
An overview of International training programs can be found here. 

You can search for a course offered by SSPH+ partners by title, topic, and/or location.

  • Politique de Gestion

    Apprendre à

    • Planifier un programme de santé publique, le mettre en œuvre et l’évaluer
    • Promouvoir une politique favorable à la santé et adaptée aux besoins prioritaires de santé d’une population

    1. Dates: 27.01.2025 – 31.01.2025
    2. Registration: 15.05.2024
    3. Location: University of Geneva
    4. Facilitator:  
    5. Topics:
  • Statistische Methoden zum Umgang mit Confounding und Interaktionen in epidemiologischen Studien

    Die Teilnehmenden lernen, wie man in der Auswertung epidemiologischer Studien anhand multivariabler Methoden Confounding identifizieren und kontrollieren und Interaktionen quantifizieren kann. Sie lernen, die Resultate solcher Auswertungen korrekt zu interpretieren und zu beschreiben.


    • Unterschiedliche statistische Methoden für den Umgang mit Confounding
    • Prinzipien multivariabler Verfahren (einfache Beispiele der klassischen Regression)
    • Logistische Regression
    • Ausblick auf binomiale Regression, Poisson Regression und Überlebensanalyse
    • Darstellung und Interpretation von Ergebnissen multivariabler Analysen
    1. Dates: 29.01.2025 – 07.02.2025
    2.  Course dates: 3 - 5 February 2021 and 12 February 2021
    3. Registration: 29.11.2024
    4. Location: Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), Basel
    5. Facilitator: Jan Hattendorf 
    6. Topics: (Bio)Statistics, Epidemiology
  • Bonnes pratiques des essais cliniques

    • Introduction aux essais cliniques sur les médicaments
    • Développement préclinique et clinique d’un médicament
    • Considérations éthiques
    • Lecture critique d’un protocole
    • Exercices pratiques
    1. Dates: 29.01.2025 – 30.01.2025
    2. Registration: 15.06.2024
    3. Location: University of Geneva
    4. Facilitator: J. Chabert, A. Hunter 
    5. Topics: General Scientific Skills, Ethics and Privacy
  • Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement


    In diesem Modul vertiefen Sie Ihre Fachkenntnisse in der gesundheitsförderlichen Planung, Entwicklung, Implementierung und Evaluation von Massnahmen des betrieblichen Gesundheitsmanagements in Organisationen von Unternehmen. Dabei lernen Sie, die gesundheitsförderlichen Arbeits- und Organisationsgestaltungen sowie Gesundheitsressourcen zu stärken und Gesundheitsbelastungen abzubauen. Dieses Modul qualifiziert Sie, gesundheitsförderliche Change-Management-Prozesse in Unternehmensorganisationen zu begleiten, positiv zu beeinflussen und nachhaltig zu verankern.

    1. Dates: 01.02.2025 – 31.05.2025
    2. Registration: 15.12.2024
    3. Location: Bern, Welle 7
    4. Facilitator: Rosmarie Clara, Sabine Deringer 
    5. Topics:
  • Ein Public-Health-Problem erkennen und lösen

    In diesem Modul setzen Sie sich vertieft mit der Frage auseinander, wann und warum ein aktuelles Gesundheitsproblem überhaupt ein Public-Health-Problem ist, welche Überlegungen für die Wahl einer geeigneten Lösungsstrategie relevant sind und mit welchen Massnahmen das Problem gelöst werden kann.


    • Wann ist ein Gesundheitsproblem ein Public-Health-Problem?
    • aktuelle Prinzipien der Gesundheitsförderung und Prävention
    • Strategieentwicklung
    • Spektrum der möglichen Massnahmen in Gesundheitsförderung und Prävention
    • Normen und Werte in Public Health
    • Instrumente der Qualitätssicherung und Evaluation

    1. Dates: 03.02.2025 – 28.02.2025
    2. Registration: 03.12.2024
    3. Location: Institut für Epidemiologie, Biostatistik und Prävention, Universität Zürich
    4. Facilitator: Roger Staub, Sonja Kerr 
    5. Topics: Global Health, Health Promotion and Prevention, Learning Health Systems
  • Sécurité des soins, concept, enjeux, perspectives


    • Prendre conscience de la place de la sécurité des soins dans le monde de la santé
    • Définir la sécurité des soins et connaître ses dimensions
    • Connaître les concepts et les modèles sous-jacents
    • Comprendre la variabilité des systèmes au niveau local, national et international
    1. Dates: 03.02.2025 – 05.02.2025
    2. Registration: 01.11.2024
    3. Location: University of Geneva
    4. Facilitator: Christian Baralon, Gaëlle Choupay 
    5. Topics:
  • Winter School in Data Analytics and Machine Learning


    • regression techniques for multivariate statistical analysis;

    • machine and deep learning algorithms like lasso, decision trees, random forests, and neural nets;

    • text analysis to extract and statistically analyze text information from websites, like sentiments about


    1. Dates: 03.02.2025 – 14.02.2025
    2. Registration: 27.01.2025
    3. Location: University of Fribourg
    4. Facilitator: Martin Huber, Xenia Wietlisbach 
    5. Topics:
  • Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement


    In diesem Modul vertiefen Sie Ihre Fachkenntnisse in der gesundheitsförderlichen Planung, Entwicklung, Implementierung und Evaluation von Massnahmen des betrieblichen Gesundheitsmanagements in Organisationen von Unternehmen. Dabei lernen Sie, die gesundheitsförderlichen Arbeits- und Organisationsgestaltungen sowie Gesundheitsressourcen zu stärken und Gesundheitsbelastungen abzubauen. Dieses Modul qualifiziert Sie, gesundheitsförderliche Change-Management-Prozesse in Unternehmensorganisationen zu begleiten, positiv zu beeinflussen und nachhaltig zu verankern.

    1. Dates: 08.02.2025 – 07.06.2025
    2. Registration: 15.12.2024
    3. Location: Zurich, Gleisarena
    4. Facilitator: Rosmarie Clara, Sabine Deringer 
    5. Topics:
  • Prävention von Stress, Mobbing und Burnout


    Gerät die persönliche Life-Domain-Balance durcheinander, so zieht das eine Verschlechterung des gesamten Gesundheitszustandes nach sich. Im Modul Prävention von Stress, Mobbing und Burnout werden Instrumente für die Stressprävention und Massnahmen zur Stressbewältigung auf individueller und struktureller Ebene präsentiert. Die Themen wie Mobbing, Cybermobbing, Burnout und Burnout-Prävention bilden aufgrund ihrer aktuellen Bedeutsamkeit den Hauptteil dieses Moduls.

    1. Dates: 08.02.2025 – 07.06.2025
    2. Registration: 15.12.2024
    3. Location: Zürich Gleisareal
    4. Facilitator: Christoph Menzi, Rosmarie Clara 
    5. Topics:
  • Revue systématique et méta-analyse

    • Principes des revues systématiques
    • Recherche de littérature
    • Lecture critique
    • Collaboration Cochrane
    • Méta-analyse
    1. Dates: 12.02.2025 – 15.02.2025
    2. Registration: 15.06.2024
    3. Location: University of Geneva
    4. Facilitator: G. Haller, C. Combescure 
    5. Topics: General Scientific Skills, Learning Health Systems
  • Programmazione, budgeting e controllo di gestione

    Il corso mira all' apprendimento di finalità, elementi costitutivi e tecniche di calcolo della contabilità analitica, del calcolo dei costi e del reporting all’interno di organizzazioni sanitarie e sociosanitarie, fornendo un quadro di riferimento relativamente al processo di pianificazione di un’organizzazione sanitaria in cui collocare il budget. I contenuti trattati hanno quindi l'obiettivo di familiarizzare i partecipanti con le modalità di redazione dei principali report legati al processo di budget (es. estratto di centro di responsabilità, piano degli investimenti, piano dei posti di lavoro), simulando inoltre, attraverso il coinvolgimento dei partecipanti, le dinamiche di negoziazione che intercorrono tra i responsabili dei centri di costo e la direzione.

    1. Dates: 17.02.2025 – 17.03.2025
    2. Registration: 01.09.2024
    3. Location: Universita della Svizzera Italiana
    4. Facilitator: Domenico Ferrari 
    5. Topics: Health Policy, Systems, and Management
  • Soziokulturelle Kontexte, Migration und gesundheitliche Chancengleichheit

    In diesem Modul lernen Sie Erklärungsansätze zu den Zusammenhängen zwischen soziokulturellen Kontexten und gesundheitlicher Chancengleichheit kennen und nutzen diese bei der Entwicklung von Policies, Programmen und Projekten im Bereich Gesundheitsförderung und Prävention.


    • Gesundheitliche Ungleichheit: Erklärungen zu Entstehung und Reproduktion
    • Nationale Policies in der Schweiz und im Ausland
    • Erklärungsansätze für die Bedeutung des soziokulturellen Kontextes in Interventionen
    • Rahmenbedingungen für Policies, Programme und Projekte, die Chancengleichheit verbessern
    • Konzepte für Interventionen mit Chancengleichheit im Zentrum
    • Beispiele ausgewählter Interventionen
    • Barrieren und Erfolgsfaktoren für nachhaltige Interventionen
    1. Dates: 17.02.2025 – 19.02.2025
    2. Registration: 17.12.2024
    3. Location: Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM), University of Bern
    4. Facilitator: Annika Frahsa 
    5. Topics: Social and Behavioural Sciences, Migration health, Health Promotion and Prevention
  • Organisational Behaviour and Transformational Management

    Here, students review the roots and causes of organisational behaviour as encountered in various institutions. They will develop the interpersonal and conceptual skills needed to leas multicultural teams in change processes and learn to apply appropriate human resource management tools to recruit, develop and retain talent. Capitalising on an international workforce by empowering co-workers, developing effective teams, designing attractive job habitats and coping with the dynamic of organisational change are other topics that students will explore.

    1. Dates: 17.02.2025 – 10.05.2025
    2. Registration: 10.02.2025
    3. Location: Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), Basel and ONLINE (Hybrid)
    4. Facilitator:  
    5. Topics: Health Services Administration, Transferable Skills
  • Système de Gestion d Incidents et Analyse systémique


    Objectifs d’apprentissage:

    • Comprendre le concept "Swiss cheese model" et les fondements de l'approche systémique
    • Maitriser la méthode et les conditions de la mise en œuvre d'analyse des incidents
    • Connaitre les principes et enjeux d’un système de gestion des incidents
    1. Dates: 03.03.2025 – 05.03.2025
    2. Registration: 01.11.2024
    3. Location: University of Geneva and Lausanne
    4. Facilitator: Mirela Caci Riedweg, Aimad Ourahmoune 
    5. Topics:
  • Leadership – LEAD


    Leadership ought to set a good example, innovate and inspire, imbue the organisation with the desire to perform at

    a high level, on the one hand, and to safeguard core values, on the other. In this course, students gain insight into

    the leadership behaviour of others and of themselves and discuss what it takes to be considered the designer of an

    organisation or an organisational unit that others want to be part of. The course covers all topics linked to the

    challenge of combining the economic imperative for a competitive, highly productive work force with trust,

    empowerment and respect for the individual.

    1. Dates: 04.03.2025 – 16.05.2025
    2. Registration: 24.02.2025
    3. Location: Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) - Basel/Zürich/Tübingen/München/Wien
    4. Facilitator:  
    5. Topics:
  • Clinical Governance e Evidence Based Practice

    Il corso si prefigge di offrire le competenze tecniche per una ricerca e gestione efficace dell’informazione biomedica per risolvere problemi clinici o organizzativi/gestionali, analizzando i principi e gli approcci dell'Evidence-Based Medicine e, con riferimento alla gestione sanitaria, dell'Evidence-Based Practice. Un elemento essenziale fornito dai concetti trattati è quello di comprendere i principali study designs, così come lo sviluppo, l’implementazione e il monitoraggio delle linee guida di provata efficacia.

    1. Dates: 10.03.2025 – 14.04.2025
    2. Registration: 01.09.2024
    3. Location: Universita della Svizzera Italiana
    4. Facilitator: Barazzoni 
    5. Topics: General Scientific Skills, Health Services Administration
  • Patient-Reported Outcomes, Développement et Validations des Questionnaires


    • Concepts de psychométrie
    • Développement d'une échelle
    • Fiabilité et validité
    • Coefficient de Cronbach
    • Analyse factorielle
    • Modèle de réponse à l'item
    1. Dates: 12.03.2025 – 14.03.2025
    2. Registration: 15.06.2024
    3. Location: University of Geneva
    4. Facilitator:  
    5. Topics:
  • Introduction au droit et à la recherche juridique


    Le CAS Droits des patients et santé publique a l’ambition de faire un état des lieux de l’ensemble des droits des patients en Suisse, sans oublier le cadre international et européen auquel ils sont intimement liés. Un exercice de jonglage législatif est proposé pour présenter l’ancrage de ces droits au niveau fédéral et cantonal. Commençant par les droits fondamentaux, le programme développe les droits des patients en tenant compte de différents critères, tels que le cycle de vie (début et fin de vie), les personnes vulnérables (incarcérées, incapables de discernement, en situation de handicap), etc. A cela s’ajoutent les grands thèmes du consentement éclairé du patient, la protection des données médicales, les responsabilités professionnelles. La réglementation des professions médicales y est également intégrée compte tenu du fait qu’un meilleur encadrement juridique des professions de la santé profite directement au respect des droits des patients.


    • Introduction au droit
    • Introduction au droit de la santé
    • Introduction à la recherche juridique
    1. Dates: 13.03.2025 – 14.03.2025
    2. Location: Institut du droit de la santé (IDS) - University of Neuchâtel
    3. Facilitator:  
    4. Topics: Health Law
  • Concepts and research methods

    Basic tool kit

    • Introduction to qualitative research methods
    • Basic statistics
    • Statistic tutorial
    • Basic epidemiology and evidence-based medicine

    Applied epidemiology

    • Epidemiological framework
    • Population-based sampling
    • Analytical plan and presentation
    1. Dates: 17.03.2025 – 11.04.2025
    2. Registration: 31.12.2024
    3. Location: Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) - Basel
    4. Facilitator:  
    5. Topics: Epidemiology, (Bio)Statistics, General Scientific Skills
  • Health Research and Interventions (CAS HRI)


    The Certificate of Advanced Studies in “Health Research and Interventions” (CAS HRI) provides international participants with the competencies to collect, analyse, and evaluate qualitative and quantitative data relevant to improving health and healthcare in low- and middle-income societies (Module A: Concepts and Health Research). Participants also acquire the skills and knowledge to identify and analyse the interrelated determinants of health and the main health problems of populations in low- and middle-income societies across disciplines (Module B: Health Challenges and Responses).

    Module A: Concepts and Research Methods:
    17 March - 11 April 2025

    Module B: Health Challenges and Responses:
    14 April - 9 May 2025

    1. Dates: 17.03.2025 – 09.05.2024
    2.  Modul A: 17 March - 11 April 2025, Modul B: 14 April - 9 May 2025
    3. Registration: 31.12.2024
    4. Location: Swiss TPH, Allschwil, Switzerland
    5. Facilitator: Karin Gross 
    6. Topics:
  • Debate Training

    Learning Objectives:

    The participants...

    ...learn and practise how to position themselves personally and profitably in a debate.

    ...learn and practise how to switch argumentation levels.

    ...learn and practise how to persuade their (target) audience.

    ...refine their personal presentation skills during the process.

    1. Dates: 18.03.2025 – 18.03.2025
    2. Location: Zurich
    3. Facilitator: Marcel Juen, 
    4. Topics:
  • Control of the occupational environment

    The focus is on airborne contaminants. Students will acquire a sound understanding and practical skills in the relevant technical and organizational measures.

    Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

    • Evaluate and manage ventilation
    • Manage airborne contaminants in various situations to reduce risk
    • Evaluate and manage ventilation and containment
    • Evaluate substitution as an option in exposure management
    1. Dates: 24.03.2025 – 27.03.2025
    2. Registration: 24.02.2025
    3. Location: University of Lausanne
    4. Facilitator: Guillaume Suarez 
    5. Topics: Occupational Health, Hygiene, and Medicine
  • Santé Internationale

    Apprendre à:

    • Identifier les enjeux prioritaires de santé dans un contexte de globalisation
    • Développer des plans d’action adaptés aux réalités locales, régionales ou globales
    1. Dates: 24.03.2025 – 28.03.2025
    2. Registration: 15.05.2024
    3. Location: University of Geneva
    4. Facilitator:  
    5. Topics:
  • Analyse a priori des risques

    Objectifs d’apprentissage

    • Conduire une analyse a priori des risques et en tirer un plan d'action avec ses indicateurs
    • Comprendre la complémentarité des analyses a priori et a posteriori des risques, dans le cadre de la sécurité des soins
    • Etablir les liens entre un événement, un événement indésirable et l'analyse à priori des risques
    1. Dates: 02.04.2025 – 04.04.2025
    2. Registration: 01.11.2024
    3. Location: University of Geneva
    4. Facilitator: Antoine Garnier, Pascal Bonnabry 
    5. Topics:
  • Communication, Marketing and Social Media - CMSM

    Many of the significant challenges health professionals and managers face in public health involve convincing
    individuals to change and adopt behaviors and decision making processes. The mere dissemination of information
    is often insufficient to convince people to take action. In addition, the growing spread of misinformation,
    disinformation, conspiracy theories, and rumors through online platforms has become a major challenge in public
    health activities. The course will introduce participants to social and behavioural communication and change principles, as well as to social marketing approaches in LMICs in practice. Aspects of health communication in classic media and in digital and social media will be discussed.

    1. Dates: 07.04.2025 – 20.06.2025
    2. Registration: 31.03.2024
    3. Location: Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) - Allschwil and ONLINE (Hybrid)
    4. Facilitator:  
    5. Topics:
  • Communication et collaboration

    Ce module de 3 jours couvre différents aspects et méthodes de communication.

    Après avoir terminé le module avec succès, les participants sont en mesure de :

    • communiquer dans le domaine STPS en fonction des interlocuteurs et des niveaux

    • coordonner la collaboration avec d'autres domaines en ce qui concerne les thèmes STPS

    • décider si et quand il faut faire appel à d'autres spécialistes

    • analyser les arrêts de travail et en déduire les mesures nécessaires

    • soutenir la direction de l'entreprise dans le développement d'une organisation de crise et


    • développer des mesures de gestion de crise et les présenter à la direction de l'entreprise

    • effectuer des revues périodiques et actualiser le système de gestion des urgences et des crises

    1. Dates: 08.04.2025 – 10.04.2025
    2. Registration: 09.03.2024
    3. Location: University of Lausanne
    4. Facilitator:  
    5. Topics:
  • Communication scientifique

    • Rédaction d’un protocole, rédaction d’un article et réponse au reviewers
    • Règles d’authorship
    • Financement d’une étude de recherche
    • Communication aux médias
    • Trucs et astuces pour la rédaction scientifique en anglais
    1. Dates: 09.04.2025 – 11.04.2025
    2. Registration: 15.06.2024
    3. Location: University of Geneva
    4. Facilitator:  
    5. Topics: General Scientific Skills
  • Cadre général

    Le cours contient:

    • Droit comme déterminant de la santé
    • Tâches de l’Etat en santé publique, moyens et mesures de mise en œuvre des politiques publiques
    • Nouvelles technologiques et santé
    • Grandes lignes de la politique et santé (climat etc.)
    • 5 Epidémiologie du droit
    • Réflexions philosophiques sur le « progrès » médical
    1. Dates: 10.04.2025 – 12.04.2025
    2. Location: University Neuchatel
    3. Facilitator: Dominique Sprumont, Mélanie Levy 
    4. Topics:
    1. Dates: 14.04.2025 – 09.05.2025
    2. Registration: 31.12.2024
    3. Location: Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) - Basel/Zürich/Tübingen/München/Wien
    4. Facilitator:  
    5. Topics:
    1. Dates: 24.04.2025 – 24.04.2025
    2. Location: Zurich
    3. Facilitator: Walter Stulzer 
    4. Topics:
  • Culture de Ia sécurité et gouvernance

    Objectifs d’apprentissage

    • Comprendre le concept de culture sécurité
    • Connaître les différents instruments de mesure de la culture sécurité
    • Connaître les modalités de mise en œuvre d’une enquête culture sécurité
    • Comprendre le concept de gouvernance de la sécurité des patients
    • Connaître les bonnes pratiques de gouvernance et les formes d’organisation pour la mettre en œuvre
    • Comprendre le processus d’analyse stratégique et de définition de vision, valeurs et axes stratégiques
    1. Dates: 05.05.2025 – 07.05.2025
    2. Registration: 01.11.2024
    3. Location: University of Geneva
    4. Facilitator: Pierre Chopard, Anthony Staines 
    5. Topics:
  • Valutazioni Economiche in Sanità

    Il corso ha il fine di chiarire il ruolo e la logica delle valutazioni economiche per i decisori nel settore sanitario, definendo e discutendo i criteri e le tecniche finalizzati alla valutazione economica di tecnologie e programmi sanitari. Gli argomenti trattati, forniscono le conoscenze e gli strumenti appropriati per identificare, misurare e valutare i costi e i benefici conseguenti all'adozione e all'uso di una tecnologia, analizzando inoltre le opportunità ed i limiti delle assunzioni alla base delle specifiche tecniche di valutazione.

    1. Dates: 06.05.2025 – 09.06.2025
    2. Registration: 01.09.2024
    3. Location: Universita della Svizzera Italiana
    4. Facilitator: Laura Gonzalez 
    5. Topics: Health Economics, Learning Health Systems
  • Prevention and control of occupational risks and diseases

    This module will prepare you to prevent and control common occupational risks at the workplace.

    Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

    • Perform Biomonitoring
    • Interpret risk analyses
    • Develop programs to minimize and control risks
    • Plan and perform the examination of specific risk groups, applying knowledge and best practice
    1. Dates: 12.05.2025 – 15.05.2025
    2. Registration: 11.04.2025
    3. Location: University of Lausanne
    4. Facilitator: Veronica Turcu 
    5. Topics: Occupational Health, Hygiene, and Medicine
  • Mesures répétées, données corrélées

    • Description des designs d'études menant à des données corrélées
    • Tests statistiques pour données répétées
    • Modèles linéaires à effets mixtes
    • Illustration et exercices pratiques
    1. Dates: 14.05.2025 – 16.05.2025
    2. Registration: 15.06.2024
    3. Location: University of Geneva
    4. Facilitator: C. Combescure 
    5. Topics: (Bio)Statistics, General Scientific Skills
  • Health Systems and Management (CAS HSM)


    The Certificate of Advanced Studies in “Health Systems and Management (CAS HSM)” provides international participants with the competencies to plan sustainable improvements to healthcare systems that take into account diverse cultural settings and social and ethical responsibilities. Participants also acquire the ability to communicate and work in a professional and managerial manner in a multidisciplinary environment.

    1. Dates: 15.05.2025 – 12.06.2025
    2. Registration: 31.12.2023
    3. Location: Swiss TPH, Allschwil, Switzerland
    4. Facilitator: Karin Gross 
    5. Topics:
  • Maladies non transmissibles Promotion de la santé Prévention Santé personnalisée

    Le cours contient:

    • Santé 2030 ; maladies non-transmissibles et promotion de la santé A
    • Prévention et addictions : droit, politique et santé comme outils contre les addictions
    • Santé personnalisée : enjeux de la digitalisation
    • Analyse économique des mesures étatiques en santé publique
    • Tests génétiques et médecine prédictive
    1. Dates: 15.05.2025 – 17.05.2025
    2. Location: Universite de Neuchatel
    3. Facilitator: Alberto Marcacci, Catherine Marik 
    4. Topics:
    1. Dates: 15.05.2025 – 12.06.2025
    2. Registration: 31.12.2024
    3. Location: Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) - Basel/Zürich/Tübingen/München/Wien
    4. Facilitator:  
    5. Topics:
  • Health Policy and Systems Analysis


    In this course, students analyse the relationships between global health strategies, national and local health policies and systems development. They critically assess alternatives for health system financing and frame-works, the roles and behaviour of institutions and stakeholders, innovative health service delivery initiatives, and how health systems are influenced by and respond to global changes and wider social determinants. Students examine key elements for measuring and monitoring health system performance, such as governance, information systems and human resources, and learn how they influence health system performance and expected outcomes

    1. Dates: 19.05.2025 – 01.08.2025
    2. Registration: 12.05.2025
    3. Location: Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), Allschwil and ONLINE (Hybrid)
    4. Facilitator:  
    5. Topics:
  • Health Economics and Health Financing

    Based on the WHO health system performance framework, this module analyses public and private forms of health financing and payment as well as indicators to evaluate a country’s health financing structure and level. Students explore how financing agents generate revenue from various sources; pool risk effectively; create appropriate incentives for quality service provision; and allocate resources to the most effective, efficient, and equitable interventions and services. Efficiently managing these functions while minimising administrative costs, is also considered in the context of local, national and global reforms.

    1. Dates: 26.05.2025 – 08.08.2025
    2. Registration: 19.05.2025
    3. Location: Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), Allschwil and ONLINE (Hybrid)
    4. Facilitator:  
    5. Topics: Health Policy, Systems, and Management, Health Economics, Global / International Health
  • Progettazione, gestione e valutazione della qualità

    L'obiettivo del corso è di fornire ai partecipanti i concetti fondamentali relativi alla qualità in ambito sanitario e sociosanitario, per confrontarsi con diversi modelli e sistemi di gestione della qualità, dai più diffusi a quelli maggiormente innovativi. Le tematiche trattate, inoltre, hanno lo scopo di passare in rassegna gli strumenti metodologici ed operativi necessari a condurre efficacemente un audit interno ed ad individuare e sviluppare comportamenti idonei alla conduzione di tali revisioni.

    1. Dates: 26.05.2025 – 18.07.2025
    2. Registration: 01.09.2024
    3. Location: Universita della Svizzera Italiana
    4. Facilitator: L. Lomazzi 
    5. Topics: Transferable Skills, Health Policy, Systems, and Management, Health Services Administration
  • Leadership et Interprefessionnalité


    Objectifs d'apprentissage:

    • Connaître les concepts de leadership et de collaboration interprofessionnelle
    • Analyser l’impact des bonnes pratiques de leadership et d’interprofessionnalité sur la qualité et sécurité des soins
    • Développer ses compétences de leadership et d’interprofessionnalité
    • Développer ses compétences de gestion de conflit et de négociation
    1. Dates: 26.05.2025 – 28.05.2025
    2. Registration: 01.11.2024
    3. Location: Unisersity of Geneva and Lausanne
    4. Facilitator: Katherine Blondon, Joachim Rapin 
    5. Topics:
  • Etudes diagnostiques, études pronostiques et scores cliniques


    • Principes généraux des études diagnostiques et pronostiques
    • Qualité des études diagnostiques
    • Performances de marqueurs diagnostiques/pronostiques
    • Seuil optimal
    • Développement et validation de scores prédictifs (discrimination, calibration)
    • Exercices pratiques
    • * Il est fortement recommandé de connaître le principe des modèles de régression logistique pour suivre cette option.
    1. Dates: 11.06.2025 – 13.06.2025
    2. Registration: 15.06.2024
    3. Location: Institut universitaire de médecine sociale et préventive (IUMSP), Lausanne; University of Geneva
    4. Facilitator: C. Combescure 
    5. Topics: General Scientific Skills
  • Disaster management

    Practical interdisciplinary disaster management. Students will learn and practice controlling and managing mid- to large-scale industrial accidents in collaboration with external partners.

    Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

    • Select and properly use the suitable PPE
    • Select, mobilize and cooperate with external partners, e.g. fire brigade troops, rescue troops, police, state government
    • Evaluate personal contamination and perform decontamination
    • Manage contagious lab spills
    1. Dates: 16.06.2025 – 19.06.2025
    2. Registration: 25.03.2025
    3. Location: Roche Basel
    4. Facilitator: Sven Hoffmann, Tom Hofmann 
    5. Topics: Occupational Health, Hygiene, and Medicine
  • Disaster Management


    Practical interdisciplinary disaster management. Students will learn and practice controlling

    and managing mid- to large-scale industrial accidents in collaboration with external partners.

    Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

    • Select and properly use the suitable PPE

    • Select, mobilize and cooperate with external partners, e.g. fire brigade troops, rescue troops,

    police, state government

    • Evaluate personal contamination and perform decontamination

    • Manage contagious lab spills

    1. Dates: 16.06.2025 – 19.06.2025
    2. Registration: 25.03.2025
    3. Location: Roche Basel
    4. Facilitator: Sven Hoffmann , Tom Hofmann  
    5. Topics:
  • Disaster Management


    Practical interdisciplinary disaster management. Students will learn and practice controlling

    and managing mid- to large-scale industrial accidents in collaboration with external partners.

    Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

    • Select and properly use the suitable PPE

    • Select, mobilize and cooperate with external partners, e.g. fire brigade troops, rescue troops,

    police, state government

    • Evaluate personal contamination and perform decontamination

    • Manage contagious lab spills

    1. Dates: 16.06.2025 – 19.06.2025
    2. Registration: 25.03.2025
    3. Location: Roche Basel
    4. Facilitator: Sven Hoffmann, Tom Hofmann 
    5. Topics:
  • Planning of a Health Campaign

    The course description is coming soon. 

    The course date and location are not yet confirmed

    1. Dates: 19.06.2025 – 19.06.2025
    2. Location: Vaud
    3. Facilitator: Benoit Gaillard 
    4. Topics:
  • Mesures de prévention et de lutte contre les épidémies et pandémies

    Le cour contient:

    • Cadre juridique général – droit suisse et international
    • Mesures visant la population LEp
    • Mesures visant les individus et droits humaines LEp (Vaccinations)
    • Séminaire : les leçons du COVID-19

    1. Dates: 25.06.2025 – 27.06.2025
    2. Location: University of Neuchâtel
    3. Facilitator: Mélanie Levy, Karim Boubaker 
    4. Topics:
  • Supply Chain Management in Health Care

    Many problems related to healthcare quality and safety are the consequences of poorly managed medicines and medical supplies. This module introduces all elements of the supply chain cycle for medicines and other health commodities, including selection of medicines, procurement, distribution and use. Central to this is the management of the whole supply chain system, which comprises quality assurance, human resources, financing, relevant policies and regulations, and monitoring and evaluation. This module emphasizes the importance of integrating supply chain activities into overall health system management.

    1. Dates: 04.08.2025 – 17.10.2025
    2. Registration: 28.07.2025
    3. Location: Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), Allschwil and ONLINE (Hybrid)
    4. Facilitator:  
    5. Topics: Health Services Administration, Health Policy, Systems, and Management, Transferable Skills
  • Biosafety

    This course is equivalent to the official Biosafety level I course.

    Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
    • Work as a biosafety officer on level I
    • Instruct lab workers on biosafety issues
    • Manage contagious waste
    • Manage contagious lab spills

    1. Dates: 11.08.2025 – 12.08.2025
    2. Registration: 11.07.2025
    3. Location: Bern
    4. Facilitator: Sven Hoffmann 
    5. Topics: Occupational Health, Hygiene, and Medicine
  • Evidence-informed Writing and Reasoning


    To achieve effective results, global health leaders need to integrate evidence into their decision-making processes. To do this, they should to be able to apply basic analytical skills including science-informed information retrieval, analysis and the design and implementation of small and applied empirical research projects aimed at a specific, contextualized research questions. The skill set acquired in this course should assist global health practitioners in general and MBA students in the development of the Master thesis of the MBA programme in particular

    1. Dates: 11.08.2025 – 24.10.2025
    2. Registration: 04.08.2025
    3. Location: Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), Allschwil and ONLINE (Hybrid)
    4. Facilitator:  
    5. Topics:
  • Qualité et sécurité des soins

    Le cours contient:

    • Qualité des soins - état des lieux en Suisse et à l’étranger
    • Cadre juridique de l’exercice des professions de la santé (formation et autorisation)
    • Cadre juridique de l’exploitation d’établissements de soins
    • Règlementation des médecines complémentaires
    • Sécurité des patients, responsabilité médico-hospitalière
    • Exercices / responsabilité et sécurité des patient-e-s
    1. Dates: 13.08.2025 – 15.08.2025
    2. Location: University of Neuchâtel
    3. Facilitator: Jérôme St.Phor, Olivier Guillod 
    4. Topics:
  • Risk policy, management, and communication

    Occupational hygiene specialists should understand human risk perception and risk behavior, legal boundary conditions for chemicals handling, and risk management. This course will introduce students to human risk perception, the applications of Swiss legal framework in work and health, and the training of workers in the application of safety rules.

    Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

    • Apply current national and international regulatory systems (e.g. REACH, MSDS)
    • Apply OEL values and substance documentation for further interpretation of measurement data
    • Write risk assessment reports according to recipients’ expectations and regulations
    • Communicate critical results to organizations and community («breaking bad news»)
    1. Dates: 01.09.2025 – 04.09.2025
    2. Registration: 01.08.2025
    3. Location: University of Lausanne
    4. Facilitator: David Vernez 
    5. Topics: Occupational Health, Hygiene, and Medicine, Learning Health Systems
  • Strategic Planning for Health Intervention

    In this module, students use case studies and decision-analytic modelling approaches to design a health programme: conducting a situation analysis and setting priorities for interventions that are consistent with existing national health policies in resource constraint countries. It covers salient topics such as analysing the problem, developing log frames, setting indicators and monitoring and evaluation.

    1. Dates: 15.09.2025 – 28.11.2025
    2. Registration: 08.09.2025
    3. Location: Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), Allschwil
    4. Facilitator:  
    5. Topics: Global / International Health, Health Promotion and Prevention
  • Management of health in organizations

    In this module, students learn to manage work and health activities and define key health indicators.Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

    • Select and implement an absence and case management system
    • Design and implement a health campaign/event to foster individual health behavior change
    • Write a health report for an organization
    • Integrate organizational health as a central value in the culture of an organization
    1. Dates: 15.09.2025 – 18.09.2025
    2. Registration: 15.08.2025
    3. Location: University of Zurich
    4. Facilitator: Holger Dressel 
    5. Topics: Occupational Health, Hygiene, and Medicine
  • Financial Budgeting, Accounting and Reporting

    In most organisations, financial management skills tend to be concentrated in a small core of financial experts. In many small organisations and in the public sector, employees are given responsibilities in financial management for which they have not been trained. This module addresses the basics of the financial cycle from budgeting, implementing and recording, trough to financial reporting. Students will get an in-depth look at the workings of bookkeeping, reporting, internal controlling, financial management of physical assets and stocks, and auditing. They will also learn to extract and use relevant information from the financial management system to make key decisions.

    1. Dates: 22.09.2025 – 05.12.2025
    2. Registration: 15.09.2025
    3. Location: Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), Allschwil and ONLINE (Hybrid)
    4. Facilitator:  
    5. Topics: Transferable Skills, Health Services Administration
    1. Dates: 25.09.2025 – 27.09.2025
    2. Location:
    3. Facilitator:  
    4. Topics:
  • Interdisciplinary group project

    You will investigate and work on a real-practice problem together with your colleagues from the other two DAS Work+Health specializations and the company’s project owner. In this module, you will apply all you have learned so far, incorporating it into your interdisciplinary project. You will establish roles and responsibilities in your project group, and make your project a success for you and the company concerned.

    Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

    • Translate customer needs and orders into a structured workplace analysis
    • Foster interdisciplinary cooperation and teamwork among occupational health specialists
    • Communicate assessment results and recommendations to different target groups and

    1. Dates: 01.10.2025 – 02.10.2025
    2. Location: Berne
    3. Facilitator: Sven Hoffmann 
    4. Topics:
  • Recherche sur l’être humain

    Le cours contient:

    • Gestion des données personnelles dans le domaine médical
    • Biobanques (Big Data)
    • Statut du corps humain, des échantillons biologiques
    • Exercices
    • Cadre juridique de la recherche avec l’être humain
    • PI, brevetabilité du vivant et benefice sharing
    1. Dates: 22.10.2025 – 24.10.2025
    2. Location: University of Neuchâtel
    3. Facilitator: Cora Graf-Gaiser 
    4. Topics:
  • Digital Health Management - DHM


    Digital technologies are fundamentally and rapidly changing the delivery of healthcare services. The Digital Health Management course provides an introduction to the field and shows participants ways to navigate the evolving landscape of healthcare technology and digital solutions, including AI applications. Participants will explore the intersection of healthcare, information technology and business management, gain an understanding of the challenges and opportunities, immerse themselves in concrete cases and domains, and learn a

    1. Dates: 27.10.2025 – 09.01.2026
    2. Registration: 20.10.2025
    3. Location: Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), Allschwil and ONLINE (Hybrid)
    4. Facilitator:  
    5. Topics:
    1. Dates: 06.11.2025 – 08.11.2025
    2. Location:
    3. Facilitator:  
    4. Topics: