2nd Career Speed Dating! 20 November 2024, 16:00, online
IGC Course Program 2025 is now online!
Registration for courses 2025 will open on 15 October 2025 at 11:00!
Online Career Speed Dating
The SSPH+ event Career Speed Dating organized by the IGC student representatives is a unique experience where participants are encouraged to speak with one another, get to know each other, discuss their careers plans, ask questions, share tips, and explore about their challenges through a fun online meeting.
Don’t miss this opportunity!
Registration is here
Registration for the SSPH+ Annual Meeting and the IGC Students Meeting 2024 is now open!
Join us for the IGC students meeting, career coaching, mental health workshops, and more!
The tentative program is here.
* Forgot password for the SSPH+ platform:
- Click on registration
- Request a new password with ‘Forgot password’
- Open the confirmation e-mail
- Enter the e-mail address (from the activation e-mail), last name, "Reset Code" from the confirmation e-mail
- Set new password
2nd Film Festival of Global Health: Join us at the movie night after the Students Meeting on 20 June at Swiss TPH
IGC Students Meeting with career event, 20 June 2023: Registration now open!
Register now and before 20 April 2023 for this year's IGC Students Meeting with a career event, and for the SSPH+ Faculty Meeting and benefit from networking with IGC students and with the SSPH+ Faculty!
Registration is here ((login with your email and password/ events))
Any Questions about the IGC? Book a zoom meeting with the IGC Manager!
Do not hesitate to contact awalser@ssphplus for a zoom meeting if you any questions about the IGC!
New IGC Student Representative
Ana Lucia Ona Macias from University of Lucerne steps back as IGC student representative. Many thanks for your great contributions to the IGC!
Tiberiu Nita from University of Lausanne takes over the position and will represent the IGC students in the IGC Academic Board, together with Benedetta Armocida (University of Geneva), Miao Jiang (USI) and Hugo Alejandro Santa Ramirez (University of Geneva), and work in the student event group. Welcome, Tiberiu!
New Courses in our IGC Course Program 2023:
- Basics of scientific writing in English: A structured method for organizing and writing better, faster papers
- Writing and Publishing a Scientific Paper
- Causal inference for population health sciences
- Epidemiological concepts, principals, and methods: A practice-oriented introduction
- Epidemiological data analysis strategy
- Writing better, faster scientific papers in English: A structured method for non-native English speakers (advanced module)
Have a look at the course flyers.
ScienceFlashTalk Winner at the Swiss Public Health Conference 2022, 14 September 2022
Shreya Shrikhande from Swiss TPH has won the ScienceFlashTalk. Congratulations!
1st Swiss Global Health Film Festival: Is health on war?
Join us in Lugano!
SSPH+ Award for best published PhD article in public health 2022
Benedetta Armocida from University of Geneva has won the SSPH+ Award for the best published PhD article in public health 2022. Congratulations!
You can find the article here
ScienceFlashTalk Winner at the SSPH+ Faculty Meeting 2022
Alexandra Bürgler from Swiss TPH wins the ScienceFlashTalk at the SSPH+ Faculty Meeting. Congratulations!
IGC Students Meeting and SSPH+ Faculty Meeting: Registration open!
Register now for the upcoming IGC Students Meeting and the SSPH+ Faculty Meeting:
Date: 14/15 June 2022
Place: University of Zürich
Don't miss the opportunity to finally meet in person again!
Statements on the war against Ukraine
Statement of ASPHER of which SSPH+ is a member: aspher_statement_on_the_war_against_ukraine.pdf
Statement of the European University Association (EUA):.
See video clips of PhD students here:
Students explain science in 3 minutes
For all other recorded sessions:
Help to increase the vaccination rate in Switzerland!
IGC Course Program 2022
The course program of the Inter-university Graduate Campus for 2022 is online.
Registration opens on 1 September 2021 at noon. Make sure to register in time to get into your favourite courses!
Winners of the ScienceFlashTalk2021
Congratulations to Ogonna Nwankwo (Swiss TPH) and Magda Gamba (ISPM Bern)!
You can watch the movies of the winners here.
SSPH+@Expo in Dubai, January to March 2022
SSPH+@Expo in Dubai: Call to submit your factful question for the SSPH+ Quiz on “Health in all SDG’s”
We are looking for your contributions!
Students Meeting 2021
Watch the great movie from the IGC students from University Lucerne here.
Many thanks go to all contributors and especially to Ana Lucía Ona Macías and Ezra Valido!
Best published PhD article
Alain Amstutz from Swiss TPH wins the SSPH+ Award for best published PhD article in public health of a SSPH+ PhD student. Congratulations!
Students Meeting 2021
The Annual Students Meeting as well as the SSPH+ Faculty Meeting take place online again:
- Students Meeting, 15 June 2021, 10:00-12:00, link to follow, late registration is here (with your user name and password)
- SSPH+ Faculty Meeting, 15-16 June 2021
As SSPH+ PhD student you are welcome to attend the SSPH+ Faculty Meeting. The online program of the Faculty Meeting can be found here
New Training Offers: Expo Dubai Training Program
Learn how to communicate your research in an easily understandable manner, how to connect research to the general public in innovative ways and how to argue a scientifically sound viewpoint convincingly and within a limited time frame