Graduate Campus Students
Below you find the list of all Graduate Campus students in alphabetical order.
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Name | PhD / MD Project Title | University |
Ehui Bla Pélagie ABOA | Citizen action for sustainable dengue control in Côte d’Ivoire | University of Basel |
Reem ALKANDIRI | Communication strategies to influence understanding and behavior about healthy and sustainable diets. | Università della Svizzera italiana |
Maisoon AbuAbdalla ELBUKHARI IBRAHIM | Health system resilience and COVID-19 response in fragile and conflict-affected states: a mixed-methods study in Sudan and South Sudan | University of Geneva |
Yaman Abuzahra | Effects of improving water access and handwashing behavior on students hand hygiene and well-being in primary schools not connected to functional water sources in Nigeria and Pales | University of Basel |
Maelle Achard | Comparison of patient engagement in Europe, North America, China, Africa ans South America | University of Geneva |
Michael Aeby | A systematic review and meta-analysis on the occupational risk factors in farmers and other outdoor workers for basal cell carcinoma, cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, and maligna | University of Fribourg |
Maryam Ahmadi Shad | The impact of nurse staffing and temporary working practices on nurse-sensitive events: A multi-method study in Switzerland and Iran. | University of Basel |
Ayman Ahmed | Investigating the virome circulating among disease vectors in East Africa through the Vector-enhanced Metagenomics. | University of Basel |
Baktygul Akkazieva | How health spending data can influence the policy? Tracking health spending for evidence-based policy making: moving towards UHC. | University of Geneva |
Bea Albermann | Educating for Health on a Finite Planet: A Transformative Learning Approach to Post-Growth and Planetary Health in Switzerland | University of Lausanne |
Lujain Alchalabi | Access to oral healthcare among refugees and asylum seekers in Switzerland | University of Basel |
Anderson Uchenna Amaechi | Development of a multidimensional index to assess and optimise country readiness for local vaccine manufacturing and delivery in the African subregion. | University of Geneva |
Priska Ammann | Pesticide use in Swiss agriculture: exposure levels, health effects, and perception in farming and rural non-farming families | University of Basel |
Lydie Araujo | Participation of children in healthcare-related decisions: individual factors of influence and children‘s perspective | University of Zurich |
Ryan Alexander Arias Delafosse | Optimization of vaccination resources in catchment areas using geospatial modeling | University of Geneva |
Amit Aryal | Health systems quality: gaps, perceptions, and care-seeking determinants | University of Basel |
Raphael Aubry | Social media, social comparison and depression among young people | University of Geneva |
Diane Auderset | The epidemiology of COVID-19 using a gender perspective: the case of the canton of Vaud | University of Lausanne |
George Austin-Cliff | Sustainable vocational integration of persons with SCI: A life course perspective | University of Lucerne |
Fuanyi Awatboh | Bayesian Methods in Clinical Trial Research, Completeness Appraisal of Latest Guidelines, and a Comparative Re-analysis. | University of Basel |
Oumar Aly Ba | Improving access to health services in LMIC through multi-faceted geospatial modelling : minority and population at risk | University of Geneva |
Lore Baert | Usage of iPS technology to generate human macrophages as an infection model for Leishmania parasitesÓ | University of Basel |
Clemence Bangta Samba | The Human-animal relationship in Chadian societies and its impact on canine rabies control in the implementation of a "One Health" approach in Chad | University of Basel |
Beatrice Bano | Fill the implementation gap: a mixed methods study of theory-based adaptation and implementation approaches and processes of a low-dose psychosocial intervention for caregivers | Università della Svizzera italiana |
Nora Barloggio | Iron balance in humans living at high altitude: defining requirements and optimal biomarker thresholds using a novel body iron labelling technique based on stable iron isotopes | ETHZ |
Vasiliki Baroutsou | The DIALOGUE study: Using digital health to improve care for families with predisposition to hereditary cancer | University of Basel |
Andreas Michael Baumer | The Digital Future of Observational Health Studies | University of Zurich |
Yigit Baysal | “Linking animal and human welfare- refining rodent euthanasia” | University of Zurich |
Golou Louise Bellai | Entomological surveillance and assessment of malaria vectors' susceptibility to insecticides in Cote d'Ivoire | University of Basel |
Jeanne Berche | COVID-19 POLICIES AND INEQUITIES IN ADULT WELLBEING | University of Lausanne |
Melanie Berger | Neurophysiological effects of exercise with and without the integration of cooperative activities on social-cognitive abilities in preadolescents | University of Basel |
Neili Carolina Bermudez Plaza | Physical, mental, and cognitive functioning disparities at older age: Evidence from political, cultural, and socioeconomic factors across countries | University of Lausanne |
Urmila Bhattacharyya | Maternal and Neonatal Health in Lausanne | University of Zurich |
Molly Biehl | An integrated approach of GIS-based sampling and mobile surveying using the World Health Survey Plus platform, to address data gaps for vulnerable migrant women | University of Geneva |
Melina Bigler | Legionnaires' disease in Switzerland - a prospective national case-control study Co-Supervisor(s)/PhD | University of Basel |
Céline Bolliger | Adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer survivors in Switzerland: Epidemiology, psychosocial health and possible positive outcomes | University of Lucerne |
Jade Bonanno | Advance Care Planning in Primary Care | University of Fribourg |
Pernette Bourdillon Esteve | Making health and non-health focused datasets interoperable to gain actionable insights on the dynamics between substandard/falsified medical products, diseases, and populations | University of Geneva |
Angélique Bourqui | Management of acute bronchitis in Switzerland with Andrographis paniculata - a randomised clinical trial. | University of Fribourg |
Axelle Braggion | Low-value cancer screening | University of Fribourg |
Sophie Karoline Brandt | Preferences and perspectives of health professionals regarding future outpatient primary care | University of Lucerne |
Curdin Brugger | Health impact assessment of essential services in the context of humanitarian settings | University of Basel |
Fabienne Bruggisser | Effects of exercise timing on strength and cardiometabolic health | University of Basel |
Serena Buchter | Quel référentiel pour soutenir l’enseignement du spiritual care au sein des formations pré-grade en médecine et soins infirmiers de Suisse romande ? | University of Lausanne |
Clément Buclin | Maximizing the value of clinical encounters and patient-centered care: patient and physician‚Äôs perspectives | University of Geneva |
Fabienne Buholzer-Mercier | Social inequalities among nationalities in the prevention of cancer in Switzerland: historical trends | University of Fribourg |
Maya Burckhardt | Neurobiology of stress-related disorders in the working-age population. | University of Lausanne |
Alonso Bussalleu | “Modelling urban environmental risk factors in EXPANSE, a large multi-center Exposome study” | University of Basel |
Mahmoud CISSE | Artificial Intelligence for the diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases in Africa | University of Geneva |
Claire Chabloz | Value-Based Health Care: Moving Toward its Implementation in Swiss hospitals | University of Fribourg |
Christopher Chadwick | Next-generation influenza vaccines: Considerations for increasing access in low- and middle-income countries | University of Geneva |
Somaphone Chankongsin | Comprehensive evaluation of liver disease burden and risk factor in urban Vientiane capital,Laos | University of Basel |
Hongruyu Chen | To Be Determined | University of Zurich |
Hasnaa Chettou | Agrégation des modèles d'exposition aux substances chimiques | University of Lausanne |
Naomi Chi Ndum | Knowledge, attitudes, practices and health system factors and needs for schistosomiasis elimination and related interventions in Pemba, Tanzania | University of Basel |
Salome Christen | Cancer-related Fatigue, Musculoskeletal Late Effects, Physiotherapy Utilization and Physical Functioning in Survivors of Childhood Cancer. | University of Lucerne |
Laura Ciavarella | Impact des Politiques d'Éducation et de Garde de la Petite Enfance sur les trajectoiresde développement et les inégalités sociales : une étude comparative | University of Lausanne |
Iza Ciglenecki | Hepatitis E epidemics in humanitarian settings | University of Geneva |
Giulio Cisco | Mathematical models and socio-economic evaluation methods for the health sector | University of Lausanne |
Tamara Da Silva | Advancing Clinical Trials: Assessing the Impact of Decentralized Clinical Trials on Quality, Costs and Inclusivity | University of Geneva |
Ranin Darkhawaja | Social capital, social contagion, healthy minds and healthy habits in the future health care work force in the occupied Palestinian territory | University of Basel |
Kate Dassesse | True Cost of Food - Consumer perception and behavior | University of Lausanne |
Alida Manoëla Datchoua Moukam | Cervical cancer screening at home to increase participations: Exploring users’ and providers’ perspective. | University of Geneva |
Manja Elisabeth Deforth | Validity of clinical risk prediction models (working title) | University of Zurich |
Félix Delerm | Overcoming the liberal tradition: a broadened concept of social responsibility for health outcomes"" | University of Neuchâtel |
Ezgi Dilek Demirtas | A scoping review on the economic impacts of disease preventionand healthy ageing promotion in OECD member countries | University of Geneva |
Bryany Denning | Brief Intervention and Referral for Alcohol Use in the Northwest Territories Canada | University of Geneva |
Komenan Issa Djanikro | Implementation costs and the cost-effectiveness of a novel multifaceted intervention composed of a Gazelle sickle cell disease point-of-care-test (POCT) for newborn screening, and | University of Basel |
Javier Dopico Magadán | The restorative potential of green spaces in noise-polluted environments | University of Basel |
Jacques Du Toit | Lung Ultrasound for the Diagnosis and Management of Pneumonia in Tuberculosis-endemic Regions | University of Basel |
Roxane Dumont | Multidimensional evaluation of the COVID-19 pandemic on adolescents | University of Geneva |
Jelena Dunaiceva | Effectiveness and implementation of point-of-care procalcitonin embedded in a multifaceted implementation strategy to reduce antibiotic prescription in Swiss primary care: the ImpP | University of Lausanne |
Maria Bekker-Nielsen Dunbar | Time-varying weights in endemic-epidemic models | University of Zurich |
Jessy Duran Ramirez | Integrative Individual-level data analysis to estimate coverage, assess the role of migration andoutcomes of the novel long-acting HIV treatment regimen in Switzerland (working t | University of Zurich |
FRANCK KOKORA EKOU | The relationship of social capital with mental health, quality of life and disease control in diabetes patients from Côte d’Ivoire | University of Basel |
Maria Esther Leticia Eburi Losoha | Improvement of immunization uptake among pregnant women in Equatorial Guinea: Mixed methods approach | University of Basel |
Manuela Eder | How emerging adults create and transform a "combo-misuser" identity through social media. | University of Lucerne |
Luisa Eggenschwiler | Maternal and neonatal outcomes in association with midwifery staffing - a causal inference framework (MaNtiS) | University of Basel |
Selina Egger | Equal Access to Mobility? The Situation of People With Limited Mobility in Using Public Transport Supplementary Driving Services in Switzerland | University of Lucerne |
Derek Ehrhardt | Evaluating Poliovirus Containment Strategies: A Comprehensive Analysis of Progress to Advise the Declaration of the Eradication of Poliovirus | University of Geneva |
Fatemeh Ehteshami | Investigating performance of models of care for diabetes and hypertension in low and middle income countries: case study in Iran | University of Basel |
Nina Emery | Mobile Health Clinical Decision support for All (MOCA), a cluster randomized control trial in Tanzania | University of Lausanne |
Devy Emperador | (working title) Informing a multi-disease diagnostic platform for surveillance and early detection of viral hemorrhagic fevers at point of care | University of Geneva |
Nicole Engelmann | Assessing the Health Risk of Transportation Noise on a European and Global Level | University of Basel |
Laura Espinosa | Leveraging social media data for predicting public health behaviours in the context of infectious diseases and vaccination. | EPFL |
Bethany Evans | Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on global Routine Immunisation: trends, risk factors, and implications for recovery and resilience | University of Geneva |
Romain FREUND | Marqueurs biologiques : Déterminants, pertinence diagnostique et pronostique, intervalle de référence | University of Lausanne |
Bakar Fakih | Towards malaria elimination in Zanzibar: identifying opportunities for improving surveillance and reducing the importation of infections | University of Basel |
Luzia Nora Felber | Modelling and simulation of mosquito populations | University of Basel |
Daniella Figueroa-Downing | Mathematical modelling of malaria vaccine implementation. | University of Basel |
Eva Fleischlin | High-intensity interval training in patients with glaucoma: effects on the retinal microcirculation | University of Basel |
Remo Fortunato | The Impact of Heat on Home Care Workers' Health and the Effectiveness of Adaptation Strategies | University of Basel |
Tom Forzy | From single disease reductionist research to informed Machine Learning: a new research paradigm for multimorbidity | University of Zurich |
Livia Freitag | Health Workforce Shortage in Switzerland | University of Lucerne |
Franc Fritschi | The Swiss Public Health Discourse on the COVID-19 Pandemic: Moral Ideologies, Hegemony and Power and their Effects on Swiss Youth in a CDA Approach | University of Basel |
Hannah GELBLAT | Ressources humaines et transformation sectorielle dans le contexte des limites planétaires: analyse quantitative et qualitative de scénarios contrastés pour le système de santé | University of Lausanne |
Anaïs Galli | Evaluating the effects of handwashing stations and hygiene promotion in primary health care facilities in conflict settings | University of Basel |
Anna Galmiche | The right to health as a legal argument and governance model for the fight against climate change | University of Neuchâtel |
Yuying Gao | Managing Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs) and Patient/Hospital Responses During Non- Optimal Temperature: A Comparative Analysis of China and Switzerland | University of Geneva |
Gemma García Calderó | Loneliness and Social Exclusion - the ethics of pandemic management plans (working title) | University of Basel |
Felix Gerber | Improving access to early initiation of antiretroviral therapy in persons living with HIV in resource-limited settings | University of Basel |
Joan Gil Miñana | Health risks in men who have sex with men and practice chemsex | University of Geneva |
Anouk Glättli | Enhancement of Cognitive Performance in High-Stress Environments: Investigating a Cognitive and Physical Exercise Intervention and Underlying Physiological Mechanisms | University of Basel |
Vivianne Gomo | Developing a centralised laboratory repository, dashboa rd and maturity model as resources to inform laboratory investment priorities for funding agencies | University of Geneva |
Justine Gosling | Priorities for rehabilitation in health systems in low income countries during health emergencies | University of Lucerne |
Jean Anthony Grand-Guillaume-Perrenoud | The effects of interprofessional education on interprofessional practice in healthcare settings | University of Lausanne |
Stephanie Greindl | The quality of care for older patients in primary care: The role of family members and interprofessional care teams | University of Lucerne |
Alexandra Griessbach | Making clinical trials more affordable – Trial costs, budget planning, and platform trials | University of Basel |
Léa Grosjean | Experience of healthcare and administrative staff working with asylum seekers in the current contexte of polycrisis | University of Lausanne |
Germán Galileo Guerra y Guerra | Paid domestic work and depressive symptomatology among Mexican paid domestic workers in Mexico | University of Geneva |
Aude Guillot | « L’architecture des healthy nudges: quels enjeux juridiques? »"" | University of Neuchâtel |
Chau My Nga Ha | Disability, Early Retirement, and Financial Hardship. What the future holds for the ageing population? | University of Lucerne |
Michelle Haas | Exergaming and its effects on the motor-cognitive system in individuals after musculoskeletal injury | University of Basel |
Roelien Haveman | Fragility fractures of the pelvis | University of Lucerne |
Irma Heller | Effect of exercise and sport on anxiety in social situations | University of Lucerne |
Angela Hellingman | Development of an in vitro triple combination assay for antimalarial drug discovery based on in vitro parasite reduction ratio assay | University of Basel |
Andre Henriques | Dynamics of Airborne Transmission: Unraveling Pathogen Spread and Informing Public Health Guidance | University of Geneva |
Kristen Hinckley | Early Childhood Development | University of Basel |
Kang Leng Ho | Work and Health (Predictors and outcomes of crafting patterns) | University of Zurich |
Dylan Hofmann | Votre assureur maladie | University of Neuchâtel |
Eva Hollenstein | Interprofessional and -Organizational Collaborative Practice in Suicide Prevention: A Mixed-Methods Approach | University of Basel |
Sarah Holzer | Health economic evaluation of a scalable nurse-led care model (INTERCARE) effective in reducing unplanned hospitalizations in Swiss nursing homes, focusing on the cost-effectivenes | University of Basel |
Mathilde Hyvärinen | Identification of behavioural determinants and implementation of evidence-based practice of promoting physical activity by midwives in maternity hospitals: a mixed-methods approach | University of Graz, Austria |
Clara Häfliger | Person-centered and interprofessional communication in spinal cord injury rehabilitation | University of Lucerne |
Silvan Hälg | Exploration of tropical mosquito-born viruses by NGS techniques in Tanzania and Ivory Coast. | University of Basel |
Stefania Iaquinto | “Longitudinal analyses of treatment, disease progression, and health-related quality of life in the Swiss Multiple Sclerosis Registry” | University of Zurich |
Bonaventure Gozim Ikediashi | Health Literacy and Disease Knowledge in Sickle Cell Disease in Low Resource Settings | University of Lucerne |
Sandra Isano | Adolescent pregnancies and their implications: A mixed methods study in Kiziba Refugee Camp, Rwanda. | University of Geneva |
Laura Catalina Izquierdo Martínez | Impact of video relay interpreting on access to healthcare of Deaf population | University of Geneva |
Anne Jachmann | Mental Health of Refugee Aid Workers (MH-RAW): psychosocial impact and strategies of coping | University of Basel |
Daniel Jenkins | Child Maltreatment and its Effects on Gaming Behaviours and Problematic Internet Use: The Moderating Effect of Reward | University of Fribourg |
Sarah Maria Esther Jerjen | Emergency Medical Services in Switzerland | University of Lucerne |
Xing Jiang | Assess the Health Impact of Tranquility in Europe | University of Basel |
Mario Alberto Jimenez Ramirez | Provisional tittle: Reaching every child with essential immunization services: The case of Zero dose Children - Sindh province, Pakistan | University of Geneva |
Natalie Johnson | Community development to alleviate depression and substance use among youth and people living with HIV in Lesotho | University of Basel |
Staria Joseph | Gender Inequities in Healthcare Access for Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury: A Multi-National Anlaysis | University of Lucerne |
Morgane Jotterand | Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the utilization of health care among older people in Switzerland (MD, not a PhD) | University of Lausanne |
Rosemary Jouaud-James | Migrant-sensitive healthcare models | University of Geneva |
Nandi Joubert | Effects of a workplace health intervention programme on risk factors for non-communicable diseases, health behaviours and psychosocial health of teachers in disadvantaged communiti | University of Basel |
Levy Jäger | Assessing Quality of Care in General Practice Using a Laboratory Test Database | University of Lucerne |
Reto Jörg | The potential for linked data to inform health policies and improve health system performance: case studies in the Swiss healthcare system | University of Lausanne |
Mory KEITA | Innovative surveillance approaches used during the Ebola epidemic in Guinea and the Democratic Republic of Congo as a tool to control future outbreaks of acute viral diseases | University of Geneva |
Seyram Kaali | Prospective Cohort Study on Early Life Household Air Pollution Exposure and Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Childhood | University of Basel |
Tanga Jean Moise Kabore | Piloting multiple first-lines artemisinin-based combination therapies as an innovative approach for managing uncomplicated malaria in the health district of Kaya, Burkina Faso | University of Basel |
Denis Kailembo | Evaluation of implementation of community-based larval source management in Tanzania | University of Basel |
Abiye Kalaiwo | HIV Seroconversion and HIV Treatment Outcomes In Female Sex Workers in Nigeria | University of Geneva |
Michael Ketzer | Associations between Nurse Staffing and Quality of Care in Swiss Psychiatric Hospitals: A Project of the Multi-center Observational MatchRN Psychiatry Study (“Matching registered | University of Basel |
Rida Khan | Food Marketing Policies to Reduce Childhood Obesity | Università della Svizzera italiana |
Sam Khavandi | Social determinants of health care utilisaiton in Switzerland | University of Lausanne |
Visal Khieu | Epidemiology and Diagnostics of Opisthorchis Viverrini and Co-infections in Cambodia | University of Basel |
Vilaysone Khounvisith | The relationship between water, sanitation and hygiene and infectious disease in Lao PDR | University of Basel |
Stephanie Khoury | PhD in Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology with a focus on Exclusive Breastfeeding | University of Basel |
Caron Kim | Applying network-based methods to describe the safety of abortion at the population level in Latin America | University of Geneva |
Jiin Kim | Measuring functioning information using ICF linking rules | University of Lucerne |
Andrew Vivian Kirabo | Leptospirosis in acute undifferentiated fever patients in a Ugandan tertiary hospital | University of Zurich |
Hélène Kirchhoffer | “Analysis of process and outcomes of the integrated care model, a new service delivery model, in the Jura region of Switzerland : a mixed-method research” | University of Basel |
Sabrina Koch | The impact of scapula motion on arm function after triceps reconstruction in person with tetraplegia | University of Lucerne |
Chiori Kodama | Epidemic and Pandemic Prone Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region; Epidemiology and Proposing the effective control strategies in the context o | University of Geneva |
Bogomil Kohlbrenner | Knowledge and practice: Does investment in improving medical imaging practice with an active community component, lead to improved quality of care in 7 hospitals in Cameroon ? A ca | University of Geneva |
Idriss Tobias Komi | Incentivizing healthier and more sustainable choices : Evaluating health and environmental externalities to tailor policy interventions | University of Lausanne |
Julia Kopp | Pycnogenol in people with post-COVID condition: a quadruple-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial | University of Zurich |
Charlotte Krawczyk | Preclinical studies to obtain a better understanding and improving translation of anthelminthics | University of Basel |
Noemi Künstle | Differences in autophagy biomarker levels in cord blood of preterm and term infants and their correlation with clinical outcome and air pollution exposure | University of Basel |
Joanne Lacy | Informing the management of the pandemic through large-scale epidemiological research (TBC) | University of Zurich |
Pradip Lamsal | Availability and affordability of insulin and metformin in Nepal. | University of Geneva |
Yannic Lecoultre | Traumatic injury to the shoulder girdle: double versus single plating techniques in midshaft clavicle fracturesand augmented screws vs non-cemented screws in plate osteosynthesis o | University of Lucerne |
Tristan Lee | Harnessing the potential of longitudinal observational datasets to improve patient care management | University of Basel |
Yejin Lee | Global Health Data Governance Framework: An Analysis of Current Practices and Recommendations for Improved Evidence-Based Decision-Making | University of Geneva |
Jeanne Lemant | Identifying key drivers of vector control effectiveness and supporting malaria decision-making through dynamical modelling | University of Basel |
Sophie Hilda Lemoupa Makajio | Cervical cancer screening with HPV self-sampling test in low ressource setting | University of Geneva |
Malebanye Lerotholi | Improving care through patient-centered eHealth support in adult chronic care in Lesotho | University of Basel |
Melanie Liechti | Analysis of Overweight and Obesity in People Suffering from Chronic Low back Pain: InfluencingFactors and the Role of Swiss Physiotherapists in Weight Loss Management | Bern University of Applied Sciences |
Yuling Lin | Health and Economic Impact of Strategies to Eliminate Neglected Tropical Diseases: The Case of Soil-Transmitted Helminthiasis and Schistosomiasis | University of Basel |
Fangfei Liu | Healthcare-associated bloodstream infections due to multidrug-resistant organisms (BSI-MDROs) in China ? A multi-centre study on epidemiology, risks and prevention | University of Geneva |
Keyuan Liu | Physical activity and metabolism: a population-based study | University of Lausanne |
Yanmei Liu | Is Health Insurance Knowledge Associated with Health Plan Choice and Health Care Utilization? - Evidence from a Mandatory Health Insurance System | University of Lucerne |
Nicolas Loizeau | Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields: spatial and temporal variability and the association of mobile phone's radiation on cognitive health | University of Basel |
Nasim Sadat Lotfi Nezhad | Effect of Wearing a Novel Electronic Wearable Device on Hand Hygiene Compliance Among Health Care Workers | University of Geneva |
Mushashu Mwansa Lumpa | Linkage linkage framework for LMIC | University of Basel |
Sibylle Lustenberger | Agricultural productivity and health: Evidence from Central Cote d'Ivoire | University of Basel |
Anaïs Léger | Investigation of a benchmarking tool for antimicrobial use in companion animals at practice level in Switzerland: implementation to assessment | University of Geneva |
Simone Lüthi | Understanding the association between emotional well-being and psychobiological stress among persons with spinal cord injury and their romantic partners in daily life | University of Lucerne |
MSILIKALE WALTER MANYIRI | Socioeconomic Background, Early Life Morbidity and Neurocognitive Functioning: Longitudinal Evidence from Bagamoyo, Tanzania. | University of Basel |
Sizeka Aubrey MASHELE | Evaluation of Cervical Cancer Screening Programmes in South Africa (2005─2022): Bridging Gaps and Guiding Policy Decisions | University of Basel |
Clara MacNaughton | Long-term care for persons with spinal cord injury in Switzerland | University of Lucerne |
Duha Mahgoub | Impacts of conflicts and political instabilities on National Malaria Control Programs in Sub-Saharan African countries | University of Basel |
Audrey Mahieu | Assessing the impact of attacks on healthcare in conflict | University of Geneva |
Jasmin Mahler | Gender aspects and differences in individuals with spinal cord injury regarding their lower urinary tract and secual function | University of Lucerne |
Abouzaid Mahmoud | Longitudinal quality assessment of a modern district hospital in Cameroon | University of Basel |
Flavia Mangeret | Understanding Neonatal sepsis to narrow gaps towards improving Neonatal Health | University of Geneva |
Kailing Marcus | Comparing the spatiotemporal transmissions of SARS and COVID-19 in China: before and after Universal Health Coverage | University of Geneva |
Ko Ko Maung | Predictive capacity of circulatory lipidome for (improved) cardiometabolic risk | University of Lausanne |
Niklaus Meier | Cost-Effectiveness and Health Valuation Studies for the Swiss Health Care System | University of Basel |
Flurina Meier Schwarzer | Community-Dwelling Older Persons in Switzerland: Needs, Health Care Use and Costs | University of Basel |
Katell Mellac | Proposal and proof of concept analysis for a national data infrastructure (stream) for transplantation medicine in Switzerland | University of Basel |
Matilde Melotto | Play and Socio-Emotional Well-Being Among School-Aged Children and Adolescents in the Digital Era | Università della Svizzera italiana |
Olga Menang | Determinants of health systems capacity for effective pharmacovigilance: an analysis of pharmacovigilance implementation in high, middle and low-income countries | University of Basel |
Laura Merson | Accelerating Lassa fever research through core outcome measures | University of Geneva |
Natalie Messerli | Understanding the Role of Knowledge Translation in Evidence Informed Health Policy Making in Switzerland | University of Lucerne |
Stefan Metzger | The impact of rehabilitation for persons with spinal cord injury An Analysis of economic aspects of spinal cord injury/disorder (SCI/D) treatment on an institutional level, econom | University of Lucerne |
Alix Miauton | Enhancing clinical skills, rational use of diagnostics & antimicrobials, and outbreak detection at primary care level in Tanzania, through the provision of real-time mentoring | University of Lausanne |
Vincent Minconetti | Supporting malaria elimination using tailored surveillance and response | University of Basel |
Ursina Minder | Finding the balance between shoulder capacity and loads to optimize functioning in persons with spinal cord injury | University of Lucerne |
Hannah Moll | TBD - Personalized decision making in obesity therapy. | University of Zurich |
Regina Molomo | The reproductive health effects of pesticide exposure on school children living in the rural Western Cape, South Africa | University of Basel |
Caterina Montagnoli | Access to maternal healthcare among undocumented migrants | University of Basel |
Aurora Monticelli | Engaging older persons in the community to promote frailty prevention and reduce social isolation (ENGAGE) | University of Basel |
Sven Mostberger | Prevention of respiratory complications after acute spinal cord injury | University of Lucerne |
Altiona Muho | Long term sustainability of health system’s program interventions | University of Basel |
Abdifatah Muktar Muhummed | The incidence, etiology, and control of diarrhea in children and the prevalence of shared antimicrobial resistance genes between humans, animals, and the environment in Eastern Eth | University of Basel |
Violeta Munoz Gomez | The burden of disease and other causes of morbidity and mortality in backyard chickens in low-income and middle-income countries | University of Zurich |
Javier Munoz Laguna | Assessing feasibility and pilot implementation of a trial comparing spinal manual therapy versus nerve root injection for lumbar radiculopathy in primary care: the SALuBRITY random | University of Zurich |
Céline Mötteli | Improving the care pathway of people with knee osteoarthritis in Switzerland | University of Zurich |
Charlotte Isabella Müller | Interprofessional Care | University of Zurich |
Cornelius Müller | Coercive Measures in Switzerland - An Investigation of Risk Factors and Opportunities for Prevention on the Individual and Organizational Level (Working Title) | University of Basel |
Jan Müller | Effectiveness evaluation of a community-based integrated care model for frail home-dwelling older adults: INSPIRE care model | University of Basel |
Gallican NSHOGOZA Rwibasira | Understanding determinants, prevalence, nature, projected trends and associated factors of HIV-1 Drugs resistance among Adolescent and young adults from HIV Rwandan Cohort. | University of Basel |
Margaret Nagawa | An early nutrition intervention for nutritionally at risk infants under 6 months to reduce malnutritionin the first year of life | University of Geneva |
Robert Ndege | Tackling unsolved issues of the dual epidemic of HIV and Tuberculosis: Envisioning 2030 | University of Basel |
Eric Ipyn Nebie | Clinical trials efficiency improvement- learning from neglected diseases drugs development | University of Basel |
Tiberiu Nita | L'effet des phtalates et autres perturbateurs endocriniens dans le cadre d'exposition professionnelle | University of Lausanne |
May Thet Nu Noe | Measurement of mental health as basis for intervention research | University of Lausanne |
Nazihah Noor | Early life social and behavioural risk factors for developing chronic diseases | University of Fribourg |
Ogonna Nwankwo | Modelling of Productivity using workload indicator of frontline Health workforce in an era for Universal Health Coverage(UHC) in Nigeria | University of Basel |
Kenechukwu Nwosu | Analysing the Cascade of HIV Care among Female Sex Workers in Nigeria and Trialing an Online Platform for Teaching Outbreak Analytics in African Countries | University of Geneva |
Christelle Oltramare | Endocrine disruptors in food: human exposure assessement using exposure and early-effect biomarkers | University of Lausanne |
Clémence Orain | Understanding community mobility of persons with disabilities: Transferring unmet needs and solutions into policies | Karolinska Institute |
Natalia Ortega Herrero | Prospective international study of dairy and inflammation on cognitive decline | University of Fribourg |
Martina Ospelt | tbd. Within the project: The long shadow of childhood cancer: insurance, legal and financial hardships after childhood cancer from the perspective of parents, survivors, and lega | University of Lucerne |
Babatunde Owolodun | Foodways in West Africa Time Trends and Diversity of Food Consumption Pattern | University of Basel |
Deborah Pacifico | SwissDEM - Dementia burden, trends, and risk factors in Switzerland | Università della Svizzera italiana |
Lita Palomares Estrada | Promoting healthy nutrition and physical activity in Peruvian children - Development and validation of an intervention program | University of Basel |
Luis Diego Palomo-Cordero | Pesticide exposure, respiratory and allergic outcomes among women and children living in a banana growing region in Costa Rica: results from the ISA cohort study | University of Basel |
Giovanna Pedroni | The relationship between play and cognitive and physical functioning in school-aged children and adolescents | Università della Svizzera italiana |
Nora Peduzzi | Being Part and Having Part: Participation of Older People Living with Home Care – an Ethnographic Enquiry | University of Basel |
Stéphanie Perler | Assessing the behaviors of adults with substance use within indicated prevention brief interventions, using advanced methodological approaches. | University of Lausanne |
Eugenia Pertziger | Consumption, metabolomic profiling, and selected health impact of dietary live microorganisms and fermented foods in Switzerland | University of Lausanne |
Anouk Petitpierre | Epidemiological Health Risk Assessment of Exposure to Pesticide Mixtures in LMICs and Switzerland | University of Basel |
Felix Peuker | Current Concepts in Treatment of Multiple Rib Fractures and Upper Extremity Fracture Treatment and Aftercare | University of Lucerne |
Isabel Pfundstein | Evaluation of a new transitional care model: patterns of readmission, health-economic evaluation, and analysis of provider roles. | University of Basel |
Tshepo Kingsley Phakisi | The effects of exposure to pesticide mixture on childhood neurodevelopment and behavioural challenges in the rural community of the Western Cape Province, South Africa. | University of Basel |
Andreas Plate | Quality of care in the prevention and treatment of communicable diseases with a particular focus on primary care"" | University of Lucerne |
Boris Polanco | Disability and Social loss towards a Population Aging | University of Lucerne |
Camille Poroes | Performance and resilience of health systems | University of Lausanne |
Suzanne Powell | Measuring and understanding workplace violence in frontline healthcare workers in Zambia. | University of Basel |
Emma Pulh-Leavy | An evidence-based digital peer support tool to prevent postnatal depression in Switzerland and India: evaluation of the effectiveness and implementation | University of Geneva |
Nicholas Putney | Quantifying and Optimizing the Impact of Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention in Chad | University of Basel |
Enxhi Qama | The Integration of self-management behaviours in individuals with a newly aquired spinal cord injury. | University of Lucerne |
Nurudeen Rahman | Associations between intestinal helminth colonization and gut microbial composition across three low- and middle-income countries and their Implications in immune homeostasis | University of Basel |
Alessia Raineri | Exposure of children to the SARS-CoV-2 virus and development of children during the pandemic – Ciao Corona study | University of Zurich |
Nernst-Atwood Raphael | Evaluation of the treatment outcome of Tb patients in Haiti [2017 - 2018 | University of Geneva |
Pauline Raymer | Determinants of mental health conditions in youth | University of Lucerne |
Viviane Remy | Bus technology developments over the last sixty years in Switzerland and their impact on driver’s health"" | University of Lausanne |
Kateryna Riabchenko | The role of supplementary insurance in the Swiss health system | University of Lausanne |
Joana Ribeiro dos Santos de Palhares Falcao | Adherence to antiretroviral treatment in adolescents living with HIV in Mozambique | University of Basel |
Viviane Richard | Multidimensional impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children in Geneva | University of Geneva |
Maximilian Richter | Infectious disease dynamics due to exposure and evolution: a modelling study | University of Basel |
Thomas Franz Riegler | Development and evaluation of a digital education and self-management program for patients with fibrotic interstitial lung disease. | University of Zurich |
Johanna Rink | Dynamics of Physical Activity in Everyday Life of Individuals with SCI and their Romantic Partners | University of Lucerne |
Sukuman Rittem | The assessment of human-monkey conflict management and implementation strategies in Thailand: a participatory modeling and one health approach | University of Zurich |
Greta Rizzi | Bridging the conceptual gap on public dementia awareness: toward a comprehensive framework for informing and evaluating advocacy actions and campaigns. | Università della Svizzera italiana |
Eva Patricia Rocillo Aréchaga | Adolescent and young adult migrants from North Africa in Europe. Health status, use of health services, and best care practices | University of Geneva |
Maryann Rolands | Development of a new, pragmatic metric for protein quality applicable to plant-based foods and diets. | University of Lausanne |
Anna Romanova | Using Co-Creation to Improve Critical Health Literacy in Disadvantaged Communities in Switzerland | University of Lucerne |
Natalie Roschnik | Impact of a multi-sectoral intervention to improve nurturing care practices in Malawi and drivers of change: a mixed method approach | University of Geneva |
Leonard Roth | The study of formal and informal caregivers' professional trajectories, and relevant methodological aspects from a statistical point of view | University of Lausanne |
Erë Rrustemi | Influence of sex and gender on health | University of Lausanne |
Felix Kitema Rubuga | Climate change impacts on the prevalence of Schistosomiasis and amoebiasis in children: From risks assessment to adaptation in Rwanda. | University of Basel |
Ali Saadat Varnosfaderanii | Multi-omics analysis of anti-viral immunity | EPFL |
Ursula Saade | Developing in vitro methods to evaluate the effects of drug combinations against Trypanosoma cruzi. | University of Basel |
Gaël Saillen | Reputation of health insurances in Switzerland. A study based on a participatory approach | University of Lucerne |
Nasteha Salah | Estimation de la prévalence, de l’incidence et de l’influence du facteur migratoire sur les attitudes et les comportements à l’égard de l’excision des communautés migrantes vivant | University of Geneva |
Daniel Salunga | Local government policies and practices on sustainable food systems and their effects on food security and nutrition outcomes in the Philippines | University of Basel |
Talia Salzmann | Sustainability of digital health interventions | University of Basel |
Nekane Sandoval Diez | RF-EMF exposure assessment and characterization from a planetary health perspective | University of Basel |
Hugo-Alejandro Santa-Ramírez | Health equity, social innovation and the urban environment: an integrated analysis in Medellin, Colombia | University of Geneva |
Lea Saringer-Hamiti | Developing and evaluating a nurse-led care model’s scalable unit (INTERSCALE) focusing on implementation strategies and measurement of implementation outcomes | University of Basel |
Pauline Sartori | Cytomegalovirus infection during pregnancy: from healthcare professionals’ practices to pregnant women’s experiences | University of Lausanne |
Nikita Sass | Knowledge gaps in the management of infectious diseases in sub-Saharan Africa – from HIV to nosocomial infections | University of Basel |
Lisa Schiess | Non-pharmacological interventions for family caregivers of cancer patients | University of Basel |
Beatrice Schildknecht | Behavioural analysis of free-flying mosquitoes in experimental huts | University of Basel |
Martina Schmocker | Physical activity promotion in patients with head and neck cancer | University of Zurich |
Jason Schneck | Labour Processes and Measurment of Care: Effects on recruitment and retention in Ticinese nursing homes | University of Zurich |
Josia Schramm | Quality Indicators in primary care / Routinely Collected Data Analysis | University of Lucerne |
Valentin Schuhmann | Effects of HIIT on glaucoma | University of Basel |
Christina Elisabeth Schuler | Including families of sick and small infants into the care continuum in Ghana: A mixed-method participatory action research study to design an evidence-based family-systems care | University of Geneva |
Felix Schulz | Health Economics | University of Basel |
Alexander Schurz | Health economic aspects of a lifestyle intervention in adults with overweight or obesity suffering from chronic low back pain | Bern University of Applied Sciences |
Torsten Schwalbach | BEreavement SupporT for Families Tailored implementation of evidence-informed family end-of-life and BEreavement SupporT (BEST for Family) in acute palliative care: A mixed-method | University of Zurich |
Dominik Oliver Schwarzkopf | Health insurance as tool to smooth seasonal incomes b A randomized controlled trial (HEALTHINESS) | University of Basel |
Johannes Schwenke | Routine use of circulating tumor DNA to improve quality of life and survival for patients with advanced cancer - a pragmatic randomized trial using routinely collected data | University of Basel |
Anastasia Schärer | Preclinical In-depth Characterisation of a Novel Drug for Soil-transmitted Helminths -Emodepside | University of Basel |
Maria Schüler | Children's participation in health care decision process (finalized title in progress) | University of Zurich |
Yannik Schürch | Evaluating pressure relief performance and the incidence of pressure injuries in wheelchair users with spinal cord injury | University of Lucerne |
Camilla Sculco | Mental health and utilisation of healthcare services in the pandemic era | Università della Svizzera italiana |
Vanessa Seijas | Providing stakeholders and policy-makers with the information needed to (re)design rehabilitation services to better respond to the ageing population's needs: A mixed methods | University of Lucerne |
Melissa Selb | Developing ICF-based data collection tools and rehabilitation standards: Four examples using participatory consensus-based approaches in Europe | University of Lucerne |
Swapnoleena Sen | Modelling and simulation targeting malaria interventions for vulnerable populations | University of Basel |
Jeanne Send | Developing a Model for Health Communication Education and Training and Its Application to Social Marketing Contexts | Università della Svizzera italiana |
Serena Sibilio | Implementing new medical quality indicators in the Swiss residential long-term care setting | University of Basel |
Soukvixay Sikhanxay | Cancer Mortality in Lao PDR: An Application of Verbal Autopsy | University of Basel |
Alice Simniceanu | A study of the transmission risk of SARS-CoV-2 in health care facilities | University of Geneva |
Rohan Singh | Personalized Nutrition and Recommender Systems | EPFL |
Taru Singhal | Modeling the impact of novel vector interventions on malaria control | University of Basel |
Frerik Smit | Low-value cancer screening | University of Fribourg |
Séverine Soiron | Participation of Older People Living in Residential Long-term Care (RLTC) - An Ethno- graphic Exploration and Analysis | University of Basel |
Margareth Somba | Social-Cultural factors that influence communities’ early Cervical Cancer screening and treatment acceptability in Kilombero District, Tanzania | University of Basel |
Souliviengkham Sonephet | Breastfeeding and Child Development in Lao People Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) | University of Basel |
Julia Spaltenstein | Maintaining frequent outdoor mobility over time among community dwelling older adults: the impact of bio-psycho-social and environmental factors | University of Lausanne |
Nicolas Sperisen | Cancer suvivorship: patient navigation | University of Geneva |
Viviane Sprecher | Exploring the clinical potential of novel treatment options against neglected tropical helminthiases | University of Basel |
Jacques Spycher | Health equity, health literacy, and health insurance choice in Switzerland | University of Lausanne |
Jothini Sritharan | Imaging-based biomarkers of motor and non-motor manifestations in spinal cord injury | University of Lucerne |
Peter Ssekkadde | Effect of information access intervention on reduction of pesticide exposure among smallholder farmers in Uganda: a cluster randomized trial | University of Basel |
Mélanie Céline Stamm | Economic inefficiencies in the Swiss health care system | University of Geneva |
Marcelo Stegmann | Monitoring of Fatigue and Fatiguability in People with Multiple Sclerosis and Long COVID using Digital Biomarkers derived from Wearables and Smartphone Data | University of Zurich |
Karin Stenberg | Evidence to inform Investments towards Universal Health Coverage | University of Basel |
Iris Sterkele | Exploring Perceptions of the Learning Environment before and after Curriculum Revision in Higher Education: Research on Undergraduate Health Professions Students and Teachers | Vrije Universiteit Brussel |
Andreas Stoller | Impact Evaluation and Causal Machine Learning (working title) | University of Fribourg |
Shoukai Sun | Spatiotemporal modelling of green space and ambient ozone concentrations in Switzerland integrating multi-source data | University of Basel |
Flurina Barbara Curciusa Suter | Effect of the lockdown caused by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on Swiss cancer registry data. (not yet definitive) | University of Zurich |
Albert TUYISHIME | Non Communicable Diseases among People Living with HIV in Rwanda | University of Basel |
Stefano Tancredi | Population Health Monitoring and Surveillance Bias | University of Fribourg |
Simon Tang | Understanding host-pathogen interactions in tuberculosis through a multiomics lens | EPFL |
Kassimu Tani | Governance of social health protection policies for chronic disease conditions in Tanzania | University of Basel |
Boitumelo Tau | How Digital Health Ecosystems Can be Leveraged in Order to Position Countries in Resource Limited Settings for Uptake and Scale up of Emerging Digital Health Technologies | University of Geneva |
Lyndsay Taylor | Novel tools for the treatment and control of soil-transmitted helminth infections | University of Basel |
Tania Filipa Teixeira Martins | Home care quality practices and safety climate | University of Basel |
Janeth Tenorio Mucha | Social, health, and work-related factors associated with non-communicable diseases and mental health among vulnerable migrant workers in Switzerland | University of Geneva |
Valeriia Timonina | Clonal Hematopoiesis and infectious diseases: epidemiology, longitudinal dynamics and cell-specificity | EPFL |
Regina Titi Ofei | Investigating distribution and drivers of all-cause and cause-specific mortality in Ghana: An analysis using mortality data from vital registration system (CRVS) | University of Geneva |
Firew Tiruneh Tiyare | Distribution and Attributable causes of Neonatal Mortality Across the continuum of Care: Reinventing the path to accessible and improved postnatal care in Ethiopia (Still under rev | University of Basel |
Clement Trapence | Examining the Adoption and Implementation of Digital Health Technologies to Enhance the Quality of Pediatric Care in Primary Healthcare Settings | University of Basel |
Eric Phillip Twomey | “Assessing the Health Impacts of Ultrafine Particles: A Multimodal Approach Using In-Situ, Remote Sensing and Cohort Data” | University of Basel |
Daniele Urso | Incidence, Prevalence, Spatial Distribution, and Burden of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias in Europe | University of Geneva |
Behzad Valipour Shokouhi | Spatial-temporal modeling of exposure to airborne pollen | University of Basel |
Adriana Veludo | Environmental exposure to radio-frequency electromagnetic fields in Switzerland and Europe and implications to human health | University of Basel |
Humberto Vieira Barbosa Laudares P | Essays on global health and inequality | University of Geneva |
Julia Vincentini | First Swiss national survey on children and adolescents nutrition : menuCH-Kids | University of Lausanne |
Anna Katharina Vokinger | Trauerbegleitung von Eltern von Kinderkrebspatient:innen | University of Lucerne |
Noémie Waefler | Development and Evaluation of Implementation strategies for Enhanced Implementation Strategy of point-of-care procalcitonin in primary care in Western Switzerland | University of Lausanne |
Zeleke Alebachew Wagaw | Spatial Epidemiology of Tuberculosis (TB), TB Cascade and the Progress of Implementation of End TB Strategy in Ghana | University of Geneva |
Valentin Jaki Waibl | Investigating the potential effects of RF-EMF exposure on the quality of sleep in adolescents | University of Basel |
Fatihiyya Wangara | Use of real time health data at community level to improve retention in maternal and newborn continuum of care for underserved mother-baby pairs in Kwale County, Kenya. | University of Geneva |
Pema Wangchuk | Epidemiological profile of Neglected Tropical Diseases, specifically focused on Cystic Echinococcosis, clinical management, infection risk, prevention and control through One Healt | University of Basel |
Katja Weiss | Benzodiazepines and sedative hypnotics in Switzerland: Challenges and potential solutions | University of Lucerne |
Nadya Wells | The Impact of Financialisation on Global Health Exploring the influence of investors on the AMR Puzzle: Does financialisation explain why we are not producing enough antibio | University of Geneva |
Sophia Werdin | Analysis of the implementation and outcomes of suicide prevention measures in Switzerland | University of Basel |
Dora Weubel | AWARE: Mental Health Portrayals on Social Media and Implications on Adolescents’ Awareness and Well-being | Università della Svizzera italiana |
Andréa Williams | Integrating HIV prevention and care into chronic disease programs in Lesotho | University of Basel |
Irina Wipf | The association between radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure and cognition, behavior and health related quality of life | University of Basel |
Ania Wisniak | Differences in coverage rates between hospital-based versus decentralized community-based cervical cancer screening: a randomized controlled trial in the West Region of Cameroon | University of Geneva |
Nina Lea Wittwer | Aspects of the impact of pharmacogenetics on drug treatment | University of Basel |
Carmen Wyss | Facilitating optimal birth care for women with obesity by Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis | Bern University of Applied Sciences |
Lorena Wyss | Premium subsidies and their impact on health plan choices and health care demand | University of Lucerne |
Matthias Wyss | Functional Analysis of the H3K4 methyltransferase PfSET10 in Plasmodium falciparum and its Role in Mutual Exclusive var Gene Expression | University of Basel |
Kapenga Marc Yambayamba | Operationalization and evaluation of One Health platforms in Guinea and the Democratic Republic of Congo | University of Zurich |
Nuhu Yaqub Jr | Health Service Design and Maternal Outcomes: Analyzing Obstetric care service delivery models and impact on quality, equity and maternal near miss events in Low- and Middle-Income | University of Geneva |
Debora Yesaya | Leaving no one behind in achieving the 90-70-90 cervical cancer elimination initiative: A cross –sectional study among young people, parents and community health workers in Tanzan | University of Basel |
Grace Yoon | Couples-mhGAP effectiveness, intervention mechanisms, and implementation findings | University of Basel |
Jessica Zafra Tanaka | Using a co-creation approach to develop a Core Outcome Set for Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus | University of Geneva |
Tamino Zappalà | Drug Utilisation and Safety Studies Using Swiss Healthcare Claims Data | University of Basel |
Federica Zavattaro | "The role of trust in the European and national health data sharing policy process: from Brussels to Bern, Rome, and Paris" | University of Zurich |
Cinzia Zeltner | A Grounded Theory Typology of Swiss Primary Doctors’ Perspectives on Task Shifting, Automation and their future scope of practice | University of Lucerne |
Nejimu Biza Zepro | Reproductive needs in crisis situation | University of Basel |
Ruyan Zhou | Cardiovascular and Metabolism;Sleep variability and its effect on cardiometabolic diseases | University of Lausanne |
Ana Beatriz de Almeida Moreira | Using available Swiss data to create and model a functioning indicator to inform policy-making for the ageing population. | University of Lucerne |
dafne sanchez | Understanding treatment outcomes in older cancer patients from a new perspective: A real-world data approach | University of Zurich |