Open Website
SSPH+ Inter-university Graduate Campus
SSPH+ Partner Universities under the lead of University Fribourg
SSPH+ supports or collaborates with several structured inter-university as well as local PhD programs in public health relevant sciences. Check-out the websites of these programs.
SSPH+ Partner Universities under the lead of University Fribourg
SSPH+ Partner Universities under the lead of University of Lucerne
University of Zurich and ETHZ
Universities of Basel and Lausanne
SSPH+ partner universities (Basel, Bern, Luzern, Neuchâtel, Svizzera italiana, Zurich) and universities of applied sciences (BFH, FHO, SUPSI, ZHAW)
University of Lucerne
University of Neuchatel
University of Geneva
University of Basel
University of Bern
University of Bern