Alumni of the SSPH+ Inter-university Graduate Campus with the SSPH+ Certificate in Public Health

(PPH: with certificate of former SSPH+ PhD Program in Public Health)


  • Fischer, Fabienne
    The Epidemiology of Legionnaires’ Disease in Switzerland: a Re-emerging Disease
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Daniel Mäusezahl)
  • Jent, Sandra
    Quality of Outcomes in Dietitian-led Nutrition Care for Irritable Bowel Syndrome
    University Zürich
    (Supervisors: Prof. Gerhard Rogler, Prof. Klazine Van der Horst)
  • Looser, Vera Nina
    Physical Activity, Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Neurophysiological correlates of Memory in Young Adults
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Markus Gerber)
  • Morisod Kevin
    Health Equity Challenges for Forced Migrants in the COVID-19 Pandemic
    University Lausanne
    (Supervisor: Prof. Patrick Bodenmann)
  • Shrikhande, Shreya 
    Climate Change and Cardiovascular Diseases in India and South Africa: Impacts, Perceptions and Policy Responses
    University Basel
    (Supervisor : Prof. Martin Röösli)
  • Taji Heravi, Ala 
    Meta-Research to Improve the Planning and Reporting of Randomized Clinical Trials
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Matthias Briel)
  • Vidonscky Lüthold, Renata
    Exploring Different Aspects Related to Making and Implementing Deprescribing Decisions in Primary Care Settings
    University Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Nicolas Rodondi)
  • Wagner, Cornelia
    Life Course Socioeconomic Determinants of Inequalities in Multimorbidity and Mortality
    University Fribourg
    (Supervisors: Dr. Cristian Carmeli, PD Dr. Stéphane Cullati)


  • Asangbeh, Serra 
    Comprehensive Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control for Women living with HIV: Opportunities for Programme Improvement and Scale-up in Sub-Saharan Africa.
    University Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Julia Bohlius)
  • Babington-Ashaye, Awa 
    Tackling Disease Education Gaps of People with Haemophilia and Obligate Carriers in Sub-Saharan Africa through the Design and Implementation of an Original Artificial Intelligence (AI) Conversational Agent
    University Geneva
    (Supervisor: Prof. Antoine Geissbühler)
  • Bytyci Katanolli, Ariana 
    The Longitudinal Effects of Health System Strengthening Interventions on the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases in Kosovo: a Cohort Approach
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Nicole Probst-Hensch
  • Cheng, Mengling 
    Socioeconomic Determinants and Evolution of Health over the Later Life Course: Longitudinal Evidence from China, the U.S., and Europe
    University Lausanne
    (Supervisor: Prof. Dario Spini)
  • Cottler-Casanova, Sara 
    Measuring Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting in Switzerland: From Indirect Prevalence Estimates to Swiss University Hospital Data
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Elisabeth Zemp-Stutz
  • Dhokotera, Tafadzwa Gladys 
    Leveraging Real World Data to understand the Epidemiology of Cervical Cancer in Women living with HIV in South Africa
    University Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Julia Bohlius)
  • Firima, Emmanuel Bari-mm-me 
    Improving Community-based Care for Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension in Lesotho
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Niklaus Labhardt)
  • Gonzalez, Flor Lucia 
    Towards improved Knowledge and Optimization of Health Care for Non-communicable Diseases in Lesotho
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Nikaus Labhardt)
  • Hamza, Tasnim 
    Flexible Generic Framework for Evidence Synthesis in Health Technology Assessment
    University Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Giorgia Salanti)
  • Hauser, Christoph 
    Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Obesity-Related Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Cognitive Abilities during Childhood Development: The EXAMIN YOUTH Follow-up Study
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Henner Hanssen)
  • Hierink, Fleur 
    The Winding Road to Health: Geographic Accessibility Modelling to Support Health System Optimization and Disease Estimates in Low- and Middle-income Countries.
    University Geneva
    (Supervisor: Prof. Nicolas Ray)
  • Lazo Porras, Maria de los Angeles 
    Applied Methods to Promote Sustainability and Scalability of Complex Interventions
    University Geneva
    (Supervisor: Prof. David Beran)
  • Lepere, Philippe 
    Achieving the HIV Treatment Targets in the Era of Digital Health: the Promises and Challenges of mHealth
    University Geneva
    (Supervisor : Prof. Alexandra Calmy)
  • Le Pogam, Marie-Annick 
    Secondary Use of Routinely Collected Health Data to Inform Improvement in Clinical Care and Patient Safety in the Swiss Older Population
    University Lausanne
    (Supervisor: Prof. Bernard Burnand)
  • Luini, Cecilia 
    Three Essays on Health Systems Response to Epidemiologic Crises and Trends
    Università della Svizzera italiana
    (Supervisors : Prof. Marco Meneguzzo, Prof. Stefano Calciolari)
  • Muratalieva, Elvira 
    Global Guidelines to Prevent and Manage Non-communicable Diseases and Their Influence to Strengthen the Primary Health Care System in Kyrgyzstan
    University Geneva
    (Supervisor : Prof. Mathieu Nendaz)
  • Oña Macias, Ana Lucia 
    The Health-income Gap: To what Extent does Income Explain Health Disparities in People with Spinal Cord Injury?
    University Lucerne
    (Supervisor: Assist. Prof. Diana Pacheco Barzallo)
  • Onovo, Amobi 
    Geographical Disparities in HIV Seroprevalence and Community-led Index Partner Testing Services among Key Population and their Partners Living with HIV in Nigeria
    University Geneva
    (Supervisor: Prof. Olivia Keiser)
  • Ouaijan, Krystel 
    Prevalence of Malnutrition in Lebanese Hospitals, Recognition and Impact on Right to Health
    University Geneva
    (Supervisor: Prof. Emmanuel Kabengele)
  • Pannen, Sarah Theresa 
    Development and Validation of a Semiquantitative Web-Based Food Frequency Questionnaire Optimized for Dietary Assessment of Adults in Switzerland
    University Zürich
    (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Sabine Rohrmann)
  • Quiroga Gutierrez, Ana 
    Health Insurance Literacy and Decision Support: Empowering Informed Choices in Switzerland
    University Lucerne
    (Supervisor: Prof. Stefan Boes)
  • Sadeghimehr, Maryam 
    Comprehensive Disease Models and Cost-effectiveness Studies of Hepatitis C virus
    University Geneva
    (Supervisor: Prof. Olivia Keiser, Dr Janne Estill)
  • Saito, Hiroki 
    Promotion of Hand Hygiene and Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) in Japan through Implementation of the WHO Guideline on Core Components of IPC Programmes
    University Geneva
    (Supervisor: Prof. Didier Pittet)
  • Salvador, Dante 
    Diabetes mellitus: associations with atherosclerosis, myocardial fibrosis, and implications for heart failure
    University Bern
    (Supervisors : Prof. Muka Taulant, Dr. Bano Arjola)
  • Sarki, Mahesh 
    Understanding Cascade Testing and Health Behaviors in Families with Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer or Lynch Syndrome-Associated Variants: The Swiss CASCADE Cohort
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Maria Katapodi)
  • Schläpfer, Sonja 
    Tech-Enhanced Self-Care: Behavior Change in the Digital Health Era
    University Zürich
    (Supervisor : PD Dr. phil. Jürgen Barth)
  • Shoman, Yara 
    Burnout: Definition, Assessment and Causal Deteminants
    University Lausanne
    (Supervisor : Prof. Irina Guseva Canu)
  • Sieber, Chloé 
    Mobile Health Tool Implementation for Multiple Sclerosis in Real World Settings: Opportunities and Challenges
    University Zürich
    (Supervisor : Prof. Viktor von Wyl)
  • Stojanov, Thomas 
    Clinical Prediction Models in Orthopaedics, from Data Collection to Model Development and Validation
    University Basel
    (Supervisor : Prof. Andreas Marc Müller)
  • Thawer, Sumaiyya Gulamraza 
    The Use of Routine Health Facility Data for Malaria Risk Stratification in Mainland Tanzania
    University Basel
    (Supervisors: Dr Emilie Pothin, Prof. Christian Lengeler)
  • Tušl, Martin 
    Examining the Role of Needs-Based Crafting in Promoting Employee Positive Health Development During and Beyond the COVID-19 Crisis: A Salutogenic Approach.
    University Zürich
    (Supervisor: Prof. Georg Bauer)


  • Baumann, Aron (PPH)
    Evidence Use, Capacity, and Perspectives in Policymaking about Public Health and Health Systems: an Investigation with a Focus on Health Administrations and Health Services in Switzerland
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Kaspar Wyss)
  • Bauwens, Jorgen 
    Real-life paediatric immunisation practices and the safety of vaccine co-administrations in children
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Jan Bonhoeffer)
  • Bychkovska, Olena 
    Health Systems for Persons with Spinal Cord Injury
    University Lucerne
    (Supervisor: Prof. Armin Gemperli)
  • Das, Debashish
    Assessment of tools to improve microscopy for the detection of Plasmodium infections in research contexts
    University Geneva
    (Supervisor: Prof. François Chappuis)
  • De Pretto - Lazarova, Angela (PPH)
    Quality in Clinical Trials - A Resource-Limited Settings Perspective
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Christian Burri)
  • Favez, Lauriane 
    Quality indicators and quality improvement processes in Swiss nursing homes: A multi-study research project.
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Franziska Zúñiga
  • Garbazza, Corrado (PPH)
    Sleep and chronotype during pregnancy, and the bright light treatment of perinatal depression
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Nicole Probst-Hensch)
  • Gastens, Viktoria 
    Personalized preventive care and life expectancy among older multimorbid adults
    University Bern
    (Supervisors: Prof. Nicolas Rodondi, Prof. Arnaud Chiolero)
  • Ilic, Anica 
    Understanding Health Information Needs and Behaviors in the Context of Childhood Cancer and COVID-19
    University Lucerne
    (Supervisor: Prof Dr. Gisela Michel)
  • Kieselbach, Berit 
    Childhood exposure to intimate partner violence - a global public health burden
    University Geneva
    (Supervisor: Prof. Thomas Perneger)
  • Kowalska, Malwina 
    Corneal Cross-Linking (CXL) as Treatment for Infectious Keratitis
    University Zürich
    (Supervisor: Prof. Paul Torgerson)
  • Legay, Constance 
    Dietary risk and protective factors of kidney stone formers in Swittzerland
    University Lausanne
    (Supervisor: Prof. Murielle Bochud)
  • Mallet, Maria Christina 
    Epidemiology of childhood cough in Switzerland
    University Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Claudia Kuehni)
  • Martínez González, Nahara 
    Antibiotic prescribing in Swiss primary care patterns, time trends, determinants, prescribing behaviour, and the role of point of care testing
    University Lucerne
    (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Stefan Boes)
  • Marxer, Carole (PPH)
    A series of observational studies focusing on different real world data sources to study health aspects during pregnancy
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Christoph R. Meier, Dr. Julia Spöndlin)
  • Mattle, Michèle (PPH)
    Dance-Based Mind-Motor Activities to Prevent Falls and Prevalence of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior Patterns in Generally Healthy Older Adults
    University Zürich
    (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. med. Heike A. Bischoff-Ferrari)
  • Napierala, Christoph 
    Diagnosis Related Groups and the Provision of Hospital Services – Four Essays in the Context of a Policy Intervention in the Swiss Healthcare System
    University Lucerne
    (Supervisor: Prof. Stefan Boes)
  • Otth, Maria (PPH)
    Pulmonary disease, its risk factors and necessity for long-term follow-up care in childhood cancer survivors
    University Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Claudia Kuehni)
  • Peters, Alexandra 
    Assessment of the role of healthcare environmental hygiene in patient safety and development of a facility-level self-assessment tool
    University Geneva
    (Supervisor: Prof. Didier Pittet)
  • Polonsky, Jonathan 
    Outbreak analytics to inform real-time public health surveillance and response in humanitarian settings
    University Geneva
    (Supervisor: Prof. Laurent Kaiser)
  • Raguindin, Peter Francis 
    Determinants of cardiometabolic health in spinal cord injury
    University Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Taulant Muka)
  • Salikhanov, Islam 
    Palliative care for cancer patients in resource-limited settings of Kazakhstan: implications for cost-effectiveness and health policy
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Maria Katapodi)
  • Saucy, Apolline (PPH)
    Acute cardiovascular mortality in communities surrounding an international airport: triggering effects of aircraft noise, temperature, and air pollution
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Martin Röösli)
  • von Grünigen, Sandrine 
    Handling of cytotoxic drugs and related waste in low and middle-income countries: A toolkit to promote safe handling practices.
    University Geneva
    (Supervisor: Prof. Antoine Geissbühler)
  • Zürcher, Kathrin 
    Tuberculosis among people living with and without HIV in lower-income countries: Transmission, Resistance, Mortality
    University Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Lukas Fenner)


  • Aegerter, Andrea 
    Neck pain and work productivity in office workers: Effectiveness of a multi-component intervention
    University Zürich
    (Supervisors: Prof. Oliver Distler, Prof. Markus Melloh)
  • Ahn Grimm, Pauline Yongeun 
    Interrogating resilience of health systems
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof Kaspar Wyss)
  • Amstutz, Alain (PPH)
    Supporting Lesotho on the way towards the UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets: Operational and clinical research addressing HIV/AIDS care inresource-limited settings
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Dr. Niklaus Labhardt)
  • Bovio, Nicolas (PPH)
    Occupational cancer in Switzerland
    University of Lausanne
    (Supervisor: Prof. Irina Guseva-Canu)
  • Brunner, Nina 
    Treatment seeking and case management for suspected severe malaria in the context of implementing rectal artesunate
    University Basel
  • Chimbetete, Cleophas (PPH)
    HIV drug resistance and third line treatment outcomes in patients failing Protease Inhibitor based second-line antiretroviral therapy in Zimbabwe
    University Geneva
    (Supervisor: Prof. Olivia Keiser)
  • de Ridder, David 
    Geospatial Approaches For Precision Public Health
    University Geneva
    (Supervisor: Prof. Idris Guessous)
  • Ettlin, Lea 
    Conservative management of knee osteoarthritis in Switzerland
    University Lucerne
    (Supervisor: Prof. Dr, Karin Niedermann)
  • Folly, Christophe (PPH)
    Modelling exposure to background ionizing radiation in Switzerland
    University Bern
    (Supervisors: PD Dr. Ben Spycher, Prof. Reinhard Furrer)
  • Galjour, Joshua 
    Chronic political instability and HIV/AIDS response in Guinea-Bissau from 2000 to 2015: The intersections of politics and epidemiology
    University Geneva
    (Supervisor: Prof. Emmanuel Kabengele Mpinga)
  • Gaudet-Blavignac, Christophe 
    HUBBLE – Health Bigdata in the Lemanic Region
    University Geneva
    (Supervisor: Prof. Christian Lovis)
  • Gonzalez Jaramillo, Valentina (PPH)
    End-of-life decisions in patients with heart failure
    University Bern
    (Supervisors: Prof. Steffen Eychmüller, PD Dr. Lukas Hunziker)
  • Hella, Jerry 
    Understanding the Epidemiology and Transmission of Tuberculosis among Adults in Rural and Urban Tanzania
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Lukas Fenner)
  • Hersche, Ruth 
    Patient education in persons with diseases-related fatigue
    University Lucerne
    (Supervisor : Prof. Gisela Michel)
  • Hodel Jsabel 
    Understanding functioning and its complexity in persons with spinal cord injury as a first step towards corresponding prediction modelling
    University Lucerne
    (Supervisors : Prof. Gerold Stucki/Prof. Dr. Birgit Prodinger)
  • Huang, Jianan 
    Service Utilization within Informal Care: Supporting Family Caregivers for Persons with Spinal Cord Injury in Switzerland
    University Lucerne
    (Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Armin Gemperli)
  • Kaboré, Lassané (PPH)
    University Geneva
    Impact of the 13-valent pneumococcal vaccine on Streptococcus pneumoniae carriage, all-cause clinical pneumonia, and invasive pneumococcal disease in Burkina Faso
    (Supervisor: Prof. Alain Gervaix)
  • Kerksieick, Philipp (PPH)
    University Zürich
    Crafting Work, Nonwork and the Boundary Between Them: Individual Strategies for Employee Health and Well-Being
    (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Georg F. Bauer)
  • König, Christa 
    Fever in neutropenia in children undergoing chemotherapy for cancer
    University Bern
    (Supervisors : Prof. Roland Ammann, Prof. Claudia Kuehni)
  • Leuenberger, Andrea (PPH)
    Associations between natural resource extraction projects and social determinants of health in Africa
    University Basel
    (Supervisors: Dr. Mirko Winkler, Prof. Jürg Utzinger)
  • Lisibach, Angela (PPH)
    Development and Validation of Automatic Tools to Improve Adverse Drug Event Management in Hospitalised Older Patients
    University Geneva
    (Supervisor: Prof. Chantal Csajka)
  • Lisman-Broetje, Sylvia (PPH)
    Development and evaluation of an online-based team development intervention to improve occupational health outcomes in nurses
    University Zürich
    (Supervisor: Prof. Georg Bauer)
  • Mannamplackal, Santhosh 
    Essays on healthcare networks: from theory to practice through the Swiss Learning Health System
    Università della Svizzera Italiana
    (Supervisors: Prof. Marco Meneguzzo, Prof. Luca Crivelli, Prof. Stefano Calciolari, Prof. G. Stucki)
  • Mc Cord, Kimberly (PPH)
    The Use of Routinely Collected Data in Clinical Trial Research
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Dr. Lars Hemkens)
  • Mugglin, Catrina (PPH)
    Access to treatment and treatment outcomes among elderly HIV-infected patients in Malawi
    University Bern
    (Supervisors: PD Dr. Olivia Keiser, Prof. Matthias Egger)
  • Mwangi, Kibachio Joseph 
    Reframing Non-Communicable Diseases and Injuries for equity in limited resource settings in the context of Universal Health Coverage in Kenya
    University Geneva
    (Supervisor: Prof. Idris Guessous)
  • Nittas, Vasileios (PPH)
    Digital Health: Using Electronic Patient-Generated Health Data to Facilitate Patient-Centered Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
    University Zürich
    (Supervisors: Prof. Milo Puhan, PD Dr. Margot Mütsch)
  • Ochoa Pereira, Carlos 
    Snakebite: innovative geospatial approaches to epidemiology, risk, vulnerability, and healthcare accessibility for burden reduction in the Terai region of Nepal
    University Geneva
    (Supervisor: Prof. Nicolas Ray)
  • Özcelik, Ranya (PPH)
    Voluntary veterinary-based and community-based surveillance and their application in human and animal health surveillance in Switzerland
    and Chad
    University Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Salome Dürr)
  • Palmeirim, Martha (PPH)
    Improved treatment for the control of soil-transmitted helminthiases : from meta-analysis to clinical trials
    University Basel
    (Supervisor : Prof. Jennifer Keiser)
  • Pradyumna, Adithya 
    Applying health impact assessment to watershed development projects in semi-arid areas in India: identifying prospects for health-sensitive food systems
    University Basel
    (Supervisors: Dr. Mirko Winkler, Prof. Jürg Utzinger)
  • Runge, Manuela (PPH)
    Mathematical modelling of malaria control interventions to support strategic planning in Tanzania
    University Basel
    (Supervisors: Dr. Emilie Pothin, Prof. Christian Lengeler)
  • Schwarz, Joëlle (PPH)
    Family Planning in Burundi: Hegemonic Discourse, Reproductive Navigation and Embodied Experiences in a Fragile Context
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Sonja Merten)
  • Sharma, Narayan 
    INVEstigating Safety Tipping points in Swiss hospitals: assessing the causal effect of capacity utilization on in-hospital mortality using routine data (INVEST)
    University Basel
    (Supervisor : Prof. Michael Simon)
  • Taghavi, Katayoun (PPH)
    Methods of improving visually based cervical screening in low- and middle income countries
    University Bern
    (Supervisor: PD Dr. Julia Bohlius)
  • Tran, Hanh Thi Duc 
    Towards improved detection, prevention and integrated control of scrub typhus in Central Vietnam
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Daniel H. Paris)
  • Vavassori, Laura (PPH)
    Dispersal dynamics and surveillance of the Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) in Switzerland
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Dr. Pie Müller)
  • Waespe, Nicolas (PPH)
    Heritable risk factors for health complications in childhood cancer
    University Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Claudia Kühni)
  • Wagner, Aylin (PPH)
    Advancing Quality Indicators for Home Care in Switzerland
    University Lucerne
    (Supervisors: Prof. Armin Gemperli, Prof. Julia Dratva)
  • Warembourg, Charlotte (PPH)
    Improving control strategies of canine zoonotic diseases: The role of free-roaming dog ecology
    University Bern
    (Supervisors: Prof Gertraud Schüpbach, Prof. Jakob Zinsstag)
  • Wipf, Nadja (PPH)
    Development and field-evaluation of vector surveillance tools for identifying arbovirus circulation, mosquito species and insecticide resistance
    University Basel
    (Supervisor : PD Dr. Pie Müller, Prof. Pascal Mäser)


  • Anker, Daniela (PPH)
    Blood pressure and frailty in older adults: description and prediction from population-based data
    University Bern
    (Supervisors: PD Dr. Arnaud Chiolero, Prof. Marcel Zwahlen)
  • Bänziger, Julia (PPH)
    Psychological long-term consequences for parents of childhood cancer survivors
    University Lucerne
    (Supervisor: Prof. Gisela Michel)
  • Cerletti, Paco (PPH)
    Assessing multifactorial correlates of health-related quality of life in the general Swiss population
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Nicole Probst-Hensch)
  • Counotte, Michel (PPH)
    Zika virus: causality, open science and risk of emerging infectious diseases
    University Bern
    (Supervisors: Prof. Nicola Low, Prof. Julian Higgins)
  • Epure, Adina-Mihaela (PPH)
    Early life determinants of cardiovascular health in children
    University Lausanne
    (Supervisors: PD MER Dr. Arnaud Chiolero, Prof. Nicole Sekarski-Hunkeler)
  • Gysin, Stefan (PPH)
    The Roles and Tasks of Nurse Practitioners in Swiss Family Practices
    University Lucerne
    (Supervisors: Prof. Armin Gemperli, Dr. Stefan Essig)
  • Harju, Erika 
    FROM CARE TO CARING: Steps Toward Implementing Psychological Screening to Improve Follow-Up Care for Childhood Cancer Survivors
    University Lucerne
    (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gisela Michel)
  • Jungo, Katharina Tabea (PPH)
    Optimizing Medication Use in Older Adults with Multimorbidity and Polypharmacy
    University Bern
    (Supervisors: Dr. Sven Streit, Prof. Nicolas Rodondi)
  • Karavasiloglou, Nena (PPH)
    Breast cancer in situ: a brief story of non-invasive lesions
    University Zurich
    (Supervisor: PD Dr. Sabine Rohrmann)
  • Lee, Yew Fong (PPH)
    Innovations in behavioural change and patient safety to improve infection prevention and control– a World Health Organization (WHO) 'Clean care is Safer Care’ Project
    University Geneva
    (Supervisor: Prof. Didier Pittet)
  • Lehmann, Anja (PPH)
    Effects of implementing lean management on psychosocial working conditions and employee health in a healthcare setting
    University Zurich
    (Supervisor: Prof. Georg Bauer)
  • Lona, Giulia (PPH)
    Prospective association of body mass index, blood pressure and physical activity with vascular health in children: The Sportcheck Follow-up Study
    University Basel
    (Supervisors: Prof. Henner Hanssen, Prof. Lukas Zahner)
  • Maritz, Roxanne 
    Strengthening Quality Improvement in Rehabilitation by Standardized Reporting of Functioning Outcomes
    University Lucerne
    (Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Gerold Stucki, Prof. Dr. Birgit Prodinger)
  • Mattli, Renato 
    Scaling up cost-effective physical activity interventions in a culturally diverse setting
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Nicole Probst-Hensch)
  • Mbilo, Céline (PPH)
    Rabies in sub-Sahara Africa: One Health-based surveillance strategy in the Kongo Central province (Democratic Republic of the Congo) and disease transmission in N’Djamena (Chad)
  • University Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Jakob Zinsstag)
  • Ming, Chang 
    Machine Learning and Personalized Breast Cancer Risk Prediction
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Maria Katapodi)
  • Mitter, Vera (PPH)
    Obstetric and perinatal outcomes of women treated for subfertility and children born after in vitro fertilisation
    University Bern
    (Supervisors: Prof. Michael von Wolff, Prof. Marcel Zwahlen)
  • Mozún Torrico, Rebeca (PPH)
    Epidemiology of respiratory health in Swiss schoolchildren: symptoms, risk factors and lung function
    University Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Claudia Kuehni)
  • Müller Chabloz, Yolanda (PPH)
    Prevention of functional decline in elderly patients in family medicine
    University Lausanne
    (Supervisor: PD Dr. Nicolas Senn)
  • Pedersen, Eva Sophie Lunde (PPH)
    Predicting asthma in children
    University Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Claudia Kuehni)
  • Perrin, Caroline 
    Impact assessment of eHealth on maternal and neonatal health outcomes in low resource settings
    University Geneva
    (Supervisor: Prof. Antoine Geissbühler)
  • Pestoni, Giulia (PPH)
    Is Your Plate Good for Your Health? Determinants of Dietary Patterns and Their Association with Health Outcomes
    University Zurich
    (Supervisor: PD Dr. Sabine Rohrmann)
  • Rachamin, Yael 
    Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases in Swiss General Practice
    University Lucerne
    (Supervisor: Prof Stefan Boes)
  • Tomczyk, Sara (PPH)
    Improving the Quality of Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Evidence: An Evaluation of Interventions to Improve Practices and Reduce Health Care-Associated Infections (HAIs)
    University Geneva
    (Supervisor: Prof. Benedetta Allegranzi)
  • Ulyte, Agné (PPH)
    Clinical Practice Guidelines and Geographic Variation in Utilization of Health Care Services in Switzerland
    University Zurich
    (Supervisor: Prof. Holger Dressel)
  • Wang, Jiancong (PPH)
    Epidemiology of healthcare-associated infections and implementation of infection prevention and control in acute care hospitals in Mainland China
    University Geneva
    (Supervisor: Prof. Stephan Harbarth)
  • Wei, Wenjia (PPH)
    Geographic variation in the utilization of health care interventions and the role of clinical recommendations
    University Zurich
    (Supervisors: Prof. Matthias Schwenkglenks, Prof. Holger Dressel)
  • Wildisen, Lea Franziska 
    Subclinical Thyroid Dysfunction & Depressive Symptoms - a Perspective Evaluation and Impact of Levothyroxine Treatment
    University Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Nicolas Rodondi)


  • Aya Pastrana, Nathaly (PPH)
    From policies to interventions: Integrating neglected tropical diseases and gender
    to social marketing
    Università della Svizzera Italiana
    (Supervisor: Prof. Suzanne Suggs)
  • Blum, Steffen (PPH)
    Epidemiology of and risk factors for atrial fibrillation progression
    University Basel
    (Supervisors: Prof. David Conen/ Prof. Stefan Osswald)
  • Bold, Bolor (PPH)
    Burden, cost of disease and optimization of clinical practice of human cystic echinococcosis in Mongolia
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Jakob Zinsstag)
  • Bucher Della Torre, Sophie (PPH)
    Eating habits of shift workers
    University Lausanne
    (Supervisors: Prof. Brigitta Danuser, Prof. Francesca Amati)
  • De Jong, Carmen (PPH)
  • Childhood asthma: from referral to long-term outcomes
    University of Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Claudia Kuehni)
  • Deml, Michael (PPH)
    Understanding Vaccine Hesitancy and Under-Immunization with Childhood and Human Papilloma Virus Vaccines in Switzerland: A Qualitative Study
    University of Basel
    (Supervisors: Prof. Nicole Probst-Hensch, Prof. Claudine Burton-Jeangros)
  • Ehsan, Annahita (PPH)
    Promoting Health through Community Action in Vaud, Switzerland
    University Lausanne
    (Supervisor: Prof. Dario Spini)
  • Fischer, Xenia (PPH)
    Tailored multicomponent intervention for remote physical activity promotion in inactive adults
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Lukas Zahner)
  • Gallay, Joanna (PPH)
    Antimalarial drug concentrations in the blood: a monitoring tool for evaluating population drug usage in relation to diagnosis and treatment environment
    University Basel
    (Supervisors: Prof. Blaise Genton, Prof. Jürg Utzinger)
  • Gnassingbe, Afèignindou (PPH)
    Problématique de la lutte contre les faux médicaments au Togo: état des lieux de l’action publique et élaboration de stratégies alternatives
    University Geneva
    (Supervisor: Prof. Antoine Geissbühler)
  • Gonsalves, Lianne (PPH)
    Understanding the appeal pf pharmacies as points of contraceptive access for young people in Kenya
    University Basel
    (Supervisors: Prof. Jürg Utzinger, Dr. Adriane Martin-Hilber)
  • Halbeisen, Florian (PPH)
    Lung Function and Diagnostics in Patients with Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia
    University Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Claudia Kuehni)
  • Jeong, Ayoung (PPH)
    Elucidation of the role of obesity and air pollution in the asthma etiology in adults
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Nicole Probst-Hensch)
  • Michel, Janet (PPH)
    Towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC) policy-roll out experience in South Africa: How and why policy-practice gaps come about in a UHC context
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: PD Dr. Fabrizio Tediosi)
  • Petrovic, Dusan (PPH)
    Lifecourse socioeconomic differentials in healthy ageing
    University Lausanne
    (Supervisor: Prof. Murielle Bochud)
  • Piaget-Rossel, Romain (PPH)
    Meta-analysis of rare events: the challenge of combining the lack of information
    University Lausanne
    (Supervisor: PD Dr. Patrick Taffé)
  • Riesen, Maurane (PPH)
    Human papillomavirus vaccination in Switzerland: impact, uptake and costs
    University Bern
    (Supervisors: PD Dr. Christian L. Althaus, Prof. Nicola Low)
  • Rodriguez-Rodriguez, Daniela (PPH)
    Epidemiology and control of malaria in Papua New Guinea: from small-scale heterogenity to large-scale surveillance and targeted response
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: PD Dr. Manuel Hetzel)
  • Schusselé Filliettaz, Séverine (PPH)
    Interprofessional collaboration and care integration
    University Lausanne
    (Supervisor: Prof. Isabelle Peytremann-Bridevaux)
  • Shih, Chin-Shui (PPH)
    E-cigarettes: Users profile and stakeholder opinion in Taiwan
    University Geneva
    (Supervisor: Prof. Jean-François Etter)


  • Adam, Salome (PPH)
    Cancer Survivorship Aspects of Prostate, Colorectal and Endometrial Cancer
    Survivors in Germany and the Netherlands
    University Zurich
    (Supervisor: Prof. Sabine Rohrmann)
  • Al-Gobari, Muaamar (PPH)
    Optimization of sudden cardiac death prevention strategies in heart failure patients
    University Lausanne
    (Supervisor: Prof. Bernard Burnand)
  • Backes, Claudine (PPH)
    Solar UV Modelling for skin cancer prevention
    University Lausanne
    (Supervisors: Prof. David Vernez, PD Dr. Jean-Luc Bulliard)
  • Belle-van Sprundel, Fabiën (PPH)
    Dietary intake and overweight in childhood cancer during treatment and survivorship
    University Lausanne
    (Supervisors: Prof. Murielle Bochud, Prof. Claudia Kuehni)
  • Chatelan, Angéline (PPH)
    Dietary intake and nutritional status in Switzerland: a population perspective
    University Lausanne
    (Supervisor: Prof. Murielle Bochud)
  • de Mestral Vargas, Carlos (PPH)
    Determinants of diet in the population, and the contribution of diet to socioeconomic inequalities in cardiometabolic disorders in high-income countries
    University Lausanne
    (Supervisor: Prof. Pedro-Manuel Marques-Vidal)
  • Ewald, Hannah (PPH)
    Meta-epidemiologic consideration of confounding for health care decision making
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Heiner Bucher)
  • Gahl, Brigitta (PPH)
    Issues in the perioperative management of patients undergoing cardiac surgery
    University Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Peter Jüni)
  • Jurca, Maja (PPH)
    Cough in Childhood: Prevalence, Risk Factors and Prognosis
    University Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Claudia Kühni)
  • Kaufmann, Cornel (PPH)
    Four essays in health economics. An empirical analysis of decision-making in the domain of health and health insurance
    University Lucerne
    (Supervisor: Prof. Stefan Boes)
  • Khalatbari-Soltani, Saman (PPH)
    Nutritional status in hospitalized patients: prevalence, determinants and impact on hospital stay, mortality, and costs
    University Lausanne
    (Supervisors: Prof. Gerard Waeber, Prof. Pedro Marques-Vidal)
  • Konstantinoudis, Garyfallos (PPH)
    Analysis of spatial clustering of childhood cancers
    University Bern
    (Supervisor: PD Dr. Ben Spycher)
  • Ladanie, Aviv (PPH)
    Epidemiology and characteristics of clinical trials supporting US FDA approval of novel cancer drugs
    University Basel
    (Supervisors: Dr. Lars G. Hemkens, Prof. Heiner Bucher)
  • Leeger-Aschmann, Claudia (PPH)
    Physical Activity and Fundamental Movement Skills in Three- to Five-Year-Old Children
    University Zürich
    (Supervisor: PD Dr. Susi Kriemler)
  • Liwanag, Harvy Joy (PPH)
    Analyzing the Effectiveness of Decentralization in Improving the Health Sector with a Focus on the Philippines
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Kaspar Wyss)
  • Owusu, Henry Frempong (PPH)
    Insecticide resistance monitoring – a review of current methodology
    University Basel
    (Supervisors: Dr. Pie Mueller, Prof. Marcel Tanner)
  • Renggli, Sabine (PPH)
    Promoting Universal Health Coverage: Towards Improved Health Service Quality and Financial Protection
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Christian Lengeler)
  • Rios-Leyvraz, Magali (PPH)
    Biomonitoring and health consequences of sodium intake in children
    University Lausanne
    (Supervisors: Prof. Arnaud Chiolero, Prof. Pascal Bovet)
  • Ronca, Elias (PPH)
    Utilization and access to healthcare services among community-dwelling people living with chronic spinal cord injury in Switzerland
    University Lucerne
    (Supervisor: Prof. Armin Gemperli)
  • Schmutz, Claudia (PPH)
    Foodborne diseases in Switzerland: understanding the burden of illness pyramid to improve Swiss infectious disease surveillance
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Dr. Daniel Mäusezahl)
  • Schmutz, Einat (PPH)
    Physical Activity Behaviour in Preschool Children
    University Zürich
    (Supervisors: Prof. Milo Puhan, PD Dr. Susi Kriemler)
  • Schneider, Martin (PPH)
    Soins palliatifs et assistance humanitaire d’urgence – Projets spécifiques des organisations humanitaires et vécu des expatriés y engagés
    University Geneva
    (Supervisor: Prof. François Chappuis)
  • Thiam, Sokhna (PPH)
    Spatial analysis of diarrhoea and environmental risk factors in an urban context in Senegal, West Africa
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Guéladio Cissé)
  • Tough, Hannah (PPH)
    Being alone together: Social relationships, mental functioning and wellbeing in couples coping with disabilitiy
    University Lucerne
    (Supervisor: Prof. Armin Gemperli)
  • Yebyo, Henock Gebremedhin (PPH)
    Benefit-Harm Balance Modeling to Redefine Cardiovascular Disease Risk Thresholds for Initiating Statin Use for Primary Prevention: National and Global Perspectives
    University Zürich
    (Supervisor: Prof. Milo Puhan)
  • Zysset, Annina (PPH)
    Motor skills, Cognitive Skills and Executive Functions in Preschool Children
    University Zurich
    (Supervisor: Prof. Oskar Jenni)


  • AlKhaldi, Mohammed (PPH)
    Palestinian Health Research System: Moving Forward
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Marcel Tanner)
  • Amini, Hassan (PPH)
    Air quality in Tehran, Iran: Evaluating acute health effects and modelling the long-term spatial variability
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Nino Küenzli)
  • Bless, Philipp (PPH)
    Epidemiology of campylobacteriosis and acute gastroenteritis from a human and health system’s perspective in Switzerland
    University Basel
    (Supervisors: Dr. Daniel Mäusezahl, Prof. Marcel Tanner)
  • Chamberlain, Jonviea (PPH)
    Estimating an epidemiological indicator of traumatic spinal cord injury in Switzerland
    University Lucerne
    (Supervisor: Prof. Gerold Stucki)
  • Chernet, Afona (PPH)
    Infectious and non-communicable health conditions among newly arrived Eritrean migrants and refugees at arrival and post integration in Switzerland
    University Basel
    (Supervisors: Dr. Niklaus Labhardt, Prof. Nicole Probst-Hensch)
  • Erismann, Séverine (PPH)
    Children’s intestinal parasite and nutritional patterns in face of integrated school garden, nutrition, water, sanitation and hygiene interventions in central Burkina Faso
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Guéladio Cissé)
  • Eze, Ikenna (PPH)
    The role of air pollution in the aetiology of type 2 diabetes
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Nicole Probst-Hensch)
  • Gomes do Carmo, Luis Pedro (PPH)
    Antimicrobial usage in livestock: quantifying, understanding intervening
    University Bern
    (Supervisor: Dr. Ioannis Magouras)
  • Gréa-Krause, Corinna (PPH)
    Health Literacy and Food Choice: From Conceptual Clarification to Empirical Assessment
    University Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Thomas Abel)
  • Güler-Kaya, Aysel (PPH)
    Neighbourhood socioeconomic position, late presentation, and life expectancy in HIV-positive people in Switzerland
    University Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Matthias Egger)
  • Häusler, Nadine (PPH)
    Implications of Population Aging and Resulting Multiple Social Responsibilities on Health Outcomes of the Workforce
    University Zürich
    (Supervisor: Prof. Milo Puhan)
  • Hansen, Sofie (PPH)
    Incidence and Pathways of Gender Differences in Adult Asthma
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Elisabeth Zemp Stutz)
  • Hoxha, Ilir (PPH)
    Associations of caesarean section rates with characteristics of health care systems
    University Bern
    (Supervisors: Prof. Peter Jüni, Prof. David Goodman)
  • Jost, Kerstin (PPH)
    Autonomic control in preterm infants – What we can learn from mathematical descriptions of vital signs
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Sven Schulzke)
  • Kamal, Susan (PPH)
    Adherence to Antiretrovirals among HIV-infected adults in Lausanne, Switzerland
    University Geneva
    (Supervisors: Dr. Marie-Paule Schneider, Prof. Olivier Bugnon)
  • Kanouté, Youssouf (PPH)
    Neglected zoonotic diseases and cross-border livestock movements in northern Côte d’Ivoire: Towards local and regional integrated control
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Dr. Esther Schelling)
  • Kasteler, Rahel (PPH)
    Pulmonary health in Swiss childhood cancer survivors: Burden, risk factors and monitoring
    University Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Claudia Kuehni)
  • Kim Young Eun (PPH)
    Value of investing in neglected tropical diseases: an investment case for the elimination and eradication of onchocericiasis (river blindness)
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: PD Dr. Fabrizio Tediosi)
  • Lingg, Myriam (PPH)
    The regulation, assessment, and management of orthopaedic medical devices in Mexico: Crucial aspects, problems, and steps to improve it
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Kaspar Wyss)
  • Mader, Luzius (PPH)
    Long-term socio-economic consequences after cancer during childhood, teenage, and young adulthood
    University Lucerne
    (Supervisor: Prof. Gisela Michel)
  • Nguyen, Thi Trang Nhung (PPH)
    Air pollution in Hanoi, Vietnam: Evaluating effects on hospital admissions of children
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Nino Küenzli)
  • Salcito, Kendyl (PPH)
    Rights incorporated: integrating human rights impact assessment into global business practices
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Juerg Utzinger)
  • Sundaram, Neisha
    Sociocultural concepts of pandemic influenza and determinants of community vaccine acceptance in Pune, India
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Mitchell Weiss)
  • Usemann, Jakob (PPH)
    Immunological and genetic determinants of pulmonary outcome in school aged children
    University Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Urs Frey)
  • Wang, Jingying (PPH)
    Breastfeeding with Childhood Respiratory Tract Infections, Eczema and Wheeze
    University Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Claudia Kuehni)
  • Weiss, Annette (PPH)
    University Bern
    Hearing impairment after childhood cancer
    (Supervisor: Prof. Claudia Kuehni)


  • Danon-Hersch, Nadia (PPH)
    Nutrition and health in a cohort representative of the general community-dwelling population of Lausanne aged 65 and over
    University of Lausanne
    (Supervisor: Prof. Brigitte Santos-Eggimann)
  • Fuhrimann, Samuel (PPH)
    Health risk assessment along waste water recovery and reuse systems in Kampala, Uganda and Hanoi, Vietnam
    University of Basel
    (Supervisors: Prof. Jürg Utzinger/ Prof. Guéladio Cissé)
  • Goutaki, Myrofora (PPH)
    Epidemiology of Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia
    University of Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Claudia Kuehni)
  • Haas, Andreas (PPH)
    Antiretroviral therapy for prevention of HIV transmission in sub-Saharan Africa
    University of Bern
    (Supervisors: PD Dr. Olivia Keiser, Prof. Matthias Egger)
  • Hofmann, Karen (PPH)
    Social Inequalities in Health and Health Behaviour – Determinants of Health and Health Behaviour in young Swiss Adults
    University of Bern
    (Prof. Thomas Abel)
  • Knaier, Raphael (PPH)
    Influence of light on exercise performance in athletes and overweight individuals
    (Supervisor: Prof. Arno Schmidt-Trucksäss)
    University of Basel
  • Lasserre, Aurélie (PPH)
    When the heart aches: Atypical features in depression are a hallmark of an increased cardio-metabolic risk
    University of Lausanne
    (Supervisor: Prof. Martin Preisig)
  • Luta, Xhyljeta (PPH)
    Regional Variation in End of Life Care in Switzerland
    University of Bern
    (Supervisors: PD Dr. Kerri Clough-Gorr, Prof. Matthias Egger)
  • Mayen-Chacon, Ana-Lucia (PPH)
    Socio-economic determinants of diet in high and middle income countries: evidence from Swiss, Guatemalan and Seychelles populations
    University of Lausanne
    (Supervisor: Prof. Fred Paccaud)
  • Müller, Monika (PPH)
    Clinical application of quantitative sensory tests to assess altered pain processing in chronic pain patients
    University of Bern
    (Supervisors: Prof. Peter Jüni, Prof. Michele Curatolo)
  • Sagar, Sanjay Gupta (PPH)
    Monitoring of electromagnetic field exposure in an international context
    University of Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Martin Röösli)
  • Schori, Dominik (PPH)
    Social Inequality in Health and Social Differences in Health Behaviours in Young Swiss Adults
    University of Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Thomas Abel)
  • Vetsch, Janine (PPH)
    Long-term childhood cancer survivors and their parents – information needs, follow-up practices and preferences
    University of Lucerne
    (Supervisor: Prof. Gisela Michel)
  • Vischer, Nerina (PPH)
    Efficiency and quality in conducting clinical trials in sub-Saharan Africa
    University of Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Christian Burri)
  • Yammine, Sophie (PPH)
    Transition of inert gas washout measurements from research into clinics
    University of Bern
    (Supervisor: PD Dr. Philipp Latzin)


  • Aeschbacher, Stefanie (PPH)
    Lifestyle and Heart Rate Variability in the General Population
    University of Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. David Conen)
  • Berlin, Claudia (PPH)
    Cardiovascular disease in Switzerland – health care, mortality and geographical pattern
    University of Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Marcel Zwahlen)
  • Becker, Sören Leif (PPH)
    Syndromic approaches to persistent digestive disorders (>14 days) in resource-constrained settings: aetiology, clinical assessment and differential diagnostics
    University of Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Jürg Utzinger)
  • Blaser, Nello (PPH)
    Scale-up of antiretroviral therapy and transmission of HIV in Southern Africa: Mathematical model
    University of Bern
    (Supervisors: PD Dr. Olivia Keiser, Prof. Matthias Egger)
  • Endes, Simon (PPH)
    Establishment and Validation of the Cardio-Ankle Vascular Index (CAVI) and Association with Physical Activity in the SAPALDIA Cohort Study
    University of Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Arno Schmidt-Trucksäss)
  • Imhof, Katharina (PPH)
    Associations Between Physical Fitness, Physical Activity Behaviours, Cardiovascular Health and Back Health in 6 to 8 Year old Children of Basel-Stadt
    University of Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Arno Schmidt-Trucksäss)
  • Karagiannis Voules, Dimitrios Alexios (PPH)
    Bayesian geostatistical variable selection and prediction of tropical diseases
    University of Basel
    (Supervisors: PD Dr. Penelope Vounatsou, Prof. Jürg Utzinger)
  • Lupatsch, Judith Eva (PPH)
    Exposure to Infections and the Risk of Leukaemia in Children
    University of Bern
    (Supervisors: Prof. Claudia Kuehni, Dr. Ben Spycher)
  • Roser, Katharina (PPH)
    Exposure assessment for mobile phone use and radiofrequency electromagnetic fields and the application in a Swiss cohort study
    University of Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Martin Röösli)
  • Schindler, Matthias (PPH)
    The Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry as a population based cancer registry: comleteness and epidemiological indicators
    University of Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Claudia Kuehni)
  • Schöni, Anna (PPH)
    Health symptoms and cognitive function in Swiss adolescents in relation to mobile phone use and radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure
    University of Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Martin Röösli)
  • Seematter-Bagnoud, Laurence (PPH)
    Alcohol use in community-dwelling older persons aged 65 to 70 years: cross-sectional and longitudinal association with frailty, gait, and health care use
    University of Lausanne
    (Supervisor: Prof. Brigitte Santos-Eggimann)
  • Yepes, Maryam (PPH)
    From Showcard to Mobile Technology: Novel Tools in Monitoring and Preventing Obesity and Non-Communicable Diseases
    University of Lausanne
    (Supervisors: Prof. Jürgen Maurer, Prof. Pascal Bovet)


  • Caviezel, Seraina (PPH)
    Cyclic variation of the common carotid artery structure in relation to prior atherosclerotic burden and physical activity
    University of Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Arno Schmidt-Trucksäss)
  • Curjuric, Ivan (PPH)
    Impact of gene-environment interactions within inflammatory and oxidative stress pathways on the development of chronic obstructive lung diesease (COPD)
    University of Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Nicole Probst-Hensch)
  • Essig, Stefan (PPH)
    Survivorship and long-term follow-up care in pediatric oncology: Qualitative and quantitative analyses
    University of Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Claudia Kuehni)
  • Hartley, Mary-Anne (PPH)
    Metastatic leishmaniasis – A chronic inflammatory response to Leishmania’s viral endosymbiont
    University of Lausanne
    (Supervisor: Prof. Nicolas Fasel)
  • Pfeil, Alena (PPH)
    Neutropenia in cancer patients, risk prediction models of neutropenia, and supportive measures
    University of Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Thomas D. Szucs)
  • Roduit, Caroline (PPH)
    Development of atopic dermatitis and its association with prenatal and early life exposures
    University of Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Charlotte Braun-Fahrländer)
  • Steck, Nicole (PPH)
    The Epidemiology of Assisted Suicide in Switzerland
    University of Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Marcel Zwahlen)
  • Wengenroth, Laura (PPH)
    Social Outcomes in Childhood Cancer Survivors
    University of Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Claudia Kuehni)


  • Gerger, Heike (PPH)
    Sources of bias and variation in meta-analytic psychological outcome research: Revisiting the Dodo bird
    University of Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Peter Jüni)
  • Gianinazzi, Micol (PPH)
    Childhood Cancer Survivorship: Psycho-oncological aspects and transition of care
    University of Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Claudia Kuehni)
  • Regnier, Stephane (PPH)
    The Economics of Medicine: Assessing Medications’ Value
    University of Neuchâtel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Claude Jeanrenaud)
  • Stuckey, Erin Mae (PPH)
    Application of mathematical modelling for malaria control decision-making in settings of varying transmission intensity
    University of Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Tom Smith)


  • Dean, Anna (PPH)
    Epidemiology of brucellosis and Q Fever in northern Togo and the risk of disease spread through cattle trade in West Africa
    University of Basel
    (Supervisors: PD Dr. Esther Schelling, Prof. Jakob Zinsstag)
  • Estill, Janne Anton Markus (PPH)
    Monitoring and outcomes of antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected patients: a mathematical model
    University of Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Matthias Egger)
  • Gschwind, Yves (PPH)
    Gait, mobility, and falls in older people
    University of Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Reto Kressig)
  • Hauri, Dimitri (PPH)
    Ionizing And Non-Ionizing Radiation And The Risk Of Childhood Cancer – Illustrated With Domestic Radon And Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure
    University of Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Martin Röösli)
  • Herzog, Sereina Annik (PPH)
    Mathematical modelling for the timing of progression from Chlamydia trachomatis infection to pelvic inflammatory disease
    University of Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Nicola Low)
  • Kalesan, Bindu (PPH)
    Modeling time-to-event data in estimating effectiveness and safety in interventional cardiology
    University of Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Peter Jüni)
  • Kim Le, Anh Thi (PPH)
    Health and access to health services of rural-to-urban migrant populations in Viet Nam
    University of Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Charlotte Braun-Fahrländer)
  • Lyngdoh, Tanica (PPH)
    Uric acid and cardio-metabolic risk factors: An epidemiological approach
    University of Lausanne
    (Supervisor: Prof. Murielle Bochud)
  • Meier, Reto (PPH)
    Health effects of occupational exposure to traffic particles and noise
    University of Lausanne
    (Supervisors: Dr. Michael Riediker, Prof. Vincent Barras)
  • Musheke, Maurice (PPH)
    Factors influencing uptake of HIV testing and non-initiation of and attrition from antiretroviral therapy care in Lusaka, Zambia
    University of Basel
    (Supervisor: Dr. Sonja Merten)
  • Panczak, Radoslaw (PPH)
    The Geography of Death in Switzerland
    University of Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Matthias Egger)
  • Ragettli, Martina (PPH)
    Measurement and modeling of short- and long-term commuter exposure to traffic-related air pollution
    University of Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Sally Liu)
  • Rajkumar, Sarah (PPH)
    The effect of a smoking ban on exposure and cardio-respiratory health in Swiss hospitality workers
    University of Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Martin Röösli)
  • Rueegg, Corina S. (PPH)
    Physical Activity and Physical Function in Long-Term Survivors of Childhood Cancer
    University of Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Claudia Kuehni)
  • Schwärzler, Patricia (PPH)
    De nos jours, chacun fait ce qu’il veut” ? Dynamiques des relations sociales et pratiques sexuelles dans le contexte du VIH/sida à Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
    University of Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Brigit Obrist)
  • Singer, Florian (PPH)
    Inert Gas Washout to Assess Airway Function. From Bench to Bedside
    University of Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Urs Frey)
  • Uehli, Katrin (PPH)
    Investigation of the relationship between sleep problems and work injuries
    University of Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Nino Künzli)
  • Urbinello, Damiano (PPH)
    Exposure assessment of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) in everyday environments – methodological approaches and issue-specific perspectives
    University of Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Martin Röösli)
  • Wang, Jen (PPH)
    The Geneva Gay Men’s Health Project: A community-research collaboration to assess and improve the health of gay men in Geneva, Switzerland
    University of Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Marcel Tanner)


  • Ausserhofer, Dietmar (PPH)
    High-reliability in healthcare: Nurse-reported patient safety climate and its relationship with patient outcomes in Swiss acute care hospitals
    University of Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Sabina De Geest)
  • Aydin, Denis (PPH)
    The Use Of Mobile Phones And The Risk Of Brain Tumors Among Children And Adolescents
    University of Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Martin Röösli)
  • Bachmann, Monica, Denis (PPH)
    Health Behaviour Change in Smokers: Five Articles on the Development of Smoking Behaviour
    Universtiy of Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Hansjörg Znoj)
  • da Costa, Bruno Cezar (PPH)
    Summarising and Expressing Patient-Reported Outcomes in Osteoarthritis
    University of Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Peter Jüni)
  • Dey, Michelle (PPH)
    Health-related quality of life among children with mental health problems
    University of Zurich
    (Supervisor: Prof. Meichun Mohler-Kuo)
  • Loss, Georg (PPH)
    Investigating the effect of farm milk consumption on childhood asthma and allergies in the context of farming, early life nutrition and innate immunity
    University of Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Charlotte Braun-Fahrländer)
  • Meyer, Ursina (PPH)
    Short- and long-term effects of a multi-component physical activity intervention in primary school
    University of Basel
    (Supervisor: PD Dr. Susi Kriemler, Prof. Uwe Pühse)
  • Omlin, Sarah (PPH)
    Schlafstörungen durch nächtlichen Alltagslärm – aus der Public Health Perspektive
    University of Zurich
    (Supervisor: PD Dr. Georg Bauer, Prof. Theo Wehner)
  • Scott, Pippa (PPH)
    Pneumococcal and Measles Vaccines: Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses
    University of Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Nicola Low)
  • Senn, Beate (PPH)
    Creating and validating a patient-reported outcome instrument to assess symptom experience related to surgical wounds in women with vulvar neoplasms – A mixed methods study
    University of Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Elisabeth Zemp Stutz)
  • Soukhathammavong, Phonepasong (PPH)
    Morbidity and treatment of Opisthorchis viverrini, Schistosoma mekhongi, hookworm and other parasitic helminths in Lao PDR
    University of Basel
    (Supervisor: PD Dr. Peter Odermatt)


  • Adam, Martin (PPH)
    Epidemiology of childhood cancer in Switzerland: Access to care and socioeconomic differentials in incidence and survival.
    University of Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Claudia Kuehni)
  • Bänteli-Niederer, Iris (PPH)
    Physical fitness in preschool children: Correlates and intervention effects
    University of Basel
    (Supervisor: PD Dr. Susi Kriemler, Prof. Pedro-Manuel Marques-Vidal)
  • Berben, Lut (PPH)
    Chronic Illness Management Implementation – Building research initiative group: chronic illness management and adherence in transplantation
    University of Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Sabina De Geest)
  • Bretscher, Michael (PPH)
    Estimation of Distributional Parameters of Malaria Infection Durations from Longitudinal Field Data when Detection of the Parasite is Imperfect
    University of Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Tom Smith)
  • Bringolf-Isler, Bettina (PPH)
    Physical activity in children and the environment
    University of Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Charlotte Braun-Fahrländer)
  • Bürgi, Flavia (PPH)
    Physical activity in preschoolers
    University of Basel
    (Supervisor: PD Dr. Susi Kriemler, Prof. Pedro-Manuel Marques-Vidal)
  • Frei, Patrizia (PPH)
    Radio frequency electromagnetic field exposure and health related quality of life: Prospective cohort study
    University of Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Martin Röösli)
  • Gaume, Jacques (PPH)
    At-Risk Alcohol Use In Young Adults – Effectiveness And Mechanisms Of Brief Motivational Intervention As A Primary And Secondary Prevention Measure
    University of Lausanne
    (Supervisor: Prof. Jean-Bernard Daeppen)
  • Gross, Karin (PPH)
    Intermittent Preventive Treatment during Pregnancy (IPTp) and Antenatal Care (ANC) in Practice: A Study from the Kilombero Valley, Tanzania
    University of Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Brigit Obrist)
  • Hodel, Eva-Maria (PPH)
    Assessment of the contribution of pharmacogenetics of pharmacogenetics in overall treatment efficacy against malaria by DNA chip technology: an aid for the selection of appropriate drugs in malaria
    University of Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Blaise Genton)
  • Kurth, Elisabeth (PPH)
    Infant crying & maternal tiredness:Examining their evolution and interaction in the first 12 weeks postpartum
    University of Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Elisabeth Zemp Stutz)
  • Latzin, Philipp (PPH)
    Early determinants of respiratory symptoms in the first 6 years of life
    University of Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Urs Frey)
  • Mohler, Evelyn (PPH)
    Effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure on sleep quality
    University of Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Martin Röösli)
  • Nüesch, Eveline (PPH)
    Bias in meta-analyses of randomised trials
    University of Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Peter Jüni)
  • Rebholz, Cornelia Eva (PPH)
    Late Effects in Childhood Cancer Survivors
    University of Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Claudia Kuehni)
  • Spycher, Ben (PPH)
    Analysis of phenotypic variation in childhood wheezing disorders
    University of Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Claudia Kuehni)
  • Spörri-Fahrni, Adrian (PPH)
    Regional health differentials in Switzerland: Socio-economic context and individual resources and risk factors
    University of Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Matthias Egger)
  • Stern, Georgette (PPH)
    Environmental Influences on Autonomic Regulatory Processes and Airway Function
    University of Bern
    (Supervisor: Prof. Urs Frey)
  • Wanner, Miriam (PPH)
    Effectiveness of a web based randomised controlled study
    University of Basel
    (Supervisor: Prof. Charlotte Braun-Fahrländer)
  • Winkler, Mirko (PPH)
    Health Impact Assessment in complex eco-epidemiological settings in the humid tropics
    University of Basel
    (Supervisors: Dr. Jürg Utzinger, Prof. Gary Krieger)