Honorary Fellows

Honorary Fellows are honored for their excep­tional career and achie­vements in the field of public health both in terms of research and training.

SSPH+ Honorary Fellow 2024

  • Monika Bütler

    Monika Bütler

    Monika Bütler, a Swiss economist, was Director of the Swiss Institute for Empirical Economic Research (SEW) at the University of St. Gallen and has been an honorary professor of economic policy there since her retirement. She is a member of the Bank Council of the Swiss National Bank (SNB) and a member of the Board of Directors of Huber+Suhner, Schindler Holding and Swiss Life. She was named one of the ten most influential economists in Switzerland. Her main scientific work has been in the fields of demography and ageing, labour market and social insurance as well as political economy, with several intersections with public health relevant research. During the pandemic, she chaired the Covid-19 National Science Task Force’s group of economic experts.

  • Henri Bounameaux

    Henri Bounameaux

    Henri Bounameaux was born in 1953 in Liège (Belgium), did his primary and secondary education in Congo (Zaire), and his medical degrees in Basel. Specialist in internal Medicine and Angiology, his research was dedicated on prevention, diagnosis and treatment of veinous thromboembolism and pulmonary embolism. As Dean of the Faculty of medicine at the University of Geneva he created in 2014 the Institute of Global Health and continuously supported the Swiss School of Public Health (SSPH+). He was elected in 2020 as President of SAMS where he constantly promoted the domain of public health.

SSPH+ Honorary Fellows 2023

  • Ursula Zybach

    Ursula Zybach

    After her master degree in food sciences and technology at the Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich (ETHZ), Ursula worked in public health sciences at the University of Basel. As member of the management team of the Swiss Cancer League she enhanced cancer prevention and early detection. Ursula was President of the Swiss Society for Public Health (2009-2022) where she strengthened the collaboration between the Public Health Society and SSPH+. Most important is the joint leadership of the annual Swiss Public Health Conference. Among other things she is member of the community council in Spiez, president Spitex canton of Berne and member of the national foundation IdéeSport. As a member and former president of the parliament of the canton of Berne she is a strong promoter of evidence-based public health-oriented policy making.

  • Olivier Guillod

    Olivier Guillod

    Olivier, retired in 2021, was the Director of the Institute of Health Law of the University of Neuchâtel. He was a member of the SSPH+ Foundation Board from 2008-2021. Among many other distinctions, we name the following ones: Member of the National Ethics Commission (2001-2013), Dean of the Faculty of Law (October 2003-October 2005), individual member of the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences (since 2008), President of the Cantonal Addictions Commission in Neuchâtel (2008-2013), Vice-Rector of the University of Neuchâtel (2016-2020), Member of the Agency Council of Swissmedic (2015-). On November 11, 2022, Olivier was awarded the Walther Hug Prize.

SSPH+ Honorary Fellows 2022

  • Yvonne Willems Cavalli

    Yvonne Willems Cavalli

    Yvonne Willems Cavalli has been a leading figure in the field of nursing at the national level. Specialized as cancer nurse, she has served for 15 years as Director of nursing at EOC (the Ticino’s public hospitals), as vice-president of Swiss nurse leaders, as first scientific director of the SUPSI Master of science in nursing and as certified trainer of the program “Re-Igniting the Spirit of Care”. She is the current president of the association APN-CH (Advance Practice Nurse).

  • Ilona Kickbusch

    Ilona Kickbusch

    Ilona Kickbusch is known throughout the world for her expertise. She is the founding director and chair of the Global Health Centre at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva. She has had a distinguished career with the World Health Organization and Yale University. The Lancet has profiled her as global health reformer. She has been awarded the Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany (Bundesverdienstkreuz).

SSPH+ Honorary Fellow 2020

  • Ruth Dreifuss

    Former Federal Councillor (1993-2002), Head of the Federal Department of Home Affairs. Her most important achievements included the introduction of the Federal Act on Health Insurance (1994-1996), the tenth AHV revision (1997) and the preparations for its eleventh revision.

SSPH+ Honorary Fellows 2019

  • Marcel Tanner

    Former President of the SSPH+ Foundation Board (2013-2017), former Director of the Swiss TPH, President of Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT), President of the R. Geigy-Stiftung as well as mandates from WHO

  • Thomas Zeltner

    Former Secretary of Health of Switzerland and Professor of Public Health at the University of Bern, Deputy Chair of the University Council of the Medical University of Vienna, Visiting Scientist at the Harvard School of Public Health, “Sonderbotschafter” WHO as well as Honorary Professor at ISPM Bern

SSPH+ Honorary Fellow 2018

  • Charles Kleiber

    State Secretary SERI from 1997 to 2007

SSPH+ Honorary Fellows 2017

  • Gianfranco Domenighetti

    Founder of the Summer School Lugano, the former Université d’été en Administration et Gestion des Services Sanitaires, UDEASS

  • Alberto Holly

    Director of the Network Health Economics from 2002 to 2005 and Member of SSPH+ School Board from 2005-2008

  • Piero Martinoli

    SSPH+ Board Member 2008-2015

SSPH+ Honorary Fellows 2016

  • Ursula Ackermann-Liebrich

    Academic Director SSPH+ 2005-2008

  • Gilles de Weck

    Financial Director SSPH+ 2005-2008

  • Fred Paccaud

    Director SSPH+ 2009-2013

  • Charlotte Braun-Fahrländer

    Co-Director SSPH+ 2012-2013, and Director SSPH+ 2013-2014

  • Philippe Chastonay

    Co-Director SSPH+ 2013-2014

  • Felix Gutzwiller

    President SSPH+ Foundation Board 2008-2012