SSPH+ has taken actions in order to help Switzerland to deal with COVID-19.

COVID-19 SSPH+ Platform

Federal and cantonal authorities are under great pressure to make the right decisions. In order to assist the linking of scientific public health expertise with questions and needs of the crisis management, SSPH+ launched the COVID-19 SSPH+ Platform on 20 March 2020. The platform accommodates the flow of expertise, questions and answers between the science community and public leaders, in particular the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH). The platform is open to all researchers and public agencies, but closed to the public and the media. Relevant literature reports are published here.

To request onboarding, send an email (name, affiliation, expertise and email) to

COVID-19 SSPH+ Platform

Swiss National COVID-19 Science Task Force

The Swiss National COVID-19 Science Task Force is a national scientific advisory board set up specifically for the COVID-19 pandemic, consisting also of SSPH+ Faculty members. The Expert Groups of the Swiss National COVID-19 Science Task Force address urgent issues regarding the COVID-19 crisis in Policy Briefs. See here.

ASPHER's novel COVID-19 outbreak resources

The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER) established a COVID-19 Task Force and shares communications and information coming from member schools in both English and local languages - specific to COVID-19 as well as relevant best practices in general for infectious disease outbreak emergencies on ASPHER's novel COVID-19 outbreak resources webpage.

Corona Immunitas

In order to receive as quickly as possible clarity about the extent of the spread of the corona virus in Switzerland, the SSPH+ community has launched a program to determine corona immunity in Switzerland. The results should serve as a basis for politicy-making, in particular regarding the continuation or easing of the emergency. The aim is a public-private partnership between companies, private donors, the federal government and the cantons.

Initiated and led by the team of Prof. Milo Puhan, Director EBPI, the project is a collaboration of key leaders of the national SSPH+ network.

Kompetenznetz Public Health zu COVID-19

Das Kompetenznetz Public Health zu COVID-19 ist ein Ad hoc-Zusammenschluss von über 25 wissenschaftlichen Fachgesellschaften aus dem Bereich Public Health, die hier ihre, methodische, epidemiologische, statistische, sozialwissenschaftliche und (bevölkerungs-)medizinische Fachkenntnis bündeln. Gemeinsam vertreten wir mehrere Tausend Wissenschaftler*innen aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Die inhaltlichen Produkte werden in den verschiedenen Arbeitsgruppen erstellt. Die Ergebnisse finden Sie hier.

COVID-19 music

  • It’s in Your Hands - the official song for the World Hand Hygiene Day (with Didier Pittet, HUG, UniGE, WHO)