SSPH+ Annual Meeting 2024


at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) in Winterthur on 7-8 May 2024 from 12:30-12:30.

A snap shot from the Annual Meeting - click to more pictures

Day 1 / 7 May 2024

Let us know your feedback to the Annual Meeting here.

11:15-12:30IGC Academic Board MeetingAudience: Upon Invitation
A113:15-14:00Introduction and New SSPH+ InitiativesAudience: All
Keynote/Moderation: SSPH+ Directorate
B14:00-15:00Parallel Sessions B
B114:00-15:00How Can SSPH+ Support Digisanté Advancing Digital Transformation of Healthcare?In November 2023 the Federal Council approved the Digisanté roadmap to improve the digital transformation of the Swiss health system. Over 10 years until 2034, the Digisante roadmap forsees concrete actions to improve interoperability, data access, and coordination within the health system. Digisanté also offers different platforms and channels for health system actors to get involved and stay informed. This workshop will introduce Digisanté and its planned activities and will explore how SSPH+ can support Digisanté. Audience: All interested
Keynote/Moderation: Gian-Reto Grond (Bundesamt für Gesundheit BAG)
B214:00-15:00Promoting Awareness and Prevention of Sports-Related Concussion (SRC) in Swiss AdolescentsMild Traumatic Brain Injury, commonly referred to as concussion, is one of the most frequent injuries in children and adolescents. Different strategies have been proposed to prevent Sports-Related Concussion (SRC) in contact sports, including technical, policy, economic, and communication and education strategies. However, in Switzerland, there is currently no nationwide prevention strategy in place. Therefore, we are establishing a group of experts from various fields, as well as representatives from sports and politics to develop a national strategy to increase awareness, knowledge, and work out a prevention strategy regarding SRC in Swiss children and adolescents. This workshop will highlight insights from stakeholder interviews and literature research on mild traumatic brain injury, setting the grounds for interdisciplinary discussions. There will be brainstorming breakout sessions in small groups, that will focus on awareness, counselling, and educational strategies for children, adolescents, and their parents, as well as experiences from other examples of prevention and management. Audience: All interested
Keynote/Moderation: Oliver Grübner & Chantal Lüdi
B314:00-15:00SSPH+ Journals: Current Challenges and Future PlansThe objective of this session is to discuss various current challenges and opportunities in the scientific publishing sector that are relevant to the SSPH+ journals. The discussions will be hosted by the journals’ Editors-in-Chief and Managing Editor, plus guests from the publisher. The outcomes of the discussion groups will shape the journals’ strategies and will be of direct relevance to the SSPH+ community.Audience: All interested
Keynote/Moderation: Christopher Woodrow & Nino Künzli
B414:00-15:00Public Health Pre-Grad Programs in Switzerland: the IN-PHASE Harmonization ProjectThis workshop is centred on harmonization of public health training and education across SSPH+ affiliated academic institutions. The focus is on training needs in public health to underscore the importance of collaborative efforts in enhancing the quality of education in public health. Specifically, the workshop will discuss the foundations of a robust framework for the ongoing assessment of traninig needs, which is crucial to facilitate the adaptation of teaching methodologies and content that meets changing demands and promotes a culture of continuous improvement and innovation in public health education at the pre-graduate level. Audience: All interested
Keynote/Moderation: Emiliano Albanese, Rafael Ruiz de Castañeda & Colleagues
B514:00-15:00IGC Students MeetingWelcome of new IGC students / update on IGC / congratulations to new IGC alumni / student representatives / IJPH: young researcher editorials / postdoc/alumni activities / what’s cooking? Audience: IGC PhD Students, new IGC Alumni
15:00-15:30COFFEE BREAK - 30'
C15:30-16:30Career Coaching Event: Career DevelopmentDo you know what your next step is career-wise?, What does success mean for you?, Are you actively managing your professional reputation to make sure you get there? Find out more in a slightly quirky look at career choices, targeting communication and subtle self-promotion in a changing world.Audience: All
Keynote/Moderation: Carl Emerson
D16:30-17:15Developing an SSPH+ Initiative For Student Mental Health Audience: Julia Dratva, Marcel Salathé & Georg Bauer
17:15-17:30BIO BREAK - 15'
E17:30-18:15Children's Rights in HealthcareThe right to participation of children in healthcare is defined and anchored by a legal framework on various levels. However, current practice doesn`t fully comply with these requirements in Switzerland. Barriers include legal, policy-based, and healthcare aspects. This session aims to present and discuss the participation of children and adolescents in healthcare, looking at very different diagnoses and settings (acute, chronic, light/heavy mental health diseases). This session will explore capacities and constraints that facilitate or hinder the participation of children and adolescents in healthcareAudience: All
Keynote/Moderation: Sandra Hotz & Colleagues
E217:30-18:30Introducing the SSPH+ Post-Doc Group!The SSPH+ Post-Doc Group is intended for “individuals who holds a PhD (up to 8 years after its completion) and who is affiliated with an SSPH+ university or institution or in the team of an SSPH+ faculty member". Post-Docs are often under-represented or supported in the SSPH+ network. The purpose of the SSPH+ Post-Doc Group is to provide relevant support and opportunities for Post-Docs. This workshop is designed to help shape and formalize the core pillars of the Post-Doc Group, namely; professional development workshops, networking events, research collaboration and career development research and support. Audience: PhD Students and Post-Docs
Keynote/Moderation: Flaka Siqeca & Colleagues
18:30-19:30ApéroAudience: All
19:30Dinner and Celebration of SSPH+ Honorary Fellows 2024Audience: Invited persons


Day 2 / 8 May 2024

Let us know your feedback to the Annual Meeting here.

F08:30-09:00Contribution by ZHAWAudience: All
Keynote/Moderation: Andreas Gerber-Grote & Simon Wieser
G09:00-10:00Parallel Sessions GAudience: All
G109:00-10:00The Public Health Academic Ranking (PHAR) As evidenced by the withdrawal of renowned American universities from ranking systems, we are at a turning point in research assessment. Given the demand for a valid ranking, our team designed and pilot tested a bibliometric ranking for schools of Public Health, The PHAR. The PHAR has two main highlights: the top ten ranks include schools from many geographical locations, there are surprising apparitions in the top five ranks. This project made it possible to highlight “virtual schools” of public health (e.g. SPPH+), and is intended to discuss the methodology of ranking systems and the future improvements in this area. Audience: All interested
Keynote/Moderation: Christopher Woodrow & Adeline Dugerdil
G209:00-10:00Smarter Health-Care: Sketching Out Researchers Needs The workshop is tailored specifically to researchers. Its objectives are to introduce the initiative and present insights from the National Research Program (NRP-74) and the Swiss Learning Health System (SLHS), as well as preliminary findings from interviews with practitioners and decision-makers to reflect on and discern researchers' needs and possible contributions within SSPH+ to the platform.Audience: All interested
Keynote/Moderation: Sarah Mantwill & Manuela Oetterli
G309:00-10:00Developing an SSPH+ Initiative For Student Mental Health Poor mental health, psychological distress and mental health disorders in young people are a major public health topic, also in Switzerland. “Emerging adulthood”, spanning from 18 – 29 years, is considered a vulnerable time period with many transitions and expectations to manage. It is also the period in life of educational attainment, access to job market, and social and family setting. Pre- and post-grad university students, including PhD candidates, belong to this vulnerable age group, and many of their challenges are related to the specific academic expectations and environment. Universities carry a responsibility for providing healthy educational environments. A public health response is needed, whereby policy action and interventions aimed at reducing the burden of poor mental health are rooted in good quality epidemiological data. Audience: All interested
Keynote/Moderation: Julia Dratva & Emiliano Albanese
G409:00-10:00Career Coaching Event: Storytelling for ImpactHave you struggled to communicate an important message clearly with impact?, Do you envy those raconteurs who can hold an audience with colourful tales?, Do you want to be learn the keys to be effective in storytelling? This workshop will look at what is necessary to create an effective story, introduce the different types of story and if there is interest, indulge in a little playful storytelling as a group activity to hone your skills.Audience: All interested
Keynote/Moderation: Carl Emerson
G509:00-10:00Community Health at the Intersection of Individual and Public HealthCommunity health offers a promising framework to strengthen both public health and individual health care. It focuses on participatory, inclusive public health and healthcare delivery tailored to local populations with their needs and resources. This workshop will explore the potential of community health in addressing specific challenges, discuss strategies for SSPH+ and its members to enhance research and outreach in community health and explore next steps for strengthening the community health approach. Audience: All interested
Keynote/Moderation: Marc Höglinger & Andreas Gerber-Grote
10:00-10:30COFFEE BREAK - 30'
H10:30-11:15Prevention and Health Promotion: Outreaching a Large PublicPrevention is one of the best ways to build a resilient society in the face of the many existing challenges: an ageing population, the consequences of climate change, migration due to armed conflict, shortages of healthcare personnel and healthcare costs. How can we reach the widest possible audience? This session will present two initiatives, one aimed at healthcare professionals, the other at the general public, with the same objective of raising awareness of the importance of prevention.Audience: All
Keynote/Moderation: Antoine Flahault, Thomas Mattig & Fabienne Amstad
I11:15-11:45Contribution by HES-SOAudience: All
Keynote/Moderation: HES-SO Representatives
J11:45-12:15Designing Programmes and Interventions for Impact from the Outset: Basic FrameworkAs the global financial, economic, social, environmental, political, technological and health crises deepen and become complex, funders are increasingly eliciting for projects and interventions that demonstrate impact. The value of programs and interventions is increasingly coming under scrutiny, researchers and implementers often find themselves confronted by the need to demonstrate impact. Evaluations done often lack the methodological robustness to inform further action of determining to what extent observed changes in the outcome are attributed to the intervention leading to black box impact evaluation. This session highlights the importance of designing programs and interventions to capture impact from the outset by proposing a simplified framework. Audience: All
Keynote/Moderation: Janet Michel
K12:15-12:30Wrap Up and OutlookAudience: All