty |
Knopp | Stefanie | University of Basel | Faculty |
Koller | Michael | University of Basel | Faculty |
Kouyos | Roger Dimitri | University of Zurich | Faculty |
Kraus | Daniel | University of Neuchâtel | Faculty |
Kriemler | Susi | University of Zurich | Faculty |
Kunz | Regina | University of Basel | Faculty |
Kutalik | Zoltàn | University of Lausanne | Faculty |
Künzli | Nino | University of Basel | Emeritus |
Künzli | Esther | University of Basel | Faculty |
Labhardt | Niklaus | University of Basel | Faculty |
Lambiris | Mark J. | University of Basel | Fellow |
Lasserre | Aurélie | University of Lausanne | Faculty |
Lengeler | Christian | University of Basel | Faculty |
Levati | Sara | University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) | Fellow |
Levy | Mélanie | University of Neuchâtel | Faculty |
Liberatore | Florian | Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) | Faculty |
Liesegang | Annette | University of Zurich | Faculty |
Locatelli | Isabella | University of Lausanne | Faculty |
Loncar | Dejan | University of Geneva | Fellow |
Lovis | Christian | University of Geneva | Faculty |
Ludyga | Sebastian | University of Basel | Faculty |
Mallet | Luc | University of Geneva | Faculty |
Margot-Cattin | Isabel | HES-SO | Faculty |
Marks | Géraldine | University of Neuchâtel | Fellow |
Marques-Vidal | Pedro Manuel | University of Lausanne | Faculty |
Marti | Joachim | University of Lausanne | Faculty |
Martin Sölch | Chantal | University of Fribourg | Faculty |
Martin | Mike | University of Zurich | Faculty |
Masiero | Giuliano | Università della Svizzera italiana | Fellow |
Mattig | Thomas | University of Geneva | Faculty |
Maurer | Jürgen | University of Lausanne | Faculty |
Mazzonna | Fabrizio | Università della Svizzera italiana | Faculty |
Meier | Christoph R. | University of Basel | Faculty |
Meier | Armando | University of Basel | Faculty |
Meinel | Dominik | University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) | Fellow |
Meneguzzo | Marco | Università della Svizzera italiana | Faculty |
Merten | Sonja | University of Basel | Faculty |
Meystre | Stéphane | University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) | Faculty |
Michel | Gisela | University of Lucerne | Faculty |
Mimra | Wanda | Fellow | |
Mohler-Kuo | Meichun | HES-SO, University of Zurich | Faculty |
Monod | Stéfanie | University of Lausanne | Faculty |
Moore | Sarah | University of Basel | Faculty |
Morese | Rosalba | Università della Svizzera italiana | Fellow |
Moretti | Diego | University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) | Faculty |
Motamed | Sandrine | University of Geneva | Fellow |
Muka | Taulant | Fellow | |
Mäser | Pascal | University of Basel | Faculty |
Mäusezahl | Daniel | University of Basel | Faculty |
Müller Chabloz | Yolanda | University of Lausanne | Faculty |
Müller | Pie | University of Basel | Faculty |
Müller | Alain | University of Basel | Faculty |
Naef | Rahel | University of Zurich | Faculty |
Nanchen | David | University of Lausanne | Faculty |
Negro | Francesco | University of Geneva | Faculty |
Neumayr | Andreas | University of Basel | Faculty |
Neuner-Jehle | Stefan | University of Zurich | Faculty |
Nguyen | Vinh-Kim | IHEID Geneva | Fellow |
Nicca | Dunja | University of Basel | Faculty |
Niedermann Schneider | Karin | Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) | Faculty |
Nordmann | Alain | University of Basel | Faculty |
Nordström | Karin | Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) | Faculty |
Obrist | Brigit | University of Basel | Emeritus |
Odermatt | Peter | University of Basel | Faculty |
Oppliger Goudet | Anne | University of Lausanne | Faculty |
Origgi | Francesco | University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) | Faculty |
Ort | Alexander | University of Lucerne | Fellow |
Paccaud | Fred | University of Lausanne | Emeritus |
Pacheco Barzallo | Diana | University of Lucerne | Faculty |
Paris | Daniel | University of Basel | Faculty |
Pedrazzani | Carla | University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) | Fellow |
Pehlke-Milde | Jessica | Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) | Faculty |
Pellegrini | Sonia | Obsan | Fellow |
Peng-Keller | Simon | University of Zurich | Faculty |
Perneger | Thomas | University of Geneva | Emeritus |
Perret | Claudio | University of Lucerne | Faculty |
Pestoni | Giulia | University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) | Fellow |
Peter | Claudio | Obsan | Fellow |
Petignat | Patrick | University of Geneva | Faculty |
Peytremann-Bridevaux | Isabelle | University of Lausanne | Faculty |
Pfister | Riccardo | University of Geneva | Faculty |
Pfister | Andreas | Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) | Faculty |
Pica | Giovanni | Università della Svizzera italiana | Faculty |
Pittet | Didier | University of Geneva | Emeritus |
Pittet | Valérie | University of Lausanne | Faculty |
Pluschke | Gerd | University of Basel | Emeritus |
Podmore | Clara | University of Fribourg | Fellow |
Pomar | Léo | HES-SO | Faculty |
Pons-Vignon | Nicolas | University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) | Faculty |
Previtali | Adriano | University of Fribourg | Faculty |
Probst-Hensch | Nicole | University of Basel | Faculty |
Probst | Sebastian | HES-SO | Faculty |
Puhan | Milo | University of Zurich | Faculty |
Pühse | Uwe | University of Basel | Faculty |
Quednow | Boris B. | University of Zurich | Faculty |
Raab | Anja | Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH) | Faculty |
Radtke | Thomas | University of Zurich | Faculty |
Rapiti | Elisabetta | University of Geneva | Faculty |
Ray | Nicolas | University of Geneva | Faculty |
Riggi | Emilia | University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) | Fellow |
Rodella Sapia | Mirjam | University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) | Fellow |
Rodondi | Nicolas | University of Bern | Fellow |
Rodondi | Pierre-Yves | University of Fribourg | Faculty |
Rohrmann | Sabine | University of Zurich | Faculty |
Ross | Amanda | University of Basel | Faculty |
Rotondi | Valentina | University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) | Faculty |
Rousson | Valentin | University of Lausanne | Faculty |
Rubinelli | Sara | University of Lucerne | Faculty |
Ruggia | Luciano | University of Bern | Fellow |
Ruiz De Castañeda | Rafael | University of Geneva | Fellow |
Röösli | Martin | University of Basel | Faculty |
Rühli | Frank Jakobus | University of Zurich | Faculty |
Sabariego | Carla | University of Lucerne | Faculty |
Sala Defilippis | Tiziana | University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) | Fellow |
Salathé | Marcel | EPFL | Faculty |
Santos-Eggimann | Brigitte | University of Lausanne | Emeritus |
Santos | Joseph | University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) | Fellow |
Saraceno | Benedetto | University of Geneva | Fellow |
Schindler | Christian | University of Basel | Emeritus |
Schlagenhauf-Lawlor | Patricia | University of Zurich | Faculty |
Schmidt-Trucksäss | Arno | University of Basel | Faculty |
Schmitt | Kai-Uwe | Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH) | Faculty |
Schnyder | Ulrich | University of Zurich | Emeritus |
Schnyder | Manuela | University of Zurich | Faculty |
Scholz | Urte | University of Zurich | Faculty |
Schopper | Doris | University of Geneva | Emeritus |
Schrenzel | Jacques | University of Geneva | Faculty |
Schulze | Marion | University of Basel | Faculty |
Schwenkglenks | Matthias | University of Basel | Faculty |
Seematter-Bagnoud | Laurence | University of Lausanne | Faculty |
Sendi | Pedram | University of Basel | Faculty |
Senn | Nicolas | University of Lausanne | Faculty |
Simon | Michael | University of Basel | Faculty |
Simos | Jean | University of Geneva | Faculty |
Smith | Thomas A. | University of Basel | Emeritus |
Soldini | Emiliano | University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) | Fellow |
Soom Ammann | Eva | Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH) | Faculty |
Spaar | Anne | BAG | Fellow |
Spencer | Brenda | University of Lausanne | Emeritus |
Spini | Dario | University of Lausanne | Faculty |
Sprumont | Dominique | University of Neuchâtel | Faculty |
Staub | Kaspar | University of Zurich | Faculty |
Steffen | Thomas | Public Health Schweiz | Fellow |
Steinmann | Peter | University of Basel | Faculty |
Stephan | Roger | University of Zurich | Faculty |
Stoll | Beat | University of Geneva | Emeritus |
Stoyanov | Jivko | University of Lucerne | Faculty |
Stucki | Gerold | University of Lucerne | Faculty |
Suggs | L. Suzanne | Università della Svizzera italiana | Faculty |
Suris | Joan-Carles | University of Lausanne | Emeritus |
Szucs | Thomas | University of Basel, University of Zurich | Faculty |
Taeymans | Jan | Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH) | Faculty |
Taffé | Patrick | University of Lausanne | Faculty |
Tanner | Marcel | University of Basel | Emeritus |
Tediosi | Fabrizio | University of Basel | Faculty |
Thumann | Gabriele | University of Geneva | Faculty |
Tonolla | Mauro | University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) | Emeritus |
Torgerson | Paul R | University of Zurich | Faculty |
Utzinger | Jürg | University of Basel | Faculty |
Valsangiacomo | Claudio | University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) | Faculty |
van der Horst | Klazine | Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH) | Faculty |
van Eeuwijk | Piet | University of Basel | Faculty |
van Holten | Karin | Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH) | Faculty |
Vayena | Effy | ETH Zürich | Fellow |
Vernez | David | University of Lausanne | Faculty |
Vicedo-Cabrera | Ana Maria | University of Bern | Fellow |
Vienneau | Danielle | University of Basel | Faculty |
Voirol | Christian | HES-SO | Faculty |
von Rhein | Michael | University of Zurich | Faculty |
von Wyl | Viktor | University of Zurich | Faculty |
von Wyl | Agnes | Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) | Faculty |
Voss | Till | University of Basel | Faculty |
Vounatsou | Penelope | University of Basel | Faculty |
Walitza | Susanne | University of Zurich | Faculty |
Wallenborn | Jordyn | University of Basel | Fellow |
Wasserfallen | Jean-Blaise | University of Lausanne | Emeritus |
Wegrzyk Masset | Jennifer | HES-SO | Faculty |
Weisser | Maja | University of Basel | Faculty |
Weisstanner | David | University of Lucerne | Faculty |
Wellens | Nathalie | HES-SO | Faculty |
Widmer | Marcel | Obsan | Fellow |
Wieber | Frank | Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) | Faculty |
Wieser | Simon | Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) | Faculty |
Winkler | Mirko | University of Basel | Faculty |
Witt | Claudia | University of Zurich | Faculty |
Wyss | Kaspar | University of Basel | Faculty |
Zemp-Stutz | Elisabeth | University of Basel | Emeritus |
Zinsstag | Jakob | University of Basel | Faculty |
Zumofen | Raphaël | HES-SO | Fellow |
Zúñiga | Franziska | University of Basel | Faculty |