Graduate Campus Students

Below you find the list of all Graduate Campus students in alphabetical order.


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Name PhD / MD Project Title University

Ehui Bla Pélagie ABOA

Citizen action for sustainable dengue control in Côte d’IvoireUniversity of Basel


Communication strategies to influence understanding and behavior about healthy and sustainable diets.Università della Svizzera italiana


Health system resilience and COVID-19 response in fragile and conflict-affected states: a mixed-methods study in Sudan and South SudanUniversity of Geneva

Yaman Abuzahra

Effects of improving water access and handwashing behavior on students hand hygiene and well-being in primary schools not connected to functional water sources in Nigeria and PalesUniversity of Basel

Maelle Achard

Comparison of patient engagement in Europe, North America, China, Africa ans South AmericaUniversity of Geneva

Michael Aeby

A systematic review and meta-analysis on the occupational risk factors in farmers and other outdoor workers for basal cell carcinoma, cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, and malignaUniversity of Fribourg

Maryam Ahmadi Shad

The impact of nurse staffing and temporary working practices on nurse-sensitive events: A multi-method study in Switzerland and Iran.University of Basel

Ayman Ahmed

Investigating the virome circulating among disease vectors in East Africa through the Vector-enhanced Metagenomics.University of Basel

Baktygul Akkazieva

How health spending data can influence the policy? Tracking health spending for evidence-based policy making: moving towards UHC. University of Geneva

Bea Albermann

Educating for Health on a Finite Planet: A Transformative Learning Approach to Post-Growth and Planetary Health in SwitzerlandUniversity of Lausanne

Lujain Alchalabi

Access to oral healthcare among refugees and asylum seekers in SwitzerlandUniversity of Basel

Anderson Uchenna Amaechi

Development of a multidimensional index to assess and optimise country readiness for local vaccine manufacturing and delivery in the African subregion. University of Geneva

Priska Ammann

Pesticide use in Swiss agriculture: exposure levels, health effects, and perception in farming and rural non-farming familiesUniversity of Basel

Lydie Araujo

Participation of children in healthcare-related decisions: individual factors of influence and children‘s perspectiveUniversity of Zurich

Ryan Alexander Arias Delafosse

Optimization of vaccination resources in catchment areas using geospatial modelingUniversity of Geneva

Amit Aryal

Health systems quality: gaps, perceptions, and care-seeking determinantsUniversity of Basel

Raphael Aubry

Social media, social comparison and depression among young peopleUniversity of Geneva

Diane Auderset

The epidemiology of COVID-19 using a gender perspective: the case of the canton of VaudUniversity of Lausanne

George Austin-Cliff

Sustainable vocational integration of persons with SCI: A life course perspectiveUniversity of Lucerne

Fuanyi Awatboh

Bayesian Methods in Clinical Trial Research, Completeness Appraisal of Latest Guidelines, and a Comparative Re-analysis. University of Basel

Peace Ayeni


Oumar Aly Ba

Improving access to health services in LMIC through multi-faceted geospatial modelling : minority and population at riskUniversity of Geneva

Lore Baert

Usage of iPS technology to generate human macrophages as an infection model for Leishmania parasitesÓUniversity of Basel

Clemence Bangta Samba

The Human-animal relationship in Chadian societies and its impact on canine rabies control in the implementation of a "One Health" approach in ChadUniversity of Basel

Beatrice Bano

Fill the implementation gap: a mixed methods study of theory-based adaptation and implementation approaches and processes of a low-dose psychosocial intervention for caregivers Università della Svizzera italiana

Nora Barloggio

Iron balance in humans living at high altitude: defining requirements and optimal biomarker thresholds using a novel body iron labelling technique based on stable iron isotopesETHZ

Vasiliki Baroutsou

The DIALOGUE study: Using digital health to improve care for families with predisposition to hereditary cancerUniversity of Basel

Andreas Michael Baumer

The Digital Future of Observational Health StudiesUniversity of Zurich

Yigit Baysal

“Linking animal and human welfare- refining rodent euthanasia”University of Zurich

Golou Louise Bellai

Entomological surveillance and assessment of malaria vectors' susceptibility to insecticides in Cote d'IvoireUniversity of Basel

Jeanne Berche


Melanie Berger

Neurophysiological effects of exercise with and without the integration of cooperative activities on social-cognitive abilities in preadolescentsUniversity of Basel

Neili Carolina Bermudez Plaza

Physical, mental, and cognitive functioning disparities at older age: Evidence from political, cultural, and socioeconomic factors across countriesUniversity of Lausanne

Urmila Bhattacharyya

Maternal and Neonatal Health in LausanneUniversity of Zurich

Molly Biehl

An integrated approach of GIS-based sampling and mobile surveying using the World Health Survey Plus platform, to address data gaps for vulnerable migrant womenUniversity of Geneva

Melina Bigler

Legionnaires' disease in Switzerland - a prospective national case-control study Co-Supervisor(s)/PhDUniversity of Basel

Céline Bolliger

Adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer survivors in Switzerland: Epidemiology, psychosocial health and possible positive outcomesUniversity of Lucerne

Jade Bonanno

Advance Care Planning in Primary CareUniversity of Fribourg

Pernette Bourdillon Esteve

Making health and non-health focused datasets interoperable to gain actionable insights on the dynamics between substandard/falsified medical products, diseases, and populationsUniversity of Geneva

Angélique Bourqui

Management of acute bronchitis in Switzerland with Andrographis paniculata - a randomised clinical trial.University of Fribourg

Axelle Braggion

Low-value cancer screening University of Fribourg

Sophie Karoline Brandt

Preferences and perspectives of health professionals regarding future outpatient primary careUniversity of Lucerne

Curdin Brugger

Health impact assessment of essential services in the context of humanitarian settingsUniversity of Basel

Fabienne Bruggisser

Effects of exercise timing on strength and cardiometabolic healthUniversity of Basel

Alice Bryk Silveira


Serena Buchter

Quel référentiel pour soutenir l’enseignement du spiritual care au sein des formations pré-grade en médecine et soins infirmiers de Suisse romande ? University of Lausanne

Clément Buclin

Maximizing the value of clinical encounters and patient-centered care: patient and physician’s perspectives University of Geneva

Fabienne Buholzer-Mercier

Social inequalities among nationalities in the prevention of cancer in Switzerland: historical trendsUniversity of Fribourg

Maya Burckhardt

Neurobiology of stress-related disorders in the working-age population.University of Lausanne

Alonso Bussalleu

“Modelling urban environmental risk factors in EXPANSE, a large multi-center Exposome study”University of Basel

Mahmoud CISSE

Artificial Intelligence for the diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases in AfricaUniversity of Geneva

Claire Chabloz

Value-Based Health Care: Moving Toward its Implementation in Swiss hospitalsUniversity of Fribourg

Christopher Chadwick

Next-generation influenza vaccines: Considerations for increasing access in low- and middle-income countriesUniversity of Geneva

Somaphone Chankongsin

Comprehensive evaluation of liver disease burden and risk factor in urban Vientiane capital,LaosUniversity of Basel

Hongruyu Chen

To Be DeterminedUniversity of Zurich

Hasnaa Chettou

Agrégation des modèles d'exposition aux substances chimiquesUniversity of Lausanne

Naomi Chi Ndum

Knowledge, attitudes, practices and health system factors and needs for schistosomiasis elimination and related interventions in Pemba, TanzaniaUniversity of Basel

Salome Christen

Cancer-related Fatigue, Musculoskeletal Late Effects, Physiotherapy Utilization and Physical Functioning in Survivors of Childhood Cancer.University of Lucerne

Laura Ciavarella

Impact des Politiques d'Éducation et de Garde de la Petite Enfance sur les trajectoiresde développement et les inégalités sociales : une étude comparativeUniversity of Lausanne

Iza Ciglenecki

Hepatitis E epidemics in humanitarian settingsUniversity of Geneva

Giulio Cisco

Mathematical models and socio-economic evaluation methods for the health sectorUniversity of Lausanne

Tamara Da Silva

Advancing Clinical Trials: Assessing the Impact of Decentralized Clinical Trials on Quality, Costs and InclusivityUniversity of Geneva

Ranin Darkhawaja

Social capital, social contagion, healthy minds and healthy habits in the future health care work force in the occupied Palestinian territoryUniversity of Basel

Kate Dassesse

True Cost of Food - Consumer perception and behaviorUniversity of Lausanne

Alida Manoëla Datchoua Moukam

Cervical cancer screening at home to increase participations: Exploring users’ and providers’ perspective. University of Geneva

Manja Elisabeth Deforth

Validity of clinical risk prediction models (working title)University of Zurich

Félix Delerm

Overcoming the liberal tradition: a broadened concept of social responsibility for health outcomes""University of Neuchâtel

Ezgi Dilek Demirtas

A scoping review on the economic impacts of disease preventionand healthy ageing promotion in OECD member countriesUniversity of Geneva

Bryany Denning

Brief Intervention and Referral for Alcohol Use in the Northwest Territories CanadaUniversity of Geneva



Komenan Issa Djanikro

Implementation costs and the cost-effectiveness of a novel multifaceted intervention composed of a Gazelle sickle cell disease point-of-care-test (POCT) for newborn screening, and University of Basel

Javier Dopico Magadán

The restorative potential of green spaces in noise-polluted environmentsUniversity of Basel

Jacques Du Toit

Lung Ultrasound for the Diagnosis and Management of Pneumonia in Tuberculosis-endemic RegionsUniversity of Basel

Roxane Dumont

Multidimensional evaluation of the COVID-19 pandemic on adolescentsUniversity of Geneva

Jelena Dunaiceva

Effectiveness and implementation of point-of-care procalcitonin embedded in a multifaceted implementation strategy to reduce antibiotic prescription in Swiss primary care: the ImpPUniversity of Lausanne

Maria Bekker-Nielsen Dunbar

Time-varying weights in endemic-epidemic modelsUniversity of Zurich

Jessy Duran Ramirez

Integrative Individual-level data analysis to estimate coverage, assess the role of migration andoutcomes of the novel long-acting HIV treatment regimen in Switzerland (working tUniversity of Zurich


The relationship of social capital with mental health, quality of life and disease control in diabetes patients from Côte d’IvoireUniversity of Basel

Maria Esther Leticia Eburi Losoha

Improvement of immunization uptake among pregnant women in Equatorial Guinea: Mixed methods approachUniversity of Basel

Manuela Eder

How emerging adults create and transform a "combo-misuser" identity through social media.University of Lucerne

Luisa Eggenschwiler

Maternal and neonatal outcomes in association with midwifery staffing - a causal inference framework (MaNtiS)University of Basel

Selina Egger

Equal Access to Mobility? The Situation of People With Limited Mobility in Using Public Transport Supplementary Driving Services in SwitzerlandUniversity of Lucerne

Derek Ehrhardt

Evaluating Poliovirus Containment Strategies: A Comprehensive Analysis of Progress to Advise the Declaration of the Eradication of PoliovirusUniversity of Geneva

Fatemeh Ehteshami

Investigating performance of models of care for diabetes and hypertension in low and middle income countries: case study in IranUniversity of Basel

Nina Emery

Mobile Health Clinical Decision support for All (MOCA), a cluster randomized control trial in TanzaniaUniversity of Lausanne

Devy Emperador

(working title) Informing a multi-disease diagnostic platform for surveillance and early detection of viral hemorrhagic fevers at point of careUniversity of Geneva

Nicole Engelmann

Assessing the Health Risk of Transportation Noise on a European and Global LevelUniversity of Basel

Laura Espinosa

Leveraging social media data for predicting public health behaviours in the context of infectious diseases and vaccination.EPFL

Bethany Evans

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on global Routine Immunisation: trends, risk factors, and implications for recovery and resilienceUniversity of Geneva

Pérince FONTON



Marqueurs biologiques : Déterminants, pertinence diagnostique et pronostique, intervalle de référenceUniversity of Lausanne

Bakar Fakih

Towards malaria elimination in Zanzibar: identifying opportunities for improving surveillance and reducing the importation of infectionsUniversity of Basel

Luzia Nora Felber

Modelling and simulation of mosquito populationsUniversity of Basel

Daniella Figueroa-Downing

Mathematical modelling of malaria vaccine implementation.University of Basel

Eva Fleischlin

High-intensity interval training in patients with glaucoma: effects on the retinal microcirculationUniversity of Basel

Remo Fortunato

The Impact of Heat on Home Care Workers' Health and the Effectiveness of Adaptation Strategies University of Basel

Tom Forzy

From single disease reductionist research to informed Machine Learning: a new research paradigm for multimorbidityUniversity of Zurich

Livia Freitag

Health Workforce Shortage in SwitzerlandUniversity of Lucerne

Franc Fritschi

The Swiss Public Health Discourse on the COVID-19 Pandemic: Moral Ideologies, Hegemony and Power and their Effects on Swiss Youth in a CDA ApproachUniversity of Basel


Ressources humaines et transformation sectorielle dans le contexte des limites planétaires: analyse quantitative et qualitative de scénarios contrastés pour le système de santéUniversity of Lausanne

Anaïs Galli

Evaluating the effects of handwashing stations and hygiene promotion in primary health care facilities in conflict settingsUniversity of Basel

Anna Galmiche

The right to health as a legal argument and governance model for the fight against climate change University of Neuchâtel

Yuying Gao

Managing Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs) and Patient/Hospital Responses During Non- Optimal Temperature: A Comparative Analysis of China and SwitzerlandUniversity of Geneva

Gemma García Calderó

Loneliness and Social Exclusion - the ethics of pandemic management plans (working title) University of Basel

Felix Gerber

Improving access to early initiation of antiretroviral therapy in persons living with HIV in resource-limited settings University of Basel

Joan Gil Miñana

Health risks in men who have sex with men and practice chemsexUniversity of Geneva

Anouk Glättli

Enhancement of Cognitive Performance in High-Stress Environments: Investigating a Cognitive and Physical Exercise Intervention and Underlying Physiological MechanismsUniversity of Basel

Vivianne Gomo

Developing a centralised laboratory repository, dashboa rd and maturity model as resources to inform laboratory investment priorities for funding agenciesUniversity of Geneva

Justine Gosling

Priorities for rehabilitation in health systems in low income countries during health emergenciesUniversity of Lucerne

Jean Anthony Grand-Guillaume-Perrenoud

The effects of interprofessional education on interprofessional practice in healthcare settingsUniversity of Lausanne

Stephanie Greindl

The quality of care for older patients in primary care: The role of family members and interprofessional care teamsUniversity of Lucerne

Alexandra Griessbach

Making clinical trials more affordable – Trial costs, budget planning, and platform trialsUniversity of Basel

Léa Grosjean

Experience of healthcare and administrative staff working with asylum seekers in the current contexte of polycrisisUniversity of Lausanne

Germán Galileo Guerra y Guerra

Paid domestic work and depressive symptomatology among Mexican paid domestic workers in MexicoUniversity of Geneva

Aude Guillot

« L’architecture des healthy nudges: quels enjeux juridiques? »""University of Neuchâtel

Chau My Nga Ha

Disability, Early Retirement, and Financial Hardship. What the future holds for the ageing population?University of Lucerne

Michelle Haas

Exergaming and its effects on the motor-cognitive system in individuals after musculoskeletal injuryUniversity of Basel

Roelien Haveman

Fragility fractures of the pelvisUniversity of Lucerne

Irma Heller

Effect of exercise and sport on anxiety in social situations University of Lucerne

Angela Hellingman

Development of an in vitro triple combination assay for antimalarial drug discovery based on in vitro parasite reduction ratio assayUniversity of Basel

Andre Henriques

Dynamics of Airborne Transmission: Unraveling Pathogen Spread and Informing Public Health GuidanceUniversity of Geneva

Kristen Hinckley

Early Childhood DevelopmentUniversity of Basel

Kang Leng Ho

Work and Health (Predictors and outcomes of crafting patterns)University of Zurich

Dylan Hofmann

Votre assureur maladieUniversity of Neuchâtel

Eva Hollenstein

Interprofessional and -Organizational Collaborative Practice in Suicide Prevention: A Mixed-Methods ApproachUniversity of Basel

Sarah Holzer

Health economic evaluation of a scalable nurse-led care model (INTERCARE) effective in reducing unplanned hospitalizations in Swiss nursing homes, focusing on the cost-effectivenesUniversity of Basel

Mathilde Hyvärinen

Identification of behavioural determinants and implementation of evidence-based practice of promoting physical activity by midwives in maternity hospitals: a mixed-methods approachUniversity of Graz, Austria

Clara Häfliger

Person-centered and interprofessional communication in spinal cord injury rehabilitation University of Lucerne

Silvan Hälg

Exploration of tropical mosquito-born viruses by NGS techniques in Tanzania and Ivory Coast.University of Basel

Stefania Iaquinto

“Longitudinal analyses of treatment, disease progression, and health-related quality of life in the Swiss Multiple Sclerosis Registry”University of Zurich

Bonaventure Gozim Ikediashi

Health Literacy and Disease Knowledge in Sickle Cell Disease in Low Resource SettingsUniversity of Lucerne

Sandra Isano

Adolescent pregnancies and their implications: A mixed methods study in Kiziba Refugee Camp, Rwanda. University of Geneva

Laura Catalina Izquierdo Martínez

Impact of video relay interpreting on access to healthcare of Deaf populationUniversity of Geneva

Anne Jachmann

Mental Health of Refugee Aid Workers (MH-RAW): psychosocial impact and strategies of copingUniversity of Basel

Daniel Jenkins

Child Maltreatment and its Effects on Gaming Behaviours and Problematic Internet Use: The Moderating Effect of RewardUniversity of Fribourg

Sarah Maria Esther Jerjen

Emergency Medical Services in SwitzerlandUniversity of Lucerne

Xing Jiang

Assess the Health Impact of Tranquility in EuropeUniversity of Basel

Mario Alberto Jimenez Ramirez

Provisional tittle: Reaching every child with essential immunization services: The case of Zero dose Children - Sindh province, PakistanUniversity of Geneva

Natalie Johnson

Community development to alleviate depression and substance use among youth and people living with HIV in LesothoUniversity of Basel

Staria Joseph

Gender Inequities in Healthcare Access for Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury: A Multi-National Anlaysis University of Lucerne

Morgane Jotterand

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the utilization of health care among older people in Switzerland (MD, not a PhD)University of Lausanne

Rosemary Jouaud-James

Migrant-sensitive healthcare modelsUniversity of Geneva

Nandi Joubert

Effects of a workplace health intervention programme on risk factors for non-communicable diseases, health behaviours and psychosocial health of teachers in disadvantaged communitiUniversity of Basel

Levy Jäger

Assessing Quality of Care in General Practice Using a Laboratory Test DatabaseUniversity of Lucerne

Reto Jörg

The potential for linked data to inform health policies and improve health system performance: case studies in the Swiss healthcare system University of Lausanne


Innovative surveillance approaches used during the Ebola epidemic in Guinea and the Democratic Republic of Congo as a tool to control future outbreaks of acute viral diseasesUniversity of Geneva

Seyram Kaali

Prospective Cohort Study on Early Life Household Air Pollution Exposure and Cardiovascular Disease Risk in ChildhoodUniversity of Basel

Tanga Jean Moise Kabore

Piloting multiple first-lines artemisinin-based combination therapies as an innovative approach for managing uncomplicated malaria in the health district of Kaya, Burkina FasoUniversity of Basel

Denis Kailembo

Evaluation of implementation of community-based larval source management in TanzaniaUniversity of Basel

Abiye Kalaiwo

HIV Seroconversion and HIV Treatment Outcomes In Female Sex Workers in NigeriaUniversity of Geneva

Michael Ketzer

Associations between Nurse Staffing and Quality of Care in Swiss Psychiatric Hospitals: A Project of the Multi-center Observational MatchRN Psychiatry Study (“Matching registered University of Basel

Rida Khan

Food Marketing Policies to Reduce Childhood ObesityUniversità della Svizzera italiana

Sam Khavandi

Social determinants of health care utilisaiton in SwitzerlandUniversity of Lausanne

Visal Khieu

Epidemiology and Diagnostics of Opisthorchis Viverrini and Co-infections in CambodiaUniversity of Basel

Vilaysone Khounvisith

The relationship between water, sanitation and hygiene and infectious disease in Lao PDRUniversity of Basel

Stephanie Khoury

PhD in Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology with a focus on Exclusive Breastfeeding University of Basel

Caron Kim

Applying network-based methods to describe the safety of abortion at the population level in Latin AmericaUniversity of Geneva

Jiin Kim

Measuring functioning information using ICF linking rulesUniversity of Lucerne

Daniel Kipo


Andrew Vivian Kirabo

Leptospirosis in acute undifferentiated fever patients in a Ugandan tertiary hospital University of Zurich

Hélène Kirchhoffer

“Analysis of process and outcomes of the integrated care model, a new service delivery model, in the Jura region of Switzerland : a mixed-method research”University of Basel

Sabrina Koch

The impact of scapula motion on arm function after triceps reconstruction in person with tetraplegiaUniversity of Lucerne

Chiori Kodama

Epidemic and Pandemic Prone Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region; Epidemiology and Proposing the effective control strategies in the context oUniversity of Geneva

Bogomil Kohlbrenner

Knowledge and practice: Does investment in improving medical imaging practice with an active community component, lead to improved quality of care in 7 hospitals in Cameroon ? A caUniversity of Geneva

Idriss Tobias Komi

Incentivizing healthier and more sustainable choices : Evaluating health and environmental externalities to tailor policy interventions University of Lausanne

Julia Kopp

Pycnogenol in people with post-COVID condition: a quadruple-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trialUniversity of Zurich

Charlotte Krawczyk

Preclinical studies to obtain a better understanding and improving translation of anthelminthicsUniversity of Basel

Noemi Künstle

Differences in autophagy biomarker levels in cord blood of preterm and term infants and their correlation with clinical outcome and air pollution exposureUniversity of Basel

Joanne Lacy

Informing the management of the pandemic through large-scale epidemiological research (TBC)University of Zurich

Pradip Lamsal

Availability and affordability of insulin and metformin in Nepal.University of Geneva

Yannic Lecoultre

Traumatic injury to the shoulder girdle: double versus single plating techniques in midshaft clavicle fracturesand augmented screws vs non-cemented screws in plate osteosynthesis oUniversity of Lucerne

Tristan Lee

Harnessing the potential of longitudinal observational datasets to improve patient care managementUniversity of Basel

Yejin Lee

Global Health Data Governance Framework: An Analysis of Current Practices and Recommendations for Improved Evidence-Based Decision-MakingUniversity of Geneva

Jeanne Lemant

Identifying key drivers of vector control effectiveness and supporting malaria decision-making through dynamical modellingUniversity of Basel

Sophie Hilda Lemoupa Makajio

Cervical cancer screening with HPV self-sampling test in low ressource settingUniversity of Geneva

Malebanye Lerotholi

Improving care through patient-centered eHealth support in adult chronic care in LesothoUniversity of Basel

Melanie Liechti

Analysis of Overweight and Obesity in People Suffering from Chronic Low back Pain: InfluencingFactors and the Role of Swiss Physiotherapists in Weight Loss ManagementBern University of Applied Sciences

Yuling Lin

Health and Economic Impact of Strategies to Eliminate Neglected Tropical Diseases: The Case of Soil-Transmitted Helminthiasis and SchistosomiasisUniversity of Basel

Fangfei Liu

Healthcare-associated bloodstream infections due to multidrug-resistant organisms (BSI-MDROs) in China ? A multi-centre study on epidemiology, risks and preventionUniversity of Geneva

Keyuan Liu

Physical activity and metabolism: a population-based studyUniversity of Lausanne

Yanmei Liu

Is Health Insurance Knowledge Associated with Health Plan Choice and Health Care Utilization? - Evidence from a Mandatory Health Insurance System University of Lucerne

Nicolas Loizeau

Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields: spatial and temporal variability and the association of mobile phone's radiation on cognitive health University of Basel

Nasim Sadat Lotfi Nezhad

Effect of Wearing a Novel Electronic Wearable Device on Hand Hygiene Compliance Among Health Care WorkersUniversity of Geneva

Mushashu Mwansa Lumpa

Linkage linkage framework for LMIC University of Basel

Sibylle Lustenberger

Agricultural productivity and health: Evidence from Central Cote d'IvoireUniversity of Basel

Anaïs Léger

Investigation of a benchmarking tool for antimicrobial use in companion animals at practice level in Switzerland: implementation to assessmentUniversity of Geneva

Simone Lüthi

Understanding the association between emotional well-being and psychobiological stress among persons with spinal cord injury and their romantic partners in daily life University of Lucerne


Socioeconomic Background, Early Life Morbidity and Neurocognitive Functioning: Longitudinal Evidence from Bagamoyo, Tanzania.University of Basel

Sizeka Aubrey MASHELE

Evaluation of Cervical Cancer Screening Programmes in South Africa (2005─2022): Bridging Gaps and Guiding Policy DecisionsUniversity of Basel



Clara MacNaughton

Long-term care for persons with spinal cord injury in SwitzerlandUniversity of Lucerne

Duha Mahgoub

Impacts of conflicts and political instabilities on National Malaria Control Programs in Sub-Saharan African countriesUniversity of Basel

Audrey Mahieu

Assessing the impact of attacks on healthcare in conflict University of Geneva

Jasmin Mahler

Gender aspects and differences in individuals with spinal cord injury regarding their lower urinary tract and secual functionUniversity of Lucerne

Abouzaid Mahmoud

Longitudinal quality assessment of a modern district hospital in CameroonUniversity of Basel

Flavia Mangeret

Understanding Neonatal sepsis to narrow gaps towards improving Neonatal HealthUniversity of Geneva

Kailing Marcus

Comparing the spatiotemporal transmissions of SARS and COVID-19 in China: before and after Universal Health CoverageUniversity of Geneva

Ko Ko Maung

Predictive capacity of circulatory lipidome for (improved) cardiometabolic riskUniversity of Lausanne

Niklaus Meier

Cost-Effectiveness and Health Valuation Studies for the Swiss Health Care SystemUniversity of Basel

Flurina Meier Schwarzer

Community-Dwelling Older Persons in Switzerland: Needs, Health Care Use and CostsUniversity of Basel

Katell Mellac

Proposal and proof of concept analysis for a national data infrastructure (stream) for transplantation medicine in Switzerland University of Basel

Matilde Melotto

Play and Socio-Emotional Well-Being Among School-Aged Children and Adolescents in the Digital EraUniversità della Svizzera italiana

Olga Menang

Determinants of health systems capacity for effective pharmacovigilance: an analysis of pharmacovigilance implementation in high, middle and low-income countriesUniversity of Basel

Laura Merson

Accelerating Lassa fever research through core outcome measuresUniversity of Geneva

Natalie Messerli

Understanding the Role of Knowledge Translation in Evidence Informed Health Policy Making in SwitzerlandUniversity of Lucerne

Stefan Metzger

The impact of rehabilitation for persons with spinal cord injury An Analysis of economic aspects of spinal cord injury/disorder (SCI/D) treatment on an institutional level, economUniversity of Lucerne

Alix Miauton

Enhancing clinical skills, rational use of diagnostics & antimicrobials, and outbreak detection at primary care level in Tanzania, through the provision of real-time mentoring University of Lausanne

Florence Milando


Vincent Minconetti

Supporting malaria elimination using tailored surveillance and responseUniversity of Basel

Ursina Minder

Finding the balance between shoulder capacity and loads to optimize functioning in persons with spinal cord injuryUniversity of Lucerne

Hannah Moll

TBD - Personalized decision making in obesity therapy.University of Zurich

Regina Molomo

The reproductive health effects of pesticide exposure on school children living in the rural Western Cape, South AfricaUniversity of Basel

Caterina Montagnoli

Access to maternal healthcare among undocumented migrantsUniversity of Basel

Aurora Monticelli

Engaging older persons in the community to promote frailty prevention and reduce social isolation (ENGAGE)University of Basel

Sven Mostberger

Prevention of respiratory complications after acute spinal cord injuryUniversity of Lucerne

Altiona Muho

Long term sustainability of health system’s program interventions University of Basel

Abdifatah Muktar Muhummed

The incidence, etiology, and control of diarrhea in children and the prevalence of shared antimicrobial resistance genes between humans, animals, and the environment in Eastern EthUniversity of Basel

Violeta Munoz Gomez

The burden of disease and other causes of morbidity and mortality in backyard chickens in low-income and middle-income countriesUniversity of Zurich

Javier Munoz Laguna

Assessing feasibility and pilot implementation of a trial comparing spinal manual therapy versus nerve root injection for lumbar radiculopathy in primary care: the SALuBRITY randomUniversity of Zurich

Céline Mötteli

Improving the care pathway of people with knee osteoarthritis in SwitzerlandUniversity of Zurich

Charlotte Isabella Müller

Interprofessional CareUniversity of Zurich

Cornelius Müller

Coercive Measures in Switzerland - An Investigation of Risk Factors and Opportunities for Prevention on the Individual and Organizational Level (Working Title)University of Basel

Jan Müller

Effectiveness evaluation of a community-based integrated care model for frail home-dwelling older adults: INSPIRE care modelUniversity of Basel

Gallican NSHOGOZA Rwibasira

Understanding determinants, prevalence, nature, projected trends and associated factors of HIV-1 Drugs resistance among Adolescent and young adults from HIV Rwandan Cohort. University of Basel

Margaret Nagawa

An early nutrition intervention for nutritionally at risk infants under 6 months to reduce malnutritionin the first year of lifeUniversity of Geneva

Robert Ndege

Tackling unsolved issues of the dual epidemic of HIV and Tuberculosis: Envisioning 2030University of Basel

Eric Ipyn Nebie

Clinical trials efficiency improvement- learning from neglected diseases drugs developmentUniversity of Basel

Tiberiu Nita

L'effet des phtalates et autres perturbateurs endocriniens dans le cadre d'exposition professionnelleUniversity of Lausanne

May Thet Nu Noe

Measurement of mental health as basis for intervention researchUniversity of Lausanne

Nazihah Noor

Early life social and behavioural risk factors for developing chronic diseasesUniversity of Fribourg

Ogonna Nwankwo

Modelling of Productivity using workload indicator of frontline Health workforce in an era for Universal Health Coverage(UHC) in NigeriaUniversity of Basel

Kenechukwu Nwosu

Analysing the Cascade of HIV Care among Female Sex Workers in Nigeria and Trialing an Online Platform for Teaching Outbreak Analytics in African CountriesUniversity of Geneva

Christelle Oltramare

Endocrine disruptors in food: human exposure assessement using exposure and early-effect biomarkersUniversity of Lausanne

Clémence Orain

Understanding community mobility of persons with disabilities: Transferring unmet needs and solutions into policiesKarolinska Institute

Natalia Ortega Herrero

Prospective international study of dairy and inflammation on cognitive declineUniversity of Fribourg

Martina Ospelt

tbd. Within the project: The long shadow of childhood cancer: insurance, legal and financial hardships after childhood cancer from the perspective of parents, survivors, and legaUniversity of Lucerne

Babatunde Owolodun

Foodways in West Africa Time Trends and Diversity of Food Consumption PatternUniversity of Basel

Deborah Pacifico

SwissDEM - Dementia burden, trends, and risk factors in SwitzerlandUniversità della Svizzera italiana

Lita Palomares Estrada

Promoting healthy nutrition and physical activity in Peruvian children - Development and validation of an intervention programUniversity of Basel

Luis Diego Palomo-Cordero

Pesticide exposure, respiratory and allergic outcomes among women and children living in a banana growing region in Costa Rica: results from the ISA cohort studyUniversity of Basel

Giovanna Pedroni

The relationship between play and cognitive and physical functioning in school-aged children and adolescentsUniversità della Svizzera italiana

Nora Peduzzi

Being Part and Having Part: Participation of Older People Living with Home Care – an Ethnographic EnquiryUniversity of Basel

Stéphanie Perler

Assessing the behaviors of adults with substance use within indicated prevention brief interventions, using advanced methodological approaches.University of Lausanne

Eugenia Pertziger

Consumption, metabolomic profiling, and selected health impact of dietary live microorganisms and fermented foods in SwitzerlandUniversity of Lausanne

Anouk Petitpierre

Epidemiological Health Risk Assessment of Exposure to Pesticide Mixtures in LMICs and SwitzerlandUniversity of Basel

Felix Peuker

Current Concepts in Treatment of Multiple Rib Fractures and Upper Extremity Fracture Treatment and AftercareUniversity of Lucerne

Isabel Pfundstein

Evaluation of a new transitional care model: patterns of readmission, health-economic evaluation, and analysis of provider roles.University of Basel

Tshepo Kingsley Phakisi

The effects of exposure to pesticide mixture on childhood neurodevelopment and behavioural challenges in the rural community of the Western Cape Province, South Africa.University of Basel

Andreas Plate

Quality of care in the prevention and treatment of communicable diseases with a particular focus on primary care""University of Lucerne

Boris Polanco

Disability and Social loss towards a Population AgingUniversity of Lucerne

Camille Poroes

Performance and resilience of health systemsUniversity of Lausanne

Suzanne Powell

Measuring and understanding workplace violence in frontline healthcare workers in Zambia. University of Basel

Emma Pulh-Leavy

An evidence-based digital peer support tool to prevent postnatal depression in Switzerland and India: evaluation of the effectiveness and implementationUniversity of Geneva

Nicholas Putney

Quantifying and Optimizing the Impact of Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention in ChadUniversity of Basel

Enxhi Qama

The Integration of self-management behaviours in individuals with a newly aquired spinal cord injury.University of Lucerne

Nurudeen Rahman

Associations between intestinal helminth colonization and gut microbial composition across three low- and middle-income countries and their Implications in immune homeostasisUniversity of Basel

Alessia Raineri

Exposure of children to the SARS-CoV-2 virus and development of children during the pandemic – Ciao Corona studyUniversity of Zurich

Nernst-Atwood Raphael

Evaluation of the treatment outcome of Tb patients in Haiti [2017 - 2018University of Geneva

Pauline Raymer

Determinants of mental health conditions in youthUniversity of Lucerne

Viviane Remy

Bus technology developments over the last sixty years in Switzerland and their impact on driver’s health""University of Lausanne

Kateryna Riabchenko

The role of supplementary insurance in the Swiss health systemUniversity of Lausanne

Joana Ribeiro dos Santos de Palhares Falcao

Adherence to antiretroviral treatment in adolescents living with HIV in Mozambique University of Basel

Viviane Richard

Multidimensional impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children in GenevaUniversity of Geneva

Maximilian Richter

Infectious disease dynamics due to exposure and evolution: a modelling studyUniversity of Basel

Thomas Franz Riegler

Development and evaluation of a digital education and self-management program for patients with fibrotic interstitial lung disease.University of Zurich

Johanna Rink

Dynamics of Physical Activity in Everyday Life of Individuals with SCI and their Romantic Partners University of Lucerne

Sukuman Rittem

The assessment of human-monkey conflict management and implementation strategies in Thailand: a participatory modeling and one health approachUniversity of Zurich

Greta Rizzi

Bridging the conceptual gap on public dementia awareness: toward a comprehensive framework for informing and evaluating advocacy actions and campaigns. Università della Svizzera italiana

Eva Patricia Rocillo Aréchaga

Adolescent and young adult migrants from North Africa in Europe. Health status, use of health services, and best care practicesUniversity of Geneva

Maryann Rolands

Development of a new, pragmatic metric for protein quality applicable to plant-based foods and diets.University of Lausanne

Anna Romanova

Using Co-Creation to Improve Critical Health Literacy in Disadvantaged Communities in SwitzerlandUniversity of Lucerne

Natalie Roschnik

Impact of a multi-sectoral intervention to improve nurturing care practices in Malawi and drivers of change: a mixed method approachUniversity of Geneva

Leonard Roth

The study of formal and informal caregivers' professional trajectories, and relevant methodological aspects from a statistical point of viewUniversity of Lausanne

Erë Rrustemi

Influence of sex and gender on health University of Lausanne

Felix Kitema Rubuga

Climate change impacts on the prevalence of Schistosomiasis and amoebiasis in children: From risks assessment to adaptation in Rwanda.University of Basel

Ali Saadat Varnosfaderanii

Multi-omics analysis of anti-viral immunityEPFL

Ursula Saade

Developing in vitro methods to evaluate the effects of drug combinations against Trypanosoma cruzi.University of Basel

Gaël Saillen

Reputation of health insurances in Switzerland. A study based on a participatory approachUniversity of Lucerne

Nasteha Salah

Estimation de la prévalence, de l’incidence et de l’influence du facteur migratoire sur les attitudes et les comportements à l’égard de l’excision des communautés migrantes vivant University of Geneva

Daniel Salunga

Local government policies and practices on sustainable food systems and their effects on food security and nutrition outcomes in the PhilippinesUniversity of Basel

Talia Salzmann

Sustainability of digital health interventionsUniversity of Basel

Nekane Sandoval Diez

RF-EMF exposure assessment and characterization from a planetary health perspective University of Basel

Hugo-Alejandro Santa-Ramírez

Health equity, social innovation and the urban environment: an integrated analysis in Medellin, ColombiaUniversity of Geneva

Lea Saringer-Hamiti

Developing and evaluating a nurse-led care model’s scalable unit (INTERSCALE) focusing on implementation strategies and measurement of implementation outcomesUniversity of Basel

Pauline Sartori

Cytomegalovirus infection during pregnancy: from healthcare professionals’ practices to pregnant women’s experiencesUniversity of Lausanne

Nikita Sass

Knowledge gaps in the management of infectious diseases in sub-Saharan Africa – from HIV to nosocomial infectionsUniversity of Basel

Lisa Schiess

Non-pharmacological interventions for family caregivers of cancer patientsUniversity of Basel

Beatrice Schildknecht

Behavioural analysis of free-flying mosquitoes in experimental hutsUniversity of Basel

Martina Schmocker

Physical activity promotion in patients with head and neck cancerUniversity of Zurich

Jason Schneck

Labour Processes and Measurment of Care: Effects on recruitment and retention in Ticinese nursing homesUniversity of Zurich

Josia Schramm

Quality Indicators in primary care / Routinely Collected Data AnalysisUniversity of Lucerne

Valentin Schuhmann

Effects of HIIT on glaucomaUniversity of Basel

Christina Elisabeth Schuler

Including families of sick and small infants into the care continuum in Ghana: A mixed-method participatory action research study to design an evidence-based family-systems careUniversity of Geneva

Felix Schulz

Health EconomicsUniversity of Basel

Alexander Schurz

Health economic aspects of a lifestyle intervention in adults with overweight or obesity suffering from chronic low back painBern University of Applied Sciences

Torsten Schwalbach

BEreavement SupporT for Families Tailored implementation of evidence-informed family end-of-life and BEreavement SupporT (BEST for Family) in acute palliative care: A mixed-methodUniversity of Zurich

Dominik Oliver Schwarzkopf

Health insurance as tool to smooth seasonal incomes b A randomized controlled trial (HEALTHINESS)University of Basel

Johannes Schwenke

Routine use of circulating tumor DNA to improve quality of life and survival for patients with advanced cancer - a pragmatic randomized trial using routinely collected dataUniversity of Basel

Anastasia Schärer

Preclinical In-depth Characterisation of a Novel Drug for Soil-transmitted Helminths -EmodepsideUniversity of Basel

Maria Schüler

Children's participation in health care decision process (finalized title in progress)University of Zurich

Yannik Schürch

Evaluating pressure relief performance and the incidence of pressure injuries in wheelchair users with spinal cord injuryUniversity of Lucerne

Camilla Sculco

Mental health and utilisation of healthcare services in the pandemic eraUniversità della Svizzera italiana

Vanessa Seijas

Providing stakeholders and policy-makers with the information needed to (re)design rehabilitation services to better respond to the ageing population's needs: A mixed methods University of Lucerne

Melissa Selb

Developing ICF-based data collection tools and rehabilitation standards: Four examples using participatory consensus-based approaches in EuropeUniversity of Lucerne

Swapnoleena Sen

Modelling and simulation targeting malaria interventions for vulnerable populationsUniversity of Basel

Jeanne Send

Developing a Model for Health Communication Education and Training and Its Application to Social Marketing ContextsUniversità della Svizzera italiana

Serena Sibilio

Implementing new medical quality indicators in the Swiss residential long-term care settingUniversity of Basel

Soukvixay Sikhanxay

Cancer Mortality in Lao PDR: An Application of Verbal AutopsyUniversity of Basel

Alice Simniceanu

A study of the transmission risk of SARS-CoV-2 in health care facilitiesUniversity of Geneva

Rohan Singh

Personalized Nutrition and Recommender SystemsEPFL

Taru Singhal

Modeling the impact of novel vector interventions on malaria controlUniversity of Basel

Frerik Smit

Low-value cancer screeningUniversity of Fribourg

Séverine Soiron

Participation of Older People Living in Residential Long-term Care (RLTC) - An Ethno- graphic Exploration and AnalysisUniversity of Basel

Margareth Somba

Social-Cultural factors that influence communities’ early Cervical Cancer screening and treatment acceptability in Kilombero District, Tanzania University of Basel

Souliviengkham Sonephet

Breastfeeding and Child Development in Lao People Democratic Republic (Lao PDR)University of Basel

Julia Spaltenstein

Maintaining frequent outdoor mobility over time among community dwelling older adults: the impact of bio-psycho-social and environmental factorsUniversity of Lausanne

Nicolas Sperisen

Cancer suvivorship: patient navigationUniversity of Geneva

Viviane Sprecher

Exploring the clinical potential of novel treatment options against neglected tropical helminthiasesUniversity of Basel

Jacques Spycher

Health equity, health literacy, and health insurance choice in SwitzerlandUniversity of Lausanne

Jothini Sritharan

Imaging-based biomarkers of motor and non-motor manifestations in spinal cord injuryUniversity of Lucerne

Peter Ssekkadde

Effect of information access intervention on reduction of pesticide exposure among smallholder farmers in Uganda: a cluster randomized trial University of Basel

Mélanie Céline Stamm

Economic inefficiencies in the Swiss health care systemUniversity of Geneva

Marcelo Stegmann

Monitoring of Fatigue and Fatiguability in People with Multiple Sclerosis and Long COVID using Digital Biomarkers derived from Wearables and Smartphone DataUniversity of Zurich

Karin Stenberg

Evidence to inform Investments towards Universal Health Coverage University of Basel

Iris Sterkele

Exploring Perceptions of the Learning Environment before and after Curriculum Revision in Higher Education: Research on Undergraduate Health Professions Students and TeachersVrije Universiteit Brussel

Andreas Stoller

Impact Evaluation and Causal Machine Learning (working title)University of Fribourg

Shoukai Sun

Spatiotemporal modelling of green space and ambient ozone concentrations in Switzerland integrating multi-source dataUniversity of Basel

Flurina Barbara Curciusa Suter

Effect of the lockdown caused by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on Swiss cancer registry data. (not yet definitive)University of Zurich


Non Communicable Diseases among People Living with HIV in RwandaUniversity of Basel

Stefano Tancredi

Population Health Monitoring and Surveillance BiasUniversity of Fribourg

Simon Tang

Understanding host-pathogen interactions in tuberculosis through a multiomics lensEPFL

Kassimu Tani

Governance of social health protection policies for chronic disease conditions in TanzaniaUniversity of Basel

Boitumelo Tau

How Digital Health Ecosystems Can be Leveraged in Order to Position Countries in Resource Limited Settings for Uptake and Scale up of Emerging Digital Health TechnologiesUniversity of Geneva

Lyndsay Taylor

Novel tools for the treatment and control of soil-transmitted helminth infectionsUniversity of Basel

Tania Filipa Teixeira Martins

Home care quality practices and safety climate University of Basel

Janeth Tenorio Mucha

Social, health, and work-related factors associated with non-communicable diseases and mental health among vulnerable migrant workers in Switzerland University of Geneva

Valeriia Timonina

Clonal Hematopoiesis and infectious diseases: epidemiology, longitudinal dynamics and cell-specificityEPFL

Regina Titi Ofei

Investigating distribution and drivers of all-cause and cause-specific mortality in Ghana: An analysis using mortality data from vital registration system (CRVS)University of Geneva

Firew Tiruneh Tiyare

Distribution and Attributable causes of Neonatal Mortality Across the continuum of Care: Reinventing the path to accessible and improved postnatal care in Ethiopia (Still under revUniversity of Basel

Clement Trapence

Examining the Adoption and Implementation of Digital Health Technologies to Enhance the Quality of Pediatric Care in Primary Healthcare SettingsUniversity of Basel

Eric Phillip Twomey

“Assessing the Health Impacts of Ultrafine Particles: A Multimodal Approach Using In-Situ, Remote Sensing and Cohort Data”University of Basel

Daniele Urso

Incidence, Prevalence, Spatial Distribution, and Burden of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias in EuropeUniversity of Geneva

Behzad Valipour Shokouhi

Spatial-temporal modeling of exposure to airborne pollenUniversity of Basel

Adriana Veludo

Environmental exposure to radio-frequency electromagnetic fields in Switzerland and Europe and implications to human healthUniversity of Basel

Humberto Vieira Barbosa Laudares P

Essays on global health and inequalityUniversity of Geneva

Julia Vincentini

First Swiss national survey on children and adolescents nutrition : menuCH-KidsUniversity of Lausanne

Anna Katharina Vokinger

Trauerbegleitung von Eltern von Kinderkrebspatient:innenUniversity of Lucerne

Noémie Waefler

Development and Evaluation of Implementation strategies for Enhanced Implementation Strategy of point-of-care procalcitonin in primary care in Western SwitzerlandUniversity of Lausanne

Zeleke Alebachew Wagaw

Spatial Epidemiology of Tuberculosis (TB), TB Cascade and the Progress of Implementation of End TB Strategy in GhanaUniversity of Geneva

Valentin Jaki Waibl

Investigating the potential effects of RF-EMF exposure on the quality of sleep in adolescentsUniversity of Basel

Fatihiyya Wangara

Use of real time health data at community level to improve retention in maternal and newborn continuum of care for underserved mother-baby pairs in Kwale County, Kenya.University of Geneva

Pema Wangchuk

Epidemiological profile of Neglected Tropical Diseases, specifically focused on Cystic Echinococcosis, clinical management, infection risk, prevention and control through One HealtUniversity of Basel

Katja Weiss

Benzodiazepines and sedative hypnotics in Switzerland: Challenges and potential solutionsUniversity of Lucerne

Nadya Wells

The Impact of Financialisation on Global Health Exploring the influence of investors on the AMR Puzzle: Does financialisation explain why we are not producing enough antibioUniversity of Geneva

Sophia Werdin

Analysis of the implementation and outcomes of suicide prevention measures in SwitzerlandUniversity of Basel

Dora Weubel

AWARE: Mental Health Portrayals on Social Media and Implications on Adolescents’ Awareness and Well-beingUniversità della Svizzera italiana

Andréa Williams

Integrating HIV prevention and care into chronic disease programs in Lesotho University of Basel

Irina Wipf

The association between radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure and cognition, behavior and health related quality of lifeUniversity of Basel

Ania Wisniak

Differences in coverage rates between hospital-based versus decentralized community-based cervical cancer screening: a randomized controlled trial in the West Region of CameroonUniversity of Geneva

Nina Lea Wittwer

Aspects of the impact of pharmacogenetics on drug treatmentUniversity of Basel

Carmen Wyss

Facilitating optimal birth care for women with obesity by Multiple Criteria Decision AnalysisBern University of Applied Sciences

Lorena Wyss

Premium subsidies and their impact on health plan choices and health care demand University of Lucerne

Matthias Wyss

Functional Analysis of the H3K4 methyltransferase PfSET10 in Plasmodium falciparum and its Role in Mutual Exclusive var Gene ExpressionUniversity of Basel

Kapenga Marc Yambayamba

Operationalization and evaluation of One Health platforms in Guinea and the Democratic Republic of CongoUniversity of Zurich

Nuhu Yaqub Jr

Health Service Design and Maternal Outcomes: Analyzing Obstetric care service delivery models and impact on quality, equity and maternal near miss events in Low- and Middle-Income University of Geneva

Debora Yesaya

Leaving no one behind in achieving the 90-70-90 cervical cancer elimination initiative: A cross –sectional study among young people, parents and community health workers in TanzanUniversity of Basel

Grace Yoon

Couples-mhGAP effectiveness, intervention mechanisms, and implementation findingsUniversity of Basel

Jessica Zafra Tanaka

Using a co-creation approach to develop a Core Outcome Set for Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus University of Geneva

Tamino Zappalà

Drug Utilisation and Safety Studies Using Swiss Healthcare Claims DataUniversity of Basel

Federica Zavattaro

"The role of trust in the European and national health data sharing policy process: from Brussels to Bern, Rome, and Paris"University of Zurich

Cinzia Zeltner

A Grounded Theory Typology of Swiss Primary Doctors’ Perspectives on Task Shifting, Automation and their future scope of practiceUniversity of Lucerne

Nejimu Biza Zepro

Reproductive needs in crisis situation University of Basel

Ruyan Zhou

Cardiovascular and Metabolism;Sleep variability and its effect on cardiometabolic diseasesUniversity of Lausanne

Ana Beatriz de Almeida Moreira

Using available Swiss data to create and model a functioning indicator to inform policy-making for the ageing population.University of Lucerne

dafne sanchez

Understanding treatment outcomes in older cancer patients from a new perspective: A real-world data approachUniversity of Zurich