University of Zurich
The University of Zurich (UZH) is the largest and most diverse university in Switzerland and has a long tradition in multidisciplinary research in public health and medicine. The more than 40 SSPH+ faculty members come from five faculties (Medicine, Law, Science, Theology and VetSuisse) and three university hospitals. UZH-wide initiatives like the Digital Society Initiative or the Center for Reproducible Science create synergies and value for UZH, SSPH+ and the public at large. The UZH contributes to Public Health and its community in Switzerland by hosting the SSPH+ directorate, the MPH and DAS Work & Health coordination offices and the National Institute for Cancer Epidemiology and Registration.
Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute (EBPI)
The Epidemiology, Biostatistics & Prevention Institute (EBPI) improves, implements, and teaches best practice research methods, providing evidence and context for informed health decisions. The EBPI’s four, closely-linked major areas of activity bridge teaching and training to evidence-based health care and public health services. Key areas include Chronic and Infectious Disease Prevention & Management, Mental Health, Work & Health, Children’s Health, Global Health, Biostatistics and Health Services Research. The EBPI is a major contributor to three PhD programs and to the Master of Biostatistics program at UZH.