
An overview of International training programs can be found here. 

You can search for a course offered by SSPH+ partners by title, topic, and/or location.

  • Principles of Successful Dissemination of Health Research Findings

    By the end of this course, participants will:

    • understand the importance of and principles for dissemination of health research findings
    • identify the key target audience and channels
    • examine case studies of existing research projects
    • develop practical skills for the successful dissemination of their own research findings
    1. Dates: 26.03.2025 – 26.02.2025
    2. Registration: 26.02.2025
    3. Location: Online course on zoom
    4. Facilitator: Rebecca Amati 
    5. Topics:
  • Analyse a priori des risques

    Objectifs d’apprentissage

    • Conduire une analyse a priori des risques et en tirer un plan d'action avec ses indicateurs
    • Comprendre la complémentarité des analyses a priori et a posteriori des risques, dans le cadre de la sécurité des soins
    • Etablir les liens entre un événement, un événement indésirable et l'analyse à priori des risques
    1. Dates: 02.04.2025 – 04.04.2025
    2. Registration: 01.11.2024
    3. Location: University of Geneva
    4. Facilitator: Antoine Garnier, Pascal Bonnabry 
    5. Topics:
  • Experimental Health Economics


    The experimental method has become an important tool for research in health economics. The course introduces the method of experimental economics and then focuses on three selected topics, which are at the core of current research in experimental health economics (i.e., individual decision-making, bargaining, and competition). For each topic, the lecture gives an overview of major findings that have been obtained through laboratory experiments. With the help of presentations, more de-tailed aspects of experimental health economics will be discussed. Participants should be familiar with game theory at least at a basic level.

    1. Dates: 07.04.2025 – 11.04.2025
    2. Location: Basel
    3. Facilitator: Jeannette Brosig-Koch 
    4. Topics:
  • Communication, Marketing and Social Media - CMSM

    Many of the significant challenges health professionals and managers face in public health involve convincing
    individuals to change and adopt behaviors and decision making processes. The mere dissemination of information
    is often insufficient to convince people to take action. In addition, the growing spread of misinformation,
    disinformation, conspiracy theories, and rumors through online platforms has become a major challenge in public
    health activities. The course will introduce participants to social and behavioural communication and change principles, as well as to social marketing approaches in LMICs in practice. Aspects of health communication in classic media and in digital and social media will be discussed.

    1. Dates: 07.04.2025 – 20.06.2025
    2. Registration: 31.03.2024
    3. Location: Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) - Allschwil and ONLINE (Hybrid)
    4. Facilitator:  
    5. Topics:
  • Spring School in Global Health 2025: Focus on Global Mental Health

    Course Description:

    The 2025 edition of the Spring School in Global Health will take place from Monday, 7 April to Friday, 11 April 2025 in Geneva, Switzerland. This year’s theme will focus on Global Mental Health, combining scientific evidence with policy perspectives. The (leadership) course is co-organized by the UNIGE Institute of Global Health, WHO & the WHO Collaborating Centre in Mental Health SWI54 and will have joint and separate sessions for the different participants.

    The Spring School will feature speakers from a range of international organizations and universities, offering both Swiss examples and global perspectives. As part of the Institute of Global Health and its PhD program & the WHO leadership course, the event will provide an in-depth look at current global mental health challenges and approaches.

    See the global program below, more details about the speakers will be shared early 2025.

    1. Dates: 07.04.2025 – 11.04.2025
    2. Location: University of Geneva
    3. Facilitator:  
    4. Topics:
  • Communication et collaboration

    Ce module de 3 jours couvre différents aspects et méthodes de communication.

    Après avoir terminé le module avec succès, les participants sont en mesure de :

    • communiquer dans le domaine STPS en fonction des interlocuteurs et des niveaux

    • coordonner la collaboration avec d'autres domaines en ce qui concerne les thèmes STPS

    • décider si et quand il faut faire appel à d'autres spécialistes

    • analyser les arrêts de travail et en déduire les mesures nécessaires

    • soutenir la direction de l'entreprise dans le développement d'une organisation de crise et


    • développer des mesures de gestion de crise et les présenter à la direction de l'entreprise

    • effectuer des revues périodiques et actualiser le système de gestion des urgences et des crises

    1. Dates: 08.04.2025 – 10.04.2025
    2. Registration: 09.03.2024
    3. Location: University of Lausanne
    4. Facilitator:  
    5. Topics:
  • Communication scientifique

    • Rédaction d’un protocole, rédaction d’un article et réponse au reviewers
    • Règles d’authorship
    • Financement d’une étude de recherche
    • Communication aux médias
    • Trucs et astuces pour la rédaction scientifique en anglais
    1. Dates: 09.04.2025 – 11.04.2025
    2. Registration: 15.06.2024
    3. Location: University of Geneva
    4. Facilitator:  
    5. Topics: General Scientific Skills
  • Applied Bayesian Methods in Epidemiology and Public Health

    This course aims to provide a general, application-oriented introduction to Bayesian data analysis. It offers an overview of the basic concepts of Bayesian modelling essential for common applications, with a specific focus on regression models. Through practical examples and hands-on exercises, the course builds on the foundations of simple and generalized Bayesian regression models. The program is divided into three parts. The first part covers the theoretical concepts of Bayesian analysis. The second part focuses on the application of Bayesian methods in public health and epidemiological studies. The third part consists of practical sessions, enabling participants to perform Bayesian analyses using the freely available, open-source software R.

    1. Dates: 09.04.2025 – 11.04.2025
    2. Registration: 09.03.2025
    3. Location: Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM), Bern
    4. Facilitator: Gian Luca Di Tanna, Joseph Alvin Ramos Santos 
    5. Topics: Epidemiology, (Bio)Statistics
  • Introduction to Gender Medicine

    In the introductory module, which is obligatory for the CAS programme, participants are introduced to the basics of gender theory: What does the distinction between biological gender (sex) and socio-culturally shaped phenomena (gender) mean and how is it related to the difference between nature and culture? Does gender have a history? To what extent is gender linked to other social categories (such as age, religion, class or ethnicity)? Participants will also gain an insight into the concepts of gender-specific medicine that are important for practice and research, learn about the effects of sex and gender on health and the health care system and gain an overview of innovative concepts of gender-specific prevention, diagnosis and therapy of diseases.

    1. Dates: 10.04.2025 – 11.04.2025
    2. Registration: 03.04.2025
    3. Location: University of Zurich
    4. Facilitator: Catherine Gebhard 
    5. Topics: Biomedical Sciences, Social and Behavioural Sciences
  • Cadre général

    Le cours contient:

    • Droit comme déterminant de la santé
    • Tâches de l’Etat en santé publique, moyens et mesures de mise en œuvre des politiques publiques
    • Nouvelles technologiques et santé
    • Grandes lignes de la politique et santé (climat etc.)
    • 5 Epidémiologie du droit
    • Réflexions philosophiques sur le « progrès » médical
    1. Dates: 10.04.2025 – 12.04.2025
    2. Location: University Neuchatel
    3. Facilitator: Dominique Sprumont, Mélanie Levy 
    4. Topics:
  • Python Basics & Beyond: Intro to Data Analysis with Python (first cohort)

    Description: This 12-week online course provides a comprehensive introduction to Python for data analysis, suitable for professionals and students in various fields. No prior programming experience is required. You'll learn the fundamentals of Python programming, data visualization with Plotly, data manipulation with Pandas, collaboration with Git & GitHub, and the creation of reproducible reports and dashboards using Quarto. The course includes live workshops, personalized code reviews, and a capstone project, with a focus on using AI tools in Python projects.

    1. Dates: 12.04.2025 – 28.06.2025
    2.  This 12-week online course (includes 2-hour weekly online sessions and optional help sessions)
    3. Registration: 07.04.2025
    4. Location: Online
    5. Facilitator: Kene Nwosu, Olivia Keiser 
    6. Topics:
  • R Basics & Beyond: Intro to Health Data Analysis with R (first cohort)

    Description: This 12-week online course is designed for beginners and intermediate R users in the life sciences, medical sciences, and social sciences. You'll gain a solid foundation in R programming, focusing on the tidyverse packages (including dplyr,ggplot2, and Rmarkdown). The course emphasizes hands-on learning through weekly live workshops, personalized feedback, and a capstone project. You'll build a portfolio of data projects and learn to use AI tools like ChatGPT to enhance your coding.

    1. Dates: 13.04.2025 – 29.06.2025
    2.  This 12-week online course (includes 2-hour weekly online sessions and optional help sessions)
    3. Registration: 08.04.2025
    4. Location: Online
    5. Facilitator: Kene Nwosu, Olivis Keiser 
    6. Topics:
    1. Dates: 14.04.2025 – 09.05.2025
    2. Registration: 31.12.2024
    3. Location: Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) - Basel/Zürich/Tübingen/München/Wien
    4. Facilitator:  
    5. Topics:
  • Réseaux


    • Identifier les différents réseaux utiles à la promotion de la santé au niveau régional, cantonal, national et international et les ressources mises à disposition par le réseau de promotion de la santé en Suisse latine. Les étudiant-es sont sensibilisé-es à l’importance du travail inter et multidisciplinaire et aux avantages stratégiques des réseaux cantonaux, intercantonaux et nationaux
    1. Dates: 14.04.2025 – 28.04.2025
    2. Registration: 31.05.2025
    3. Location: University of Geneva
    4. Facilitator:  
    5. Topics:
  • Git, Geospatial Viz, Data Cleaning & Dashboarding

    Description: This advanced 12-week online masterclass is for existing R users seeking to elevate their data analysis skills. The course covers version control with Git & GitHub, advanced data manipulation, geospatial visualization, data cleaning techniques, and the creation of interactive dashboards and websites. Participants will engage in live workshops, receive support through help sessions and an online forum, and complete a hands-on capstone project.

    1. Dates: 16.04.2025 – 02.07.2025
    2.  This 12-week online course (includes 2-hour weekly online sessions and optional help sessions)
    3. Registration: 11.04.2025
    4. Location: Online
    5. Facilitator: Kene Nwosu, Olivia Keiser 
    6. Topics:
    1. Dates: 24.04.2025 – 24.04.2025
    2. Location: Zurich
    3. Facilitator: Walter Stulzer 
    4. Topics:
  • Inequality and Inequity in Health and Health Care

    The course is intended for PhD students and other researchers interested in the quantitative analysis of inequality and inequityin health and health care. It consists of five days of lectures and computing laboratory sessions on a number of topics related tothe measurement and explanation of inequalities in health and health care. Apart from providing a general introduction to the range of approaches available to researchers, it also provides practical guidance on various issues of computation. Illustrative examplesdraw on analyses conducted of OECD and developing countries. Students are assessed on their completion of a practical exerciseof data analysis.


    • To give students understanding of approaches to the measurement of health inequality and inequity employed in economics and other disciplines
    • To make students competent in the computation of health inequality measures using Stata
    • To motivate students to conduct their own research into health inequalities
    1. Dates: 28.04.2025 – 02.05.2025
    2. Location: Lausanne
    3. Facilitator: Tom Van Ourti, Owen O’Donnell 
    4. Topics: Health Economics, Learning Health Systems
  • Culture de Ia sécurité et gouvernance

    Objectifs d’apprentissage

    • Comprendre le concept de culture sécurité
    • Connaître les différents instruments de mesure de la culture sécurité
    • Connaître les modalités de mise en œuvre d’une enquête culture sécurité
    • Comprendre le concept de gouvernance de la sécurité des patients
    • Connaître les bonnes pratiques de gouvernance et les formes d’organisation pour la mettre en œuvre
    • Comprendre le processus d’analyse stratégique et de définition de vision, valeurs et axes stratégiques
    1. Dates: 05.05.2025 – 07.05.2025
    2. Registration: 01.11.2024
    3. Location: University of Geneva
    4. Facilitator: Pierre Chopard, Anthony Staines 
    5. Topics:
  • Promotion de la santé et prévention


    A l’issue du cours, les participant·e·s seront en mesure de/d’ :

    1. Argumenter le rôle et la place de la promotion de la santé et de la prévention (PSP) au sein du système de santé suisse
    2. Distinguer les stratégies de PSP axées sur les compétences individuelles en matière de santé, sur les milieux de vie, et par les politiques publiques
    3. Identifier les approches pour lutter contre les inégalités sociales de santé
    4. Conceptualiser une intervention de PSP s’appuyant sur une démarche de planification
    1. Dates: 05.05.2025 – 12.05.2025
    2. Location: Unisanté, Lausanne
    3. Facilitator: Stéphanie Pin, Karin Zürcher 
    4. Topics:
  • Valutazioni Economiche in Sanità

    Il corso ha il fine di chiarire il ruolo e la logica delle valutazioni economiche per i decisori nel settore sanitario, definendo e discutendo i criteri e le tecniche finalizzati alla valutazione economica di tecnologie e programmi sanitari. Gli argomenti trattati, forniscono le conoscenze e gli strumenti appropriati per identificare, misurare e valutare i costi e i benefici conseguenti all'adozione e all'uso di una tecnologia, analizzando inoltre le opportunità ed i limiti delle assunzioni alla base delle specifiche tecniche di valutazione.

    1. Dates: 06.05.2025 – 09.06.2025
    2. Registration: 01.09.2024
    3. Location: Universita della Svizzera Italiana
    4. Facilitator: Laura Gonzalez 
    5. Topics: Health Economics, Learning Health Systems
  • Utilization of Preventive Health Services: Key Determinants and Social Inequalities

    Preventive care services (e.g., cancer screening, cardiometabolic and diabetes checks) are essential for healthy aging and reducing avoidable deaths, especially in aging societies where noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular and chronic respiratory disease are the leading causes of mortality. However, social inequalities in the use of preventive care remain widespread, even in high-income societies with universal health coverage. This course introduces the social determinants affecting individuals’ participation in preventive care, including socioeconomic and sociodemographic factors such as gender, age, marital status, nationality, and macro-level determinants (e.g., country level factors). It covers both theoretical and methodological aspects, enabling a critical analysis of how these factors influence preventive care use. Specific attention is given to population-level services, such as breast, cervical and colorectal cancer screening. Students will gain an understanding of the processes driving inequalities in preventive care use across different population groups, which is essential for informing the design of prevention programs and policy interventions.

    1. Dates: 08.05.2025 – 08.05.2025
    2. Registration: 08.04.2025
    3. Location: Online course on zoom
    4. Facilitator: Vladimir Jolidon 
    5. Topics:
  • Prevention and control of occupational risks and diseases

    This module will prepare you to prevent and control common occupational risks at the workplace.

    Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

    • Perform Biomonitoring
    • Interpret risk analyses
    • Develop programs to minimize and control risks
    • Plan and perform the examination of specific risk groups, applying knowledge and best practice
    1. Dates: 12.05.2025 – 15.05.2025
    2. Registration: 11.04.2025
    3. Location: University of Lausanne
    4. Facilitator: Veronica Turcu 
    5. Topics: Occupational Health, Hygiene, and Medicine
  • Epidemiological Concepts, Principals, and Methods: A Practice-oriented Introduction


    Epidemiology is the branch of medical sciences that investigates the
    distribution of health-related states and events in specified populations
    (community, institutions [schools], city, state, country, region, continent,
    worldwide). Epidemiology also includes the assessment of any intervention
    applied to remediate a health problem.
    In this introductive course, we will treat the following topics

    • Definition, objectives and objects of modern epidemiology (i.e., types of outcomes and their determinants/exposures).
    • Validity and precision of exposure and outcome
    • Study designs and association measures
    • Causal framework and the role of chance and bias in epi-studies
    • Principles of good study design and protocol drafting
    • Different concepts will be introduced using contemporary examples from exposure-oriented (nutritional, occupational and environmental epidemiology) and outcome-oriented epidemiology (i.e., communicable and non-communicable diseases and clinical epidemiology).
    • To assimilate these notions, students will be stimulated to precise/redefine their original research question and hypotheses considering the study design appropriate in their chosen context.
    1. Dates: 12.05.2025 – 16.05.2025
    2. Registration: 12.08.2025
    3. Location: Unisanté
    4. Facilitator: Guseva Canu Irina, Angèle Gayet-Ageron 
    5. Topics: Epidemiology, General Scientific Skills
  • Introduction aux données de santé


    A l’issue du cours, les participant∙e∙s seront capables de :

    1. Décrire et illustrer les différents types et sources de données de santé existant
    2. Identifier les composantes des systèmes d’information orientés sur les soins et sur la population. Illustrer et comparer les possibilités d’accès et de partage des données
    3. Caractériser les différentes étapes de gestion des données et proposer une visualisation appropriée des données-clé
    1. Dates: 13.05.2025 – 20.05.2025
    2. Location: Unisanté, Lausanne
    3. Facilitator: Valérie Pittet 
    4. Topics:
  • Mesures répétées, données corrélées

    • Description des designs d'études menant à des données corrélées
    • Tests statistiques pour données répétées
    • Modèles linéaires à effets mixtes
    • Illustration et exercices pratiques
    1. Dates: 14.05.2025 – 16.05.2025
    2. Registration: 15.06.2024
    3. Location: University of Geneva
    4. Facilitator: C. Combescure 
    5. Topics: (Bio)Statistics, General Scientific Skills
  • Health Systems and Management (CAS HSM)


    The Certificate of Advanced Studies in “Health Systems and Management (CAS HSM)” provides international participants with the competencies to plan sustainable improvements to healthcare systems that take into account diverse cultural settings and social and ethical responsibilities. Participants also acquire the ability to communicate and work in a professional and managerial manner in a multidisciplinary environment.

    1. Dates: 15.05.2025 – 12.06.2025
    2. Registration: 31.12.2023
    3. Location: Swiss TPH, Allschwil, Switzerland
    4. Facilitator: Karin Gross 
    5. Topics:
  • Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs


    • Basic terms in demography (sex and age structure of the population, birth and death rates, life expectancy and infant mortality)
    • Study designs we cover: Cross-sectional, cohort and case-control studies, intervention studies and diagnostic accuracy studies
    • Basic quantities in epidemiology: Prevalence, incidence rates (crude and age-adjusted), risk ratio, risk difference, number needed to treat, odds ratio, sensitivity, specificity
    1. Dates: 15.05.2025 – 19.05.2025
    2. Registration: 15.03.2025
    3. Location: Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM), Bern
    4. Facilitator: Marcel Zwahlen, Claudia Kühni 
    5. Topics: Epidemiology, General Scientific Skills
  • Maladies non transmissibles Promotion de la santé Prévention Santé personnalisée

    Le cours contient:

    • Santé 2030 ; maladies non-transmissibles et promotion de la santé A
    • Prévention et addictions : droit, politique et santé comme outils contre les addictions
    • Santé personnalisée : enjeux de la digitalisation
    • Analyse économique des mesures étatiques en santé publique
    • Tests génétiques et médecine prédictive
    1. Dates: 15.05.2025 – 17.05.2025
    2. Location: Universite de Neuchatel
    3. Facilitator: Alberto Marcacci, Catherine Marik 
    4. Topics:
    1. Dates: 15.05.2025 – 12.06.2025
    2. Registration: 31.12.2024
    3. Location: Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) - Basel/Zürich/Tübingen/München/Wien
    4. Facilitator:  
    5. Topics:
  • Big Data in Public Health


    Big data approaches raise high hopes, promising that this new form of data mining and analysis will significantly improve public health research and action. The proposed course will give a broad overview of potentials and limitations of big data from multiple public health disciplines. Definitions and concepts particularly from epidemiology, geography, and psychology are introduced and discussed in key note lectures to evaluate the public health relevance of big data. We will also examine key legal and ethical challenges from a broader public health perspective. Subsequently, we will explore emerging methods in big data analysis and their application for advancing public health research, with a particular focus on mental health in mini projects working on perspective papers (i.e., group assignments extending on the key note lectures) during and in the aftermath of the course.

    1. Dates: 19.05.2025 – 23.05.2025
    2. Registration: 19.04.2025
    3. Location: University of Lucerne, Department of Health Sciences and Medicine
    4. Facilitator: Oliver Grübner, Vasileios Nittas 
    5. Topics: Epidemiology, (Bio)Statistics, Health Policy, Systems, and Management
  • Health Policy and Systems Analysis


    In this course, students analyse the relationships between global health strategies, national and local health policies and systems development. They critically assess alternatives for health system financing and frame-works, the roles and behaviour of institutions and stakeholders, innovative health service delivery initiatives, and how health systems are influenced by and respond to global changes and wider social determinants. Students examine key elements for measuring and monitoring health system performance, such as governance, information systems and human resources, and learn how they influence health system performance and expected outcomes

    1. Dates: 19.05.2025 – 01.08.2025
    2. Registration: 12.05.2025
    3. Location: Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), Allschwil and ONLINE (Hybrid)
    4. Facilitator:  
    5. Topics:
  • Recherche sur les services de santé: évaluation et implémentation


    • Identifier et déterminer le rôle, les termes, définitions et concepts relatifs au domaine de l’évaluation et de l’implémentation (par ex types d’évaluation, types d’études spécifiques, théories de programmes, modèles logiques, cadres conceptuels)
    • Décrire ce qu’est une intervention complexe et ce que cela implique en termes de méthodes d’évaluation
    • Décrire les principaux types de méthodes mixtes et leur utilité
    • Connaître et comprendre ce que sont les données de routine et les données reportées par les patientes et patients (PROMs, PREMs)
    • Démontrer l’importance de la participation des patientes et patients et des actrices et acteurs concernés, ainsi que l’importance de l’implication des politiques, des décideurs et des décideurs pour la diffusion et la pérennité d’initiatives basées sur les preuves et mises en œuvre sur le terrain
    • Adhérer aux spécificités de la recherche sur les services de santé dans le domaine de l’évaluation et de l’implémentation
    1. Dates: 21.05.2025 – 23.05.2025
    2. Location: Unisanté, Lausanne
    3. Facilitator: Isabelle Peytremann-Bridevaux 
    4. Topics:
  • Study Design and Research

    Goals of the module:


    • are familiar with general principles and international policies on the inclusion of sex and gender in health research
    • are able to critically appraise sex/gender bias in research design, methods, interpretation and publications
    • are familiar with different methods and approaches to minimize sex/gender bias
    • have a thorough understanding of the importance of sex and gender in their own research projects
    1. Dates: 21.05.2025 – 22.05.2025
    2. Registration: 14.05.2025
    3. Location: Bern
    4. Facilitator: Joëlle Schwarz, Carole Clair 
    5. Topics:
  • Health Economics and Health Financing

    Based on the WHO health system performance framework, this module analyses public and private forms of health financing and payment as well as indicators to evaluate a country’s health financing structure and level. Students explore how financing agents generate revenue from various sources; pool risk effectively; create appropriate incentives for quality service provision; and allocate resources to the most effective, efficient, and equitable interventions and services. Efficiently managing these functions while minimising administrative costs, is also considered in the context of local, national and global reforms.

    1. Dates: 26.05.2025 – 08.08.2025
    2. Registration: 19.05.2025
    3. Location: Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), Allschwil and ONLINE (Hybrid)
    4. Facilitator:  
    5. Topics: Health Policy, Systems, and Management, Health Economics, Global / International Health
  • Migration Health

    This course, will allow participants to:

    • Identify the major health problems of migrants on arrival, attributable to the arduous migration route
    • Uncover healthcare service utilization challenges of migrants’ in host countries
    • Understand public health impact of migrants’ health, with a special emphasis on early screening and diagnostics approach, and surveillance practices
    1. Dates: 26.05.2025 – 28.05.2025
    2. Registration: 26.04.2025
    3. Location: Swiss TPH, Allschwil
    4. Facilitator: Daniel H. Paris, Yves-Laurent Jackson 
    5. Topics:
  • Introduction à l'épidémiologie légale


    A l’issue du cours, les participant∙e∙s seront capables de/d’:

    • Appréhender le droit comme un déterminant de la santé
    • Identifier les défis de santé publique propices pour une intervention fondée sur le droit
    • Comprendre les fondements transdisciplinaires de l’épidémiologie légale
    • Concevoir une intervention de santé publique fondée sur le droit
    1. Dates: 26.05.2025 – 27.05.2025
    2. Location: Unisanté, Lausanne
    3. Facilitator: Geraldine Marks 
    4. Topics:
  • Progettazione, gestione e valutazione della qualità

    L'obiettivo del corso è di fornire ai partecipanti i concetti fondamentali relativi alla qualità in ambito sanitario e sociosanitario, per confrontarsi con diversi modelli e sistemi di gestione della qualità, dai più diffusi a quelli maggiormente innovativi. Le tematiche trattate, inoltre, hanno lo scopo di passare in rassegna gli strumenti metodologici ed operativi necessari a condurre efficacemente un audit interno ed ad individuare e sviluppare comportamenti idonei alla conduzione di tali revisioni.

    1. Dates: 26.05.2025 – 18.07.2025
    2. Registration: 01.09.2024
    3. Location: Universita della Svizzera Italiana
    4. Facilitator: L. Lomazzi 
    5. Topics: Transferable Skills, Health Policy, Systems, and Management, Health Services Administration
  • Leadership et Interprefessionnalité


    Objectifs d'apprentissage:

    • Connaître les concepts de leadership et de collaboration interprofessionnelle
    • Analyser l’impact des bonnes pratiques de leadership et d’interprofessionnalité sur la qualité et sécurité des soins
    • Développer ses compétences de leadership et d’interprofessionnalité
    • Développer ses compétences de gestion de conflit et de négociation
    1. Dates: 26.05.2025 – 28.05.2025
    2. Registration: 01.11.2024
    3. Location: Unisersity of Geneva and Lausanne
    4. Facilitator: Katherine Blondon, Joachim Rapin 
    5. Topics:
  • Gouvernance et politique de santé


    • Comprendre les concepts de gouvernance des systèmes de santé et les différentes fonctions de gouvernance
    • Décrire les liens entre gouvernance et performance des systèmes de santé (à partir d’un cadre conceptuel)
    • Comprendre la gouvernance du système de santé suisse et le fonctionnement politique de la Suisse
    • Développer une capacité d’analyse de problèmes concrets de santé publique en utilisant le cadre conceptuel du cycle politique
    • Comprendre les méthodes pour évaluer l’impact des politiques de santé publique
    1. Dates: 02.06.2025 – 03.06.2025
    2. Location: Unisanté and Haute École de Santé Vaud, Lausanne
    3. Facilitator: Mauricio Avendano, Stéfanie Monod 
    4. Topics:
  • SSPH+ Annual Meeting, Including the IGC Students Meeting

    Our Annual meeting motto is “Breaking Walls”, as a signpost to our effort to bridge with national bodies in Switzerland. This year marks the 20th anniversary of SSPH+! Join us as we celebrate together!

    1. Dates: 04.06.2025 – 05.06.2025
    2. Registration: 27.02.2025
    3. Location: University of Bern
    4. Facilitator:  
    5. Topics:
  • Durabilité et environnement


    A l’issue du cours, les participant·e·s seront capables de :

    1. Identifier les principaux risques pour la santé associés à l’évolution du climat et au réchauffement.
    2. Comprendre l’impact du système de santé et des pratiques médicales sur l’environnement.
    3. Comprendre les enjeux pour le système de santé liés à l’évolution climatique
    1. Dates: 10.06.2025 – 10.06.2025
    2. Location: Unisanté, Lausanne
    3. Facilitator: David Vernez 
    4. Topics:
  • Writing and Publishing a Scientific Paper


    Writing and publishing a scientific paper is an NIH-based practical course on scientific writing in biomedical disciplines, with a focus on - but not limited to - public health and epidemiology. The course consists in theory and practice of crafting a manuscript through a supervised group work throughout its duration.

      1. Dates: 10.06.2025 – 12.06.2025
      2. Registration: 10.05.2025
      3. Location: Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano
      4. Facilitator: Emiliano Albanese, Rebecca Amati 
      5. Topics: General Scientific Skills, Transferable Skills
    • Etudes diagnostiques, études pronostiques et scores cliniques


      • Principes généraux des études diagnostiques et pronostiques
      • Qualité des études diagnostiques
      • Performances de marqueurs diagnostiques/pronostiques
      • Seuil optimal
      • Développement et validation de scores prédictifs (discrimination, calibration)
      • Exercices pratiques
      • * Il est fortement recommandé de connaître le principe des modèles de régression logistique pour suivre cette option.
      1. Dates: 11.06.2025 – 13.06.2025
      2. Registration: 15.06.2024
      3. Location: Institut universitaire de médecine sociale et préventive (IUMSP), Lausanne; University of Geneva
      4. Facilitator: C. Combescure 
      5. Topics: General Scientific Skills
    • Prejudice, Discrimination, and the Diversity Challenge

      Course Description:

      Prejudice and discrimination are often causes of individuals’ suffering, social inequalities, and human conflicts in contemporary societies. Prejudice and discrimination are pervasive, difficult to counteract, and persist even in unsuspected contexts and organizations.

      This summer school brings together experts and students from different countries to examine the origins and the consequences of prejudice. Where does prejudice come from? How do prejudice and discrimination affect people’s achievements, performances, and well-being? How can institutions reduce prejudice? How do laws prevent prejudice and protect minorities? What are the advantages of the inclusion of minority groups in the labor market?

      We will address questions through lectures from keynote speakers in social psychology. The social-psychological analysis will be complemented by talks from other disciplines such as economy, law, social work, gender studies etc. Teaching methods include individual readings, class discussions, group exercises, and presentations. It will focus on contemporary cases of prejudice based on various group memberships and stigmatizing attributes, such as ethnic origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, social class, disability, and unemployment.

      This course is a unique opportunity to meet practitioners from different organizations in Geneva and to learn about implemented policies aiming at reducing discrimination and promoting diversity in the workplace.

      1. Dates: 15.06.2025 – 19.06.2025
      2. Location: University of Geneva
      3. Facilitator:  
      4. Topics:
    • Disaster management

      Practical interdisciplinary disaster management. Students will learn and practice controlling and managing mid- to large-scale industrial accidents in collaboration with external partners.

      Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

      • Select and properly use the suitable PPE
      • Select, mobilize and cooperate with external partners, e.g. fire brigade troops, rescue troops, police, state government
      • Evaluate personal contamination and perform decontamination
      • Manage contagious lab spills
      1. Dates: 16.06.2025 – 19.06.2025
      2. Registration: 25.03.2025
      3. Location: Roche Basel
      4. Facilitator: Sven Hoffmann, Tom Hofmann 
      5. Topics: Occupational Health, Hygiene, and Medicine
    • Disaster Management


      Practical interdisciplinary disaster management. Students will learn and practice controlling

      and managing mid- to large-scale industrial accidents in collaboration with external partners.

      Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

      • Select and properly use the suitable PPE

      • Select, mobilize and cooperate with external partners, e.g. fire brigade troops, rescue troops,

      police, state government

      • Evaluate personal contamination and perform decontamination

      • Manage contagious lab spills

      1. Dates: 16.06.2025 – 19.06.2025
      2. Registration: 25.03.2025
      3. Location: Roche Basel
      4. Facilitator: Sven Hoffmann , Tom Hofmann  
      5. Topics:
    • Disaster Management


      Practical interdisciplinary disaster management. Students will learn and practice controlling

      and managing mid- to large-scale industrial accidents in collaboration with external partners.

      Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

      • Select and properly use the suitable PPE

      • Select, mobilize and cooperate with external partners, e.g. fire brigade troops, rescue troops,

      police, state government

      • Evaluate personal contamination and perform decontamination

      • Manage contagious lab spills

      1. Dates: 16.06.2025 – 19.06.2025
      2. Registration: 25.03.2025
      3. Location: Roche Basel
      4. Facilitator: Sven Hoffmann, Tom Hofmann 
      5. Topics:
    • Iniquités en santé et médecine sociale


      A l’issue du cours, les participant∙e∙s seront capables de :

      1. Dates: 16.06.2025 – 17.06.2025
      2. Location: Unisanté, Lausanne
      3. Facilitator: Patrick Bodenmann, Mauricio Avendano 
      4. Topics:
    • Green Activism: From Planetary Engagement to Criminalization


      This joint summer school between the Universities of Copenhagen and Geneva (4EU+ Alliance) explores the field of green activism with a specific focus on different forms in the context of changing discourses of criminalization, engagement, radicalism and extremism.

      Certain forms of green activism, from climate change to mining-related protest, are increasingly subject to criminalization. Rather than working for a cause they are seen as working against the common good, societal needs and functions. At the same time, there is a growing desperation within parts of society, that we are doing far too little and far too late, leading to an increased unconditional call for action. New forms of social mobilization and politics are thus pushing the boundaries of existing protests and practices.

      In this summer school we combine the introduction to green activism with cutting-edge conceptual discussions around the concepts of criminalization, the politics of radicalization and critical perspectives in green criminology. Case-study insights from ethnography and political geography are mobilized to ground discussions in specific everyday contexts and political situations.

      The summer school will involve a combination of keynotes, case study learning and conceptual perspective.

      1. Dates: 16.06.2025 – 19.06.2025
      2. Location: University of Geneva
      3. Facilitator:  
      4. Topics:
    • Education in Emergencies

      Course Description:

      The course introduces participants to the field of EIE, which lies at the intersection of educational sciences and humanitarian action. As highlighted in SDG 4 (Quality Education: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all), providing education during conflict, protracted crises, or climate-induced disasters is essential. Unfortunately, many regions worldwide face such challenges, making EIE increasingly significant within the international community.

      This summer school will enable participants to understand the position of EIE within the humanitarian and educational landscapes. It will provide insights into its methods, practices, and inherent challenges.

      Throughout the program, the summer school emphasizes the critical intersection between humanitarian action and academic research. Participants will benefit from lectures delivered by experts from international organizations and academia.

      The program lasts one week and is structured into four main sections:

      • Foundations of EIE
      • Theoretical frameworks
      • Current advancements
      • Thematic analyses

      By the end of the program, participants will achieve several key objectives:

      • Understand the emergence and evolution of EIE
      • Navigate the field using specific concepts and frameworks
      • Explore the primary challenges addressed by EIE and the insights gained through research on these topics

      Key points

      Start date:Jun. 16, 2025
      End date:Jun. 20, 2025
      Credits:3 ECTS (equivalence)

      Other courses

      1. Dates: 16.06.2025 – 20.06.2025
      2. Location: University of Geneva
      3. Facilitator:  
      4. Topics:
    • Microplastics: From Environmental Impact to Policy, Innovation, and Public Awareness

      Course Description:

      Why Participate?

      • Learn from top experts and organizations, including UNEP, FOEN, and IUCN.
      • Engage in dynamic learning formats, from lectures and flipped classes to interactive World Café sessions and a hands-on field trip to Geneva Lake.
      • Develop and enhance your practical problem-solving skills by tackling real-world challenges in collaboration with professionals.
      • Collaborate in diverse teams and apply your knowledge and skills to water resource management.

      Key Topics:

      • Microplastics in the environment: sources, impacts, and human exposure.
      • Detection methods and analytical approaches.
      • Policy frameworks and regulatory challenges.
      • Industry innovations and solutions.
      • Public engagement and raising awareness.
      1. Dates: 16.06.2025 – 20.06.2025
      2. Location: University of Geneva
      3. Facilitator:  
      4. Topics:
    • WIPO - UNIGE: Intellectual Property

      Course Description:

      The objective of the Summer School is to provide an opportunity for advanced students or young professionals to acquire deeper knowledge of Intellectual Property (IP), and to gain an appreciation of IP as a tool for economic, social, cultural and technological development and the role WIPO plays in the global administration of IP.

      The Summer School program covers all main areas of IP (namely, patent law, trademarks, designs and copyright) through a pragmatic, interactive approach. Lecturers are IP experts at WIPO, the University of Geneva, or other institutions.

      1. Dates: 16.06.2025 – 27.06.2025
      2. Location: University of Geneva
      3. Facilitator:  
      4. Topics:
    • Education in Emergencies

      Course Description:

      The course introduces participants to the field of EIE, which lies at the intersection of educational sciences and humanitarian action. As highlighted in SDG 4 (Quality Education: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all), providing education during conflict, protracted crises, or climate-induced disasters is essential. Unfortunately, many regions worldwide face such challenges, making EIE increasingly significant within the international community.

      This summer school will enable participants to understand the position of EIE within the humanitarian and educational landscapes. It will provide insights into its methods, practices, and inherent challenges.

      Throughout the program, the summer school emphasizes the critical intersection between humanitarian action and academic research. Participants will benefit from lectures delivered by experts from international organizations and academia.

      The program lasts one week and is structured into four main sections:

      • Foundations of EIE
      • Theoretical frameworks
      • Current advancements
      • Thematic analyses

      By the end of the program, participants will achieve several key objectives:

      • Understand the emergence and evolution of EIE
      • Navigate the field using specific concepts and frameworks
      • Explore the primary challenges addressed by EIE and the insights gained through research on these topics

      1. Dates: 16.06.2025 – 20.06.2025
      2. Location: University of Geneva
      3. Facilitator:  
      4. Topics:
    • Digital Law

      Course Description:

      Topics that will be covered include cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, big data, digital privacy and online surveillance, free speech, consumer protection, legal issues of social media, Internet and telecom infrastructure, data protection, intellectual property, antitrust, and much more...

      This is a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience in the framework of a Digital law clinic and to discuss cutting edge Digital law and policy issues with academics (including researchers participating in the Digital Law Research Colloquium), practitioners, representatives of global policy makers, international organizations and leading institutions, including the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), and the Geneva Internet Platform (GIP).

      In the previous years (2014-2022), the Digital Law Summer School (formerly Internet Law Summer School) gathered a group of highly talented participants from very diverse backgrounds and countries, including Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Chile, China, Egypt, Estonia, France, Georgia, Germany, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Lithuania, Moldova, Pakistan, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, the Netherlands, the UK, the US and Ukraine.

      The summer school includes an exciting programme and affords the fantastic opportunity to build a global network of new friends as well as of Digital law and policy experts.

      1. Dates: 16.06.2025 – 27.06.2025
      2. Location: University of Geneva
      3. Facilitator:  
      4. Topics:
      1. Dates: 16.06.2025 – 20.06.2025
      2. Location: Lugano
      3. Facilitator: Fabrizio Mazzonna 
      4. Topics:
    • Leveraging Large Language Models for Public Opinion Analysis


      By the end of the course, participants will have a basic understanding of language models, how to apply them in the context of public health research, and what to consider in the responsible use of language models. Specifically, participants will: 

      • Discuss the potential and risks of using language models in public health research. 
      • Evaluate and test how different language models perform when mining public opinion using publicly available AI resources. 
      • Develop competencies for the responsible use and critical evaluation of language AI
      1. Dates: 18.06.2025 – 18.06.2025
      2. Registration: 18.05.2025
      3. Location: Online course on zoom
      4. Facilitator: Christina Haag 
      5. Topics:
    • Planning of a Health Campaign

      The course description is coming soon. 

      The course date and location are not yet confirmed

      1. Dates: 19.06.2025 – 19.06.2025
      2. Location: Vaud
      3. Facilitator: Benoit Gaillard 
      4. Topics:
    • Life Course Epidemiology and Public Health


      Population health is shaped by a complex set of determinants occurring throughout the life course. Life Course Epidemiology (LCE) aims to causally link exposures across the life course to long-term health outcomes via longitudinal studies. LCE investigates the dynamic of exposures at different periods of life (from conception to old ages), at various levels (social, environmental, behavioural, and biological) and historical periods (birth cohorts), and how these exposures influence population health. For this course, we focus on LCE in public health whereby unravelling the complex origins of disease and health aims at informing preventive strategies. Life course epidemiology informs public health interventions via i) identification of windows of opportunity (life periods), ii) identification of target exposures and iii) assessment of potential intervention strategies. Stemming from the same framework, we introduce life course theories and contemporary methods of causal inference from observational data, allowing to explicit confounding assumptions underlying LCE research questions and to evaluate potential public health interventions. More specifically, we will address the following topics:

      • Why life course studies are essential in Public Health, with an emphasis on early life determinants and primordial intervention of chronic diseases.
      • Core epidemiologic study designs of life course studies (birth and prospective cohort studies).
      • Main life course models (critical/sensitive period and accumulation) through
      • which exposures may affect later health outcomes.
      • Causal thinking and statistical methods to assess LCE models from observational data
      1. Dates: 23.06.2025 – 25.06.2025
      2. Registration: 23.05.2025
      3. Location: University of Fribourg
      4. Facilitator: Cristian Carmeli, Arnaud Chiolero 
      5. Topics: Epidemiology, Social and Behavioural Sciences
    • Introduction à la biostatistique


      A l’issue du cours, les participant∙e∙s seront capables de :

      • Connaître les représentations graphiques et les résumés quantitatifs usuels pour les données continues (histogramme, boxplot, scatterplot, médiane, quantile, moyenne, écart-type, variance, corrélation)
      • Comprendre la notion de hasard de l’échantillonnage et les principes de la statistique inférentielle (test statistique, intervalle de confiance) et savoir effectuer les tests statistiques de base (t-test, test du khi-deux)
      • Comprendre une régression linéaire simple et la notion d’ajustement
      • Être à même de comprendre et d’interpréter correctement des résultats quantitatifs
      1. Dates: 23.06.2025 – 23.06.2025
      2. Location: Unisanté, Lausanne
      3. Facilitator: Michael Amiguet 
      4. Topics:
    • International Law & International Humanitarian Law

      Course Description:

      This course is made for students and junior professionals who are intrigued by international law or marvel at its day-to-day interactions with international politics, affairs and business. This is the opportunity for such learners to get a crash course to introduce them to this fast moving, intellectually thrilling and profoundly humane field of the law.

      The course is shaped so as to bring out the best of current issues in international law, while remaining accessible to non-specialists and seeking to broach the main principles of “International Law 101”, so as to allow enthusiasts to go further.

      1. Dates: 23.06.2025 – 11.07.2025
      2. Location: University of Geneva
      3. Facilitator:  
      4. Topics:
    • Listen, Engage, Connect: Explore The Science Communication Arena

      Course Description:

      The Summer School "Listen, Engage, Connect: Explore The Science Communication Arena" aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the key principles and strategies of science communication in the current global context.

      The program will cover a range of topics, including writing and storytelling for a lay audience, curating dialogues for impact, navigating fake news and alternative facts, risk communication and community engagement, the relationship between science and society, the neural basis of decision-making and strategies for building strong public relations between politics and academic institutions.

      The course will be led by some of the leading experts in the field of science communication, including Pulitzer Prize winner Prof. Deborah Blum, Dr. Margaret Harris, spokesperson for the World Health Organization, Dr. Ana Godinho, Head of Communication at CERN, and other knowledgeable experts.

      1. Dates: 23.06.2025 – 28.06.2025
      2. Location: University of Geneva
      3. Facilitator:  
      4. Topics:
    • Leadership for Sustainability Transition

      Course Description:

      Boost your sustainability career skillset with intensive experience into becoming a more resilient and effective agent of sustainable transition. We train both the hard and soft skills equipping you with tools and methodologies to consciously navigate and master local as well as national and international dynamics of change. With your new readings on sustainability goals and elements of change you will be able to clearly define your vision and goals while engaging others in your vision.

      This workshop will help you build your tool-kit at three levels by combining:

      • A solid exploration of effective response mechanisms to change and needed policy frameworks,
      • A practical perspective based on ongoing projects and best practices in Switzerland and beyond,
      • A deeper dive into the self-leadership skills necessary to aspire and engage your community.
      1. Dates: 23.06.2025 – 27.06.2025
      2. Location: University of Geneva
      3. Facilitator:  
      4. Topics:
    • Science & Policy for Environmental Action

      Course Description:

      From climate change to biodiversity loss or plastic pollution, environmental crises have become more complex and intertwined, calling for active collaboration between scientists and policy actors towards science-informed solutions.

      To achieve this, scientists, policy actors and intermediaries need specific skills and capacities to navigate the science-policy interface related to global environmental governance and more localised pathways towards the ecological transition.

      International Geneva is host to a rather unique ecosystem of international organisations, NGOs, diplomatic missions, think tanks, donors and research institutions - which creates opportunities for science to join the policy table. This vibrant environment provides an exceptional setting for immersing oneself in the dynamics of science-based global policymaking.

      1. Dates: 23.06.2025 – 27.06.2025
      2. Location: University of Geneva
      3. Facilitator:  
      4. Topics:
    • Global Health Law

      Course Description:

      This course will provide an advanced overview of global health law: the fundamental principles applicable, the actors involved, the legal norms already in place and their implementation, and the ongoing negotiations regarding new legal instruments. Special attention will be given to the WHO pandemic instrument that is currently being negotiated, as well as to the role played by global institutions that are particularly involved in the development and implementation of international norms.

      Students will learn through a combination of lectures, seminars, class discussions, practical exercises and field visits (including a visit to the World health Organization). The approach will be guided by the in-depth examination of specific global health challenges, and analyses provided by scholars as well as by practitioners involved in Geneva in the resolution of global health issues.

      1. Dates: 23.06.2025 – 27.06.2025
      2. Location: University of Geneva
      3. Facilitator:  
      4. Topics:
    • Drugs, Health, Policy and Power

      The main objectives of the Summer School are for students to:

      • acquire a strong understanding of the major health and human rights issues related to psychoactive substance use and related policies, and what are the powers that drive them;
      • become familiar with and gain insight into the functioning and implications of the international drug control system and its intersection with public health and human rights ;
      • understand the power dynamics of current issues related to substances in our societies (ex: the opiates overdose epidemics in North America; cannabis regulation models, psychedelics revival and tobacco and the “smoke-free world”).
      • Explore challenges and solutions for coherent governance and drug policy implementation.
      1. Dates: 23.06.2025 – 27.06.2025
      2. Location: University of Geneva
      3. Facilitator:  
      4. Topics:
    • Digital Innovations for a Happier, Healthier Aging: A Transdisciplinary Training

      Course Description:

      The course is designed to accommodate diverse participants, including healthy individuals and patients, medical professionals, caregivers, solution providers, startup founders, and students at various academic levels, from Bachelor and Master via Ph.D. to faculty members. We foster a transdisciplinary approach, welcoming individuals from different fields, including, but not limited to, social, public health, medical and rehabilitation sciences, political sciences, economic, legal, and environmental sciences, computer science, and engineering.

      Furthermore, we extend a warm welcome to anyone passionate about the potential synergy between digital technologies and the global challenge of ageing, especially those eager to actively contribute to our ongoing research projects as study participants and as users of the digital solutions being developed within the QoL Lab (

      1. Dates: 23.06.2025 – 27.06.2025
      2. Location:
      3. Facilitator: Katarzyna Wac, Jing Z. Forrest 
      4. Topics:
    • Introduction to Economic Evaluation for Health Technology Assessment


      • Understand the concepts and rationale of HTA and types of economic evaluation
      • Understand when you would use a decision tree model and how they work
      • Understand when you would use a Markov model, how they work and how to use them to inform decision making
      • Appreciate the importance of uncertainty in economic evaluations and how this can be assessed
      • Be able to generate a probabilistic Markov model in Excel and produce and interpret outputs
      • Understand the concept of value of information and calculate this from probabilistic model results
      • Learn about key developments and debates in HTA including precision medicine, real-world evidence and the willingness to pay threshold
      1. Dates: 23.06.2025 – 27.06.2025
      2. Location: Lucerne
      3. Facilitator: David Meads, Bethany Shinkins 
      4. Topics:
    • Le tabagisme : multiples enjeux et prévention


      À l’issue du cours, les participant·e·s seront en mesure de :

      • Décrire l’épidémiologie du tabagisme.
      • Identifier les dimensions historiques, environnementales, sociales, politiques et économiques liées au tabagisme.
      • Distinguer les mesures de prévention comportementale et de prévention structurelle du tabagisme.
      • Identifier les déterminants commerciaux du tabagisme et rechercher des interventions.
      1. Dates: 24.06.2025 – 30.06.2025
      2. Location: Unisanté, Lausanne
      3. Facilitator: Karin Zürcher, Luc Lebon 
      4. Topics:
    • Mesures de prévention et de lutte contre les épidémies et pandémies

      Le cour contient:

      • Cadre juridique général – droit suisse et international
      • Mesures visant la population LEp
      • Mesures visant les individus et droits humaines LEp (Vaccinations)
      • Séminaire : les leçons du COVID-19

      1. Dates: 25.06.2025 – 27.06.2025
      2. Location: University of Neuchâtel
      3. Facilitator: Mélanie Levy, Karim Boubaker 
      4. Topics:
      1. Dates: 25.06.2025 – 27.06.2025
      2. Location: Universite de Neuchatel
      3. Facilitator:  
      4. Topics:
    • Konzepte und Methoden der Epidemiologie


      Sie lernen ein übergeordnetes Konzept («Discovery & Evaluation Coil») zur Einordnung von Fragestellungen und der Auswahl von geeigneten Studiendesigns basierend auf der aktuellen Evidenz kennen und dieses anzuwenden.

      Sie durchlaufen den kompletten Kreislauf am Beispiel einer randomisiert-kontrollierten Studie und erlernen anhand dieses praxisnahen Beispiels die Anwendung essenzieller epidemiologischer Forschungsmethoden.

      • Sie lernen eine konkrete Forschungsfrage zu formulieren.
      • Sie können die Konzepte der internen und externen Validität erläutern und anwenden.
      • Sie kennen Vor- und Nachteile diverser klinischer Endpunkte.
      • Sie erhalten einen Einblick in die Humanforschung Schweiz und kennen relevante regulatorische Prozesse und zentrale Stakeholder im Bereich Humanforschung.
      • Sie können zentrale epidemiologische Konzepte wie z.B. systematische Fehler («Bias») anhand von Beispielen erläutern und kennen Herangehensweisen, um systematische Fehler bei der Studienplanung und -durchführung zu vermeiden.
      • Sie erhalten einen Einblick in klinische Datenbanken (REDCap).
      • Sie können Studienergebnisse kritisch interpretieren.
      1. Dates: 30.06.2025 – 15.07.2025
      2. Registration: 30.04.2025
      3. Location: Institut für Epidemiologie, Biostatistik und Prävention, Universität Zürich
      4. Facilitator: Milo Puhan, Viktor von Wyl 
      5. Topics: Epidemiology
    • SDG Summer School: Planetary Health

      Course Description:

      The theme of the 2025 edition of the SDG Summer School is “Planetary Health” with a focus on the impact of climate change on human health. The school lasts four weeks, from Monday 1 to Friday 26 July. The format is hybrid, with teams working locally in the SDG Solution Space, an innovation space for students in the heart of International Geneva, while collaborating online with other SDG Summer Schools that are part of a global SDG Olympiad.

      The 4-week program of the SDG Summer School focuses on team-based problem-solving. The agile development of practical prototypes, including weekly pitching sessions to a diverse jury, is inspired by concrete challenges formulated by experts from the International Organizations in Geneva.

      Examples of previous editions include:

      • Smartphone-based self-monitoring to help tuberculosis patients ensure that they take their medication regularly. (challenge mentored by the Global Fund for the Fight Against AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis).
      • Using Machine Learning to adapt physical education curricula in African schools to available resources, teacher competencies and student interests and abilities (challenge mentored by UNESCO and supported by the International Olympic Committee)
      1. Dates: 30.06.2025 – 25.07.2025
      2. Location: University of Geneva
      3. Facilitator:  
      4. Topics:
    • Global Health: Advocacy and Diplomacy in Action

      Course Description:

      The worsening climate, food, economic and political crises, disrupt our lives in new ways and further expose and increase societal vulnerabilities. Policymakers must skill up to navigate complex ecosystems characterized by poly-crises, rising inequities and a degrading environment.

      As a result, new ways of understanding and working in global health policy, advocacy and diplomacy are needed by those who work in health or those who work in fields that will be affected by decisions or impacts from the health sector.

      It is a key year for health governance, given all countries are discussing a possible legally binding pandemic treaty, a new set of commitments for Universal Health Coverage and reviewing progress at the halfway point of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

      This course focuses on the practice of global health policy, advocacy, and diplomacy at the global level and its interrelated impact at the regional and national levels. It will:

      • Give a general introduction to policy and decision-making processes
      • Examine the political and policy environment that surrounds the current global health ecosystem
      • Outline decision-making structures in the global health diplomatic space including the World Health Assembly, G20, the UN General Assembly and more
      • Show how to interpret and navigate health governance processes
      • Interrogate advocacy work to understand the steps to success and how to draw lessons from failure
      • Employ case studies to illustrate current issues and their related political and policy dynamics
      • Build practical experience with role-playing diplomatic negotiations
      • Introduce participants to major organizations with on-site visits and receive up-to-date learnings from key staff
      1. Dates: 30.06.2025 – 04.07.2025
      2. Location: University of Geneva
      3. Facilitator:  
      4. Topics:
    • Missing Data in Observational Epidemiologic Studies Including Non-detects


      Missing data are common in real datasets. Most often data are not missing randomly. Also, non-participation and loss to follow-up are in fact (not-random) missing data problems, which can severely compromise a study's validity. Another form of not-random missing data are measurement values which are below the detection limit of a measurement device or diagnostic tool, which results in censored observations of low values. Failure to adequately deal with missing data produces biased results. The aim of the course is to provide participants with an understanding of the basic concepts and general techniques for dealing with missing data. The course software will be R. Main concepts to be covered include: 

      • imputation techniques for missing data
      • dealing with selection bias and lost to follow-up from the perspective of "missing data" censoring of data
      • analysis of data with measurements below the detection limit
      • regression and statistical tests with censored data
      1. Dates: 01.07.2025 – 03.07.2025
      2. Registration: 01.06.2025
      3. Location: Swiss TPH, University of Basel
      4. Facilitator: Martin Röösli, Jan Hattendorf 
      5. Topics: Epidemiology
    • Cardiovascular Medicine

      Objectives of the module:


      • know the sex-specific pathophysiology and vascular biology in coronary artery disease (e.g. non-obstructive versus obstructive coronary heart disease, microvascular dysfunction, plaque rupture versus plaque erosion) as well as its differential diagnoses (vasospasm, coronary dissection, Takotsubo syndrome).
      • are familiar with sex and gender differences in clinical manifestation and treatment of coronary artery disease (Yentl syndrome) and are able to perform a benefit-risk assessment prior to percutaneous coronary interventions in men and women.
      • know the different pharmacodynamics and kinetics of cardiovascular drugs in men and women (e.g. anticoagulants, platelet inhibitors, antiarrhythmics, heart failure therapies).
      • know about the gender neglect in cardiovascular research (bikini medicine) and the resulting knowledge gaps as well as the consequences for everyday clinical practice.
      • know the sensitivity/specificity of non-invasive cardiac stress testing and cardiac imaging in men and women (e.g. breast attenuation artefacts, sex-differences in exercise tolerance, effects of estrogen and testosterone on exercise electrocardiograms)
      • know gender differences in heart failure (e.g. heart failure with preserved [HFpEF] versus reduced [HFrEF] ejection fraction), in sudden cardiac death and cardiac arrythmias.
      1. Dates: 03.07.2025 – 04.07.2025
      2. Registration: 26.06.2025
      3. Location: Zurich
      4. Facilitator: Catherine Gebhard, Corinna Brunckhorst 
      5. Topics:
    • Empirical Policy Evaluation in Health


      The aim of this course is to provide the students with state of the art econometric methods for evaluation of public policy.
      The course deals with theoretical literature on causal inference in lectures, but emphasis is given to empirical applications using
      micro data. The course therefore includes also practical computer assignments using Stata.

      1. Dates: 06.07.2025 – 10.07.2025
      2. Location: Lucerne
      3. Facilitator: Maarten Lindeboom, Bas van der Klaauw 
      4. Topics:
    • Medical Care Epidemiology: From Variation to Low-Value Care

      After the course, students will:

      • Get an in-depth understanding of the data and methods used to describe and explain variation in healthcare utilization;
      • Be able to conduct basic analysis of healthcare variation, from data exploration and hypothesis generation to more advanced analytical methods;
      • Know how to interpret variation data from both a clinical and policy perspective;
      • Know how to monitor quality of care and tools to reduce low value care;
      • Discuss interventions and policies aimed at reducing unwarranted variation and improving quality of care, at various levels (i.e., provider, health system, area).
      1. Dates: 07.07.2025 – 11.07.2025
      2. Registration: 07.06.2025
      3. Location: University of Lausanne
      4. Facilitator: Joachim Marti, Arnaud Chiolero 
      5. Topics:
    • R Basics & Beyond: Intro to Health Data Analysis with R (second cohort)

      Description: This 12-week online course is designed for beginners and intermediate R users in the life sciences, medical sciences, and social sciences. You'll gain a solid foundation in R programming, focusing on the tidyverse packages (including dplyr,ggplot2, and Rmarkdown). The course emphasizes hands-on learning through weekly live workshops, personalized feedback, and a capstone project. You'll build a portfolio of data projects and learn to use AI tools like ChatGPT to enhance your coding.

      1. Dates: 12.07.2025 – 28.09.2025
      2.  This 12-week online course (includes 2-hour weekly online sessions and optional help sessions)
      3. Registration: 07.07.2025
      4. Location: Online
      5. Facilitator: Kene Nwosu, Olivia Keiser 
      6. Topics:
    • Python Basics & Beyond: Intro to Data Analysis with Python (second cohort)

      Description: This 12-week online course provides a comprehensive introduction to Python for data analysis, suitable for professionals and students in various fields. No prior programming experience is required. You'll learn the fundamentals of Python programming, data visualization with Plotly, data manipulation with Pandas, collaboration with Git & GitHub, and the creation of reproducible reports and dashboards using Quarto. The course includes live workshops, personalized code reviews, and a capstone project, with a focus on using AI tools in Python projects.

      1. Dates: 12.07.2025 – 28.09.2025
      2.  This 12-week online course (includes 2-hour weekly online sessions and optional help sessions)
      3. Registration: 07.07.2025
      4. Location: Online
      5. Facilitator: Kene Nwosu, Olivia Keiser 
      6. Topics:
    • Supply Chain Management in Health Care

      Many problems related to healthcare quality and safety are the consequences of poorly managed medicines and medical supplies. This module introduces all elements of the supply chain cycle for medicines and other health commodities, including selection of medicines, procurement, distribution and use. Central to this is the management of the whole supply chain system, which comprises quality assurance, human resources, financing, relevant policies and regulations, and monitoring and evaluation. This module emphasizes the importance of integrating supply chain activities into overall health system management.

      1. Dates: 04.08.2025 – 17.10.2025
      2. Registration: 28.07.2025
      3. Location: Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), Allschwil and ONLINE (Hybrid)
      4. Facilitator:  
      5. Topics: Health Services Administration, Health Policy, Systems, and Management, Transferable Skills
    • Biosafety

      This course is equivalent to the official Biosafety level I course.

      Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
      • Work as a biosafety officer on level I
      • Instruct lab workers on biosafety issues
      • Manage contagious waste
      • Manage contagious lab spills

      1. Dates: 11.08.2025 – 12.08.2025
      2. Registration: 11.07.2025
      3. Location: Bern
      4. Facilitator: Sven Hoffmann 
      5. Topics: Occupational Health, Hygiene, and Medicine
    • Evidence-informed Writing and Reasoning


      To achieve effective results, global health leaders need to integrate evidence into their decision-making processes. To do this, they should to be able to apply basic analytical skills including science-informed information retrieval, analysis and the design and implementation of small and applied empirical research projects aimed at a specific, contextualized research questions. The skill set acquired in this course should assist global health practitioners in general and MBA students in the development of the Master thesis of the MBA programme in particular

      1. Dates: 11.08.2025 – 24.10.2025
      2. Registration: 04.08.2025
      3. Location: Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), Allschwil and ONLINE (Hybrid)
      4. Facilitator:  
      5. Topics:
    • Qualité et sécurité des soins

      Le cours contient:

      • Qualité des soins - état des lieux en Suisse et à l’étranger
      • Cadre juridique de l’exercice des professions de la santé (formation et autorisation)
      • Cadre juridique de l’exploitation d’établissements de soins
      • Règlementation des médecines complémentaires
      • Sécurité des patients, responsabilité médico-hospitalière
      • Exercices / responsabilité et sécurité des patient-e-s
      1. Dates: 13.08.2025 – 15.08.2025
      2. Location: University of Neuchâtel
      3. Facilitator: Jérôme St.Phor, Olivier Guillod 
      4. Topics:
    • Public Health Nutrition

      Learning objectives:

      By the end of the course participants will:

      • Critically evaluate nutritional research papers and understand methodologies used in dietary studies;
      • Explain the connections between dietary habits and the development or prevention of NCDs;
      • Apply diverse dietary assessment tools and interpret their results with regard to their validity;
      • Recognize and address malnutrition in diverse settings, including understanding its prevalence, consequences, and appropriate management strategies.
      1. Dates: 18.08.2025 – 20.08.2025
      2. Location: Hybrid, Onsite location: Lugano
      3. Facilitator: Pedro Marques-Vidal, Patricia O. Chocano-Bedoya 
      4. Topics: Nutrition, Social and Behavioural Sciences, Health Promotion and Prevention
    • Strategic Project Management

      Learning objectives:

      By the end of the course participants will:

      • Understand the theory underlying the methods and tools of project management (Project Charter, SMART goals, OKRs, WBS,CPM, EVM, RM, and Agile);
      • Be able to apply Project Management methods and tools in real cases, and understand their limitations;
      • Have learned from each other through class discussions and workshop assignments.
      1. Dates: 18.08.2025 – 20.02.2025
      2. Registration: 15.07.2025
      3. Location: Lugano USI Campus
      4. Facilitator: Paulo Gonçalves, Mariya Andreeva 
      5. Topics:
    • Digital Health in Health Systems

      Learning objectives:

      By the end of the course participants will:

      • Be able to describe key concepts, terminology, and classifications in digital health;
      • Understand implications, constraints, and opportunities in the application of digital health in health systems, and know how to plan for and/or overcome them;
      • Understand the quality and strength of evidence on specific digital health tools, such as clinical decision support systems, and remote monitoring and self-management solutions;
      • Be able to critically assess digital health solutions;
      • Have essential knowledge to inform decision-making about digital health planning and implementation in health systems.
      1. Dates: 18.08.2025 – 20.08.2025
      2. Registration: 15.07.2025
      3. Location: Online
      4. Facilitator: Fenella Beynon, Martin Raab 
      5. Topics:
    • Impact from the Outside

      Learning objectives:

      By the end of the course, participants will:

      • Have a basic understanding of key concepts and central tenets of the impact framework;
      • Be able to define and distinguish between research and program/intervention impact;
      • Be able to describe key questions in Impact Evaluation;
      • Be able to apply and embed the 7 central tenets of the impact evaluation framework into their own research/ program;
      • Be able to critically appraise how researchers and program managers respond to impact demands;
      • List the advantages of embedding Impact-aware methods in research or interventions, including impact as an accountability and sustainability tool.
      1. Dates: 18.08.2025 – 20.08.2025
      2. Registration: 15.07.2025
      3. Location: Hybrid, Onsite location: Lugano
      4. Facilitator: Janet Michel, Xavier Bosch-Capblanch 
      5. Topics:
    • Digitally augmented Public Health

      Learning objectives:

      By the end of the course participants will:

      • Have an understanding of how to align digital methods with core principles of Epidemiology and Public Health;
      • Gain an understanding of the capabilities and limitations of large language models;
      • Be able to critically reflect on the usefulness of novel technologies for Public Health and health care;
      • Have acquired approaches to collaborate in multidisciplinary teams.
      1. Dates: 18.08.2025 – 20.08.2025
      2. Location: Lugano
      3. Facilitator: Viktor von Wyl, Janna Hastings 
      4. Topics:
    • Evidence Synthesis: Making sense of the evidence to inform programmes, policies, and practice

      By the end of the course participants should be able to:

      • Be familiar with the steps in conducting various types of review;
      • Understand the most important study designs like randomized controlled trials and how to evaluate them;
      • Explain the basic methods of the meta-analytic toolkit;
      • Describe and interpret the result of meta-analyses:
      • Perform a meta-analysis using a freely-available software;
      • Conduct and critically appraise systematic reviews and meta-analyses.
      1. Dates: 18.08.2025 – 20.08.2025
      2. Registration: 15.07.2025
      3. Location: Hybrid, Onsite location: Lugano
      4. Facilitator: Gian Luca Di Tanna, Joseph Alvin Ramos Santos 
      5. Topics:
    • Systems Thinking and Modelling

      By the end of the course participants will be able to:

      • Recognize a Systemic Problem;
      • Draw a Causal Loop Diagram;
      • Build a System Dynamics model of a Public Health Issue;
      • Perform an economic evaluation of proposed interventions;
      • Explain Complex Systemic problems to others in a transparent and convincing manner.
      1. Dates: 18.08.2025 – 20.08.2025
      2. Registration: 15.07.2025
      3. Location: Lugano
      4. Facilitator: Mark Heffernan, Giulio Cisco 
      5. Topics:
    • Enjeux des systèmes de qualite et soins

      Thématiques abordées:

      • Organisation et qualité des systèmes de santé 
      • Assurance maladie et impact sur la consommation des soins
      • Financement du système de soins et impact sur la production des soins
      • Accès aux soins et coordination des soins
      • Utilisation inappropriée des ressources dans le système de santé et dans votre secteur
      1. Dates: 20.08.2025 – 22.08.2025
      2. Location: University of Geneva and Lausanne
      3. Facilitator: Pascal Briot , Isabelle Peytremann-Bridevaux 
      4. Topics:
    • Endocrinology, Gut and Metabolism

      Objectives of the module:


      • know the influence of sex on the regulation of metabolism and energy balance.
      • are familiar with sex-specific differences in metabolic diseases (e.g. diabetes, obesity, fatty liver diseases).
      • know the influence of sex and gender on surgical procedures (obesity surgery, pregnancy surgery).
      • know the basics of sex development and disorders of sex differentiation.
      • know the influence of sex on the physiology and pathology of the liver, gastrointestinal tract and organs of the pelvic floor.
      • are familiar with sex and gender differences in microbiomes.
      • know the various examination methods for diagnosing osteoporosis and can interpret their findings.
      1. Dates: 20.08.2025 – 21.08.2025
      2. Registration: 13.08.2025
      3. Location: Bern
      4. Facilitator: Lia Bally, Vanessa Banz 
      5. Topics:
    • Health Financing: Measuring health spending and results to improve health sector performance and meet strategic objectives and inform policy reforms


      This course will provide an introduction on the challenges and opportunities of tracking expenditures in the health sector, measuring the efficiency and equity of a health system, and using providers payment systems to achieve strategic health sector objectives. The course will introduce basic economic concepts, indicators, and methodological considerations, while keeping a pragmatic lens on the implications for informing policy dialogue and health sector reforms. The course will draw from practices and experiences in low- and middle-income countries that are fully relevant for high income countries as well. International experts will present case studies providing real world experiences from different regions/countries on concepts learned during the course. Participants are invited to actively contribute to the discussion by sharing experiences from their own countries, to help fill the mission of mutual learning for change.

      1. Dates: 21.08.2025 – 23.08.2025
      2. Location: Hybrid, Onsite location: Lugano
      3. Facilitator: Laura Di Giorgio 
      4. Topics:
    • NCDS & Health Sytems

      Learning objectives:

      By the end of the course participants will:

      • Understand the key building blocks of health systems;
      • Have an overview of different challenges facing health systems with regards to NCDs;
      • Explore different solutions to existing challenges for health systems responses.
      1. Dates: 21.08.2025 – 23.08.2025
      2. Location: Online
      3. Facilitator: David Beran 
      4. Topics:
    • Health and Migration

      Learning objectives:

      By the end of the course, participants will:

      • Understand the fundamental concepts of health and migration, underscoring their importance to the global health agenda;
      • Understand the role of migration as a determinant of health and its impact on health systems;
      • Recognize evidence-informed and best-practice interventions to address the health of migrants;
      • Understand the principles of bridging research, policy and practice for health and migration.
      1. Dates: 21.08.2025 – 23.08.2025
      2. Location: Hybrid, Onsite location: Lugano
      3. Facilitator: Palmira Immordino, Rita Sá Machado 
      4. Topics:
    • Design Thinking: User-Centered Innovation for Public Health Professionals

      Learning objectives:

      By the end of the course participants will:

      • Know the principles and the process of the Design Thinking method for solving complex problems that focus on people’s needs;
      • Value the human-centered approach of Design Thinking to face complex Public Health issues;
      • Have applied the method to use cases;
      • Be able to use Design Thinking tools in their work.
      1. Dates: 21.08.2025 – 23.08.2025
      2. Location: Hybrid, Onsite location: Lugano
      3. Facilitator: Kaspar Staub, Felicitas Högger 
      4. Topics:
    • Social behavioral design

      Learning objectives:

      By the end of the course participants will:

      • Understand the importance of designing public health interventions with a social behavioural insights lens;
      • Understand how the communication ecosystem, including misinformation, can influence public health behaviours;
      • Be able to develop effective, context-specific, behaviorally-informed SBC communications to encourage vaccine acceptance and demand;
      • Apply learnings to a use case of psychological inoculation against misinformation;
      • Understand the potential impact of effective interpersonal communication;
      • Develop a plan for a behaviorally-designed program to increase vaccine uptake.

      1. Dates: 21.08.2025 – 23.08.2025
      2. Location: Lugano
      3. Facilitator: Angus Thomson 
      4. Topics:
    • Planetary Health Action

      Learning objectives:

      By the end of the course participants will:

      • Conceptualize planetary and one health challenges in social ecological systems;
      • Experience participatory modelling with causal loop diagrams;
      • Identify leverage points and interventions in social ecological systems;
      • Reflect on personal and societal challenges when implementing complex social interventions.
      1. Dates: 21.08.2025 – 23.08.2025
      2. Location: Lugano
      3. Facilitator: Simon Rüegg, Marc Yambayamba 
      4. Topics:
    • Implementation science in healthcare: How to effectively translate evidence based innovations into real-world settings

      By the end of the course participants will:

      • Understand different types of research waste and be able to argue the role of implementation science in reducing research waste and enhance effectiveness of the research pipeline;
      • Be able to discuss stakeholder involvement in implementation science projects;
      • Be able to highlight the role and types of theories, models and frameworks in supporting implementation research;
      • Have the capacity to argue the need for contextual analysis in implementation science projects and describe how to perform a contextual analysis;
      • Understand the evidence base of implementation strategies;
      • Know different types of implementation outcomes and their measurement;
      • Be able to recognize and critically evaluate common implementation science study designs;
      • Be able to apply reporting guidelines (e.g., StaRI) for implementation science research studies;
      • Be able to apply learned theoretical knowledge in the discussions and learning groups and participate actively in discussions and project works.
      1. Dates: 21.08.2025 – 23.08.2025
      2. Location: Lugano
      3. Facilitator: Sabina De Geest, Aita Signorell 
      4. Topics:
    • Submerged Prehistoric Landscapes

      Course Description:

      Following the success of the University of Geneva Terra Submersa expedition in 2014, the summer school offers an intensive course on a new, multidisciplinary scientific field: Continental Shelf Prehistoric Research (CSPR).

      The course aims at educating postgraduate students and young scientists to move across the boundaries of marine geosciences and archaeology, in order to shed light on the interaction between our ancestors with the dynamically changing environment.

      Practically, the summer school will take place in Porto Cheli (Greece) and include field trips to the prehistoric site of Franchthi Cave and the surrounding area. Its objective is to give the opportunity for young archaeologists and geoscientists to:

      • Learn about marine geophysical (multibeam, side scan sonar, sub-bottom profiler), marine geological methodologies as well as data acquisition, post-processing and interpretation
      • Understand paleoclimate and sea-level changes and their interaction with isostatic and tectonic vertical movements
      • Link climate, sea level and environmental changes to the archaeology of people who lived on and migrated across the continental shelf
      • Familiarize with key themes in coastal prehistory
      1. Dates: 25.08.2025 – 29.08.2025
      2. Location: University of Geneva
      3. Facilitator:  
      4. Topics:
    • Children at the Heart of Human Rights

      Course Description:

      2024 was a landmark year for children's rights, marking the 35th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the centenary of the Geneva Declaration of the Rights of the Child, the first international document to recognize children's rights. Despite these significant milestones and numerous positive developments, children still face many challenges in fully realizing their rights.

      During the Summer School "Children at the Heart of Human Rights" you will learn about children's rights with an interdisciplinary perspective and analyse different international legal instruments such as the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and other standard-setting instruments pertaining to children's rights.

      This program offers to discover:

      • the interplay between theory and practice in the field of children's rights,
      • the international perspective promoted by the lecturers from different regions of the world,

      The Summer School "Children at the Heart of Human Rights" offers students and young professionals a unique opportunity to engage with leading academics and field experts in an interdisciplinary setting. Located in Geneva, at the international hub for human and children's rights, the program provides access to numerous international human rights organizations.

      1. Dates: 25.08.2025 – 05.09.2025
      2. Location: University of Geneva
      3. Facilitator: Dr. Roberta Ruggiero, Jean Zermatten 
      4. Topics:
    • Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning & Healthcare


      By the end of the course, students will be able to run a typical Python project: import data from text or Excel files, perform data manipulation (including use of labels), save manipulated data, perform statistical analysis, graphical representation of the data. Students will also be able to execute a script with basic examples of type of data classification.

      1. Dates: 28.08.2025 – 03.09.2025
      2. Registration: 28.07.2025
      3. Location: Online
      4. Facilitator: Francesca Faraci, Luigi Fiorillo 
      5. Topics:
    • Risk policy, management, and communication

      Occupational hygiene specialists should understand human risk perception and risk behavior, legal boundary conditions for chemicals handling, and risk management. This course will introduce students to human risk perception, the applications of Swiss legal framework in work and health, and the training of workers in the application of safety rules.

      Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

      • Apply current national and international regulatory systems (e.g. REACH, MSDS)
      • Apply OEL values and substance documentation for further interpretation of measurement data
      • Write risk assessment reports according to recipients’ expectations and regulations
      • Communicate critical results to organizations and community («breaking bad news»)
      1. Dates: 01.09.2025 – 04.09.2025
      2. Registration: 01.08.2025
      3. Location: University of Lausanne
      4. Facilitator: David Vernez 
      5. Topics: Occupational Health, Hygiene, and Medicine, Learning Health Systems
    • Einführung Public Health

      Ziel: In diesem Einführungsmodul werden grundlegende Begriffe, Konzepte, Sichtweisen und Werte aus der Public-Health-Perspektive behandelt und vermittelt.

      Einführung in Definitionen und Konzepte von Public Health
      Einblick in die Versicherungssysteme im schweizerischen Gesundheitswesen
      Überblick über Finanzierung und Kosten des Gesundheitswesens in der Schweiz
      Einführung in Gesundheitsförderung und Prävention
      Überblick und das Spektrum der möglichen Massnahmen im Kontext Gesundheitsförderung und Prävention
      Einführung in relevante Werte und Theorien der Public-Health-Ethik
      Ask the expert zu einem Public Health relevanten Thema

      1. Dates: 01.09.2025 – 03.09.2025
      2. Registration: 01.07.2025
      3. Location: Institut für Epidemiologie, Biostatistik und Prävention, Universität Zürich
      4. Facilitator: Monika Bührer Skinner, Klaus-Peter Rippe 
      5. Topics: Health Promotion and Prevention, Health Policy, Systems, and Management
    • A Practical Guide on how to Submit Review and get your Paper Published in Public Health Journals Basic


      Submitting, reviewing, and publishing papers is a key part of research, but it can be frustrating due to its complexity and time demands. This course offers a practical guide on how to navigate these steps effectively. It covers everything from formatting your paper to understanding publication fees and agreements. The goal is to equip you with the skills to format your papers efficiently, making revisions and resubmissions easier, and focused but not unique in Public Health.

      1. Dates: 04.09.2025 – 04.09.2025
      2. Registration: 04.08.2025
      3. Location: Online course on zoom
      4. Facilitator: Ana Onã 
      5. Topics:
    • Health policy in Switzerland: An introduction

      Learning objectives:

      • Understand the main elements of the Swiss health system and health policy context.
      • Discuss specific current issues in Swiss health policy, including the situation of health care
      • professionals and sustainability in the healthcare system, and potential policy proposals to address these issues.
      • Analyse how the specific political context in Switzerland, such as federalism and direct democracy, affects health policy-making and health policy reforms.
      1. Dates: 05.09.2025 – 08.09.2025
      2. Registration: 22.08.2025
      3. Location: University of Lucerne
      4. Facilitator: David Weisstanner 
      5. Topics:
    • Principles of Health Economics


      After the course participants will have a solid basic understanding of:

      • Key theoretical and empirical approaches of health economics as well as policy and health technology assessment.
      • Economic intuition and theory which helps students understand physician and patient behaviour, the organization of health insurance and hospital markets, and government policy related to healthcare provision and financing.
      • Empirical strategies used by economists (econometrics, causal inference, machine learning, experiments, etc.), as well as health technology assessment (cost-effectiveness analysis, decision- analytic modelling, etc.).
      • How to judge and constructively criticize empirical evidence in economics and related fields.
      • The topics researchers currently work on in the field of health economics.
      1. Dates: 08.09.2025 – 12.09.2025
      2. Registration: 08.08.2025
      3. Location: University of Basel
      4. Facilitator: Joachim Marti, Armando N. Meier 
      5. Topics:
    • What is One Health and where is it helpful?

      In this module, the history and foundations of One Health will be introduced. The currently accepted definition of One Health, its relationship to related concepts and its meaningful use are presented. A panel of experts will share their respective perceptions of One Health in theory and practice. Participants will engage with systems thinking through exercises, while case studies at the environment-animal-human interface will be integrated into a systemic approach.

      1. Dates: 08.09.2025 – 10.09.2025
      2. Registration: 31.05.2025
      3. Location: University of Bern
      4. Facilitator: Christian Althaus, John Berezowki 
      5. Topics:
    • Strategic Planning for Health Intervention

      In this module, students use case studies and decision-analytic modelling approaches to design a health programme: conducting a situation analysis and setting priorities for interventions that are consistent with existing national health policies in resource constraint countries. It covers salient topics such as analysing the problem, developing log frames, setting indicators and monitoring and evaluation.

      1. Dates: 15.09.2025 – 28.11.2025
      2. Registration: 08.09.2025
      3. Location: Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), Allschwil
      4. Facilitator:  
      5. Topics: Global / International Health, Health Promotion and Prevention
    • Management of health in organizations

      In this module, students learn to manage work and health activities and define key health indicators.Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

      • Select and implement an absence and case management system
      • Design and implement a health campaign/event to foster individual health behavior change
      • Write a health report for an organization
      • Integrate organizational health as a central value in the culture of an organization
      1. Dates: 15.09.2025 – 18.09.2025
      2. Registration: 15.08.2025
      3. Location: University of Zurich
      4. Facilitator: Holger Dressel 
      5. Topics: Occupational Health, Hygiene, and Medicine
    • Grundlagen der Gesundheitswissenschaft und Sozialepidemiologie

      Der Besuch dieses Moduls befähigt Sie, Entstehungs- und Verlaufsprozesse von Gesundheit und Krankheit in der Bevölkerung unter Berücksichtigung kultureller, sozialer und psychologischer Einflussfaktoren zu beschreiben. Hierbei wenden Sie gesundheits- und sozialwissenschaftliche Theorien und Konzepte an. Dazu

      • formulieren Sie Public-Health-Fragestellungen zu Entstehung und Verlauf von Gesundheit und Krankheit
      • ziehen Sie relevante gesundheits- und sozialwissenschaftliche Theorien und Konzepte zur Beschreibung und Erklärung von Problem- und Aufgabenstellungen im Bereich Public Health bei
      • verstehen und analysieren Sie das Zusammenwirken verschiedener Faktoren, die die Entstehung und den Verlauf von Gesundheit und Krankheit beeinflussen
      • verbinden Sie erkenntnisleitend Public-Health-Fragestellungen mit gesundheits- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Theorien und Konzepten.


      • Gesundheits- und sozialwissenschaftliche Paradigmen, Modelle, Theorien und Konzepte von Gesundheit und Krankheit, ihre Entstehung und ihre Bedingungen (Salutogenese, biopsychosoziales Modell, Theorien der sozialen Ungleichheit, soziokulturelle Einflussfaktoren)
      • Sozialepidemiologische Grundlagen zur (sozial-)räumlichen und zeitlichen Verteilung von Gesundheit und Krankheit (Altersdemografie, Schichtzugehörigkeit)
      • Soziale und personale Bedingungen von Gesundheit und Krankheit (gesundheitsrelevante Lebensstile, soziales und kulturelles Kapital, Gesundheitskompetenz, Gesundheitsverhalten)
      1. Dates: 15.09.2025 – 17.09.2025
      2. Registration: 15.07.2025
      3. Location: Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM), University of Bern
      4. Facilitator: Annika Frahsa, Oliver Hämmig 
      5. Topics: Social Sciences in Public Health
    • Epidemiological Data Analysis Strategy


      This 5-day in-person course, comprising a mix of lectures and hands-on practicals, is designed for students who wish to learn about strategies for epidemiological data analyses. The course will cover framing the research question and translating this into an appropriate study design, the principles of statistical modelling including the choice of model and interpreting the output, model building strategies, and key concepts of confounding and effect modification. We will guide the learning through real-life examples. The focus will be on analysis strategies, not the execution of the analysis. However, the course will cover interpretation of results from statistical models in order to consolidate students’ understanding of the models, inform their choices in analysis strategies, and gain experience in reporting model results. No particular statistical analysis software will be required, but practical examples will be demonstrated using software such as Stata or R.

      1. Dates: 15.09.2025 – 19.09.2025
      2. Registration: 15.08.2025
      3. Location: Swiss TPH, Allschwil
      4. Facilitator: Fiona Vanobberghen, Tracy Glass 
      5. Topics: Epidemiology, (Bio)Statistics
    • Gestion de Projet et Demarchés d'Amélioration

      Thématiques abordées:

      • Comprendre et analyser une problématique
      • Recherche de causes
      • S’appuyer sur les données de la littérature
      • Notion de benchmark
      • Formuler des objectifs et proposer des variantes de solution
      • Rôles et responsabilités des parties prenantes
      • Travail en équipe
      • Outils de créativité et d’intelligence collective
      • Notion d’accompagnement au changement dans les projets
      1. Dates: 16.09.2025 – 18.09.2025
      2. Location: University of Geneva and Lausanne
      3. Facilitator: Santino Pepe, Gaëlle Dessard-Choupay 
      4. Topics:
    • Fondements de la promotion de la sante


      • Acquérir les bases conceptuelles de la promotion de la santé et de son application concrète
      • Aborder les problématiques prioritaires actuelles de promotion de la santé ainsi que les stratégies et actions mises en place dans différents domaines
      • S’approprier les outils de base pour évaluer les interventions en santé
      1. Dates: 16.09.2025 – 30.09.2025
      2. Registration: 31.05.2025
      3. Location: University of Geneva
      4. Facilitator:  
      5. Topics:
    • Financial Budgeting, Accounting and Reporting

      In most organisations, financial management skills tend to be concentrated in a small core of financial experts. In many small organisations and in the public sector, employees are given responsibilities in financial management for which they have not been trained. This module addresses the basics of the financial cycle from budgeting, implementing and recording, trough to financial reporting. Students will get an in-depth look at the workings of bookkeeping, reporting, internal controlling, financial management of physical assets and stocks, and auditing. They will also learn to extract and use relevant information from the financial management system to make key decisions.

      1. Dates: 22.09.2025 – 05.12.2025
      2. Registration: 15.09.2025
      3. Location: Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), Allschwil and ONLINE (Hybrid)
      4. Facilitator:  
      5. Topics: Transferable Skills, Health Services Administration
    • Causal Inference for Population Health Sciences

      Students will:

      • understand the setting for which causal inference is warranted and the framework for potential outcomes 
      • understand the difference between causal estimands, estimators, and estimates
      • understand how to generate and interpret a directed acyclic graph
      • understand hypotheses underlying the identification of causal effects,
      • identify the most suitable methods to answer different research questions,
      • run basic analyses with the methods presented
      1. Dates: 22.09.2025 – 26.09.2025
      2. Registration: 22.08.2025
      3. Location: Swiss TPH, Allschwil
      4. Facilitator: Tracy Glass, Cristian Carmeli 
      5. Topics: Epidemiology
      1. Dates: 25.09.2025 – 27.09.2025
      2. Location:
      3. Facilitator:  
      4. Topics:
    • Interdisciplinary group project

      You will investigate and work on a real-practice problem together with your colleagues from the other two DAS Work+Health specializations and the company’s project owner. In this module, you will apply all you have learned so far, incorporating it into your interdisciplinary project. You will establish roles and responsibilities in your project group, and make your project a success for you and the company concerned.

      Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

      • Translate customer needs and orders into a structured workplace analysis
      • Foster interdisciplinary cooperation and teamwork among occupational health specialists
      • Communicate assessment results and recommendations to different target groups and

      1. Dates: 01.10.2025 – 02.10.2025
      2. Location: Berne
      3. Facilitator: Sven Hoffmann 
      4. Topics:
    • Einführung in systematische Reviews und Meta-Analysen


      Systematische Reviews und Meta-Analysen geben für die Einschätzung von Risiken und der erwünschten und unerwünschten Wirkungen von Interventionen oft die bessere Evidenz als Einzelstudien. In diesem Modul lernen Sie, die methodischen Grundlagen von systematischen Reviews und Meta-Analysen kritisch zu beurteilen und ihre Anwendung zu diskutieren.


      • lernen Sie, die wichtigsten Quellen für Public Health relevante Reviews zu nutzen
      • beschreiben Sie die Bedeutung und Problematik von systematischen Reviews und Meta-Analysen
      • lernen Sie systematische Literatursuchen in Medline und anderen Datenbanken
      • entwickeln Sie ein Protokoll für einen systematischen Review mit Meta-Analyse
      • führen Sie eine Meta-Analyse durch
      • beurteilen Sie kritisch die Qualität von Reviews

      1. Dates: 08.10.2025 – 10.10.2025
      2. Registration: 08.08.2025
      3. Location: Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM), University of Bern
      4. Facilitator: Georgia Salanti, Beatrice Minder 
      5. Topics: General Scientific Skills, Learning Health Systems
    • Introduction to the Statistical Software R


      This course is a practical introduction to R, a free open-source software environment for statistical computing. Besides an introduction into the software, the following topics will be covered: data import and export, data manipulation, statistical analysis, graphical representation and advanced programming concepts as conditional branching and loops. Students should bring their own laptop for the practical work. In contrast to other statistical software solutions, R is designed around a true computer language. This has the implication that R is characterized by an enormous flexibility that enables the user to perform sophisticated statistical procedures or simulations. R might be less intuitive to scientists without prior programming skills. However, there are some tools available to make the user’s life easier as graphical user interfaces and editors with syntax highlighting. Participants should have basic statistical knowledge. Programming skills are not required. The first 2 days are mainly lectures and practical courses. The 3rd day is a workshop and participants are divided into groups to apply the new knowledge to their own data. Note: the 3rd day is optional. First year PhD students or other participants without own data can alternatively complete a homework assignment to get the credit points.

      1. Dates: 08.10.2025 – 10.10.2025
      2. Registration: 08.09.2025
      3. Location: Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), Basel
      4. Facilitator: Jan Hattendorf 
      5. Topics: General Scientific Skills, (Bio)Statistics, Epidemiology
    • Management par la qualité et conduite du changement


      Thématiques abordées:

      • Management par la qualité
      • Outils de la qualité
      • Modèle d’amélioration de la qualité
      • Recommandations de pratique clinique
      • Processus et amélioration
      • Systèmes de management de la qualité (ISO, accréditation, TQM/EFQM)
      • Conduite du changement
      • Reengineering, benchmarking
      • Lean-six sigma
      • Breakthrough Collaboratives
      • Transformation des organisations
      • Implementation Science
      1. Dates: 08.10.2025 – 10.10.2025
      2. Location: Geneva and Lausanne
      3. Facilitator: Pascal Briot, Rodolphe Rouillon 
      4. Topics:
    • Oncology

      Goals of the module:


      • have an overview on sex differences in oncology and the scientific, clinical and societal implications of sex differences for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer.
      • are familiar with the combined impact of sexual hormones and sex chromosomes on cancer susceptibility with a focus on intrinsic control of cancer initiating cell populations, tumor microenvironment and systemic determinants of cancer development.

      1. Dates: 09.10.2025 – 10.10.2025
      2. Registration: 02.10.2025
      3. Location: Bern
      4. Facilitator: Berna Özdemir 
      5. Topics:
    • Social Science Research Methods in Public Health

      With this module, students will learn how to design a research project to address a public health issue. The major stages of the research process - ie research design, data collection and data analysis - will be examined, through concrete examples and personal work. Upon completion of the module, students will be able to:

      • Formulate a relevant research question
      • Select an appropriate data collection method
      • Define an appropriate sample
      • Plan data collection
      • Select an appropriate data analysis method


      • Characteristics of good research questions
      • Quantitative and qualitative social science research methods
      • Sampling issues (types of sampling, recruitment of participants)
      • Ethical issues related to field work
      • Data collection methods (individual interviews and focus groups, questionnaire)
      • Data analysis methods (statistical analysis, content analysis)
      • Feasibility of a planned project with respect to available resources (time, staffing, budget)
      1. Dates: 13.10.2025 – 15.10.2025
      2. Registration: 13.08.2025
      3. Location: Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM), University of Bern; University of Geneva
      4. Facilitator: Kristen Gray Jafflin, Stéphane Cullati 
      5. Topics: Social Sciences in Public Health
    • Writing Better, Faster Scientific Papers in English: A Structured Method for Non-native English Speakers


      Learn and employ strategies and tools (including AI tools for translation and writing) to structure your paper-writing process from beginning to end. Depending on your starting point, you will produce a first or second draft of a manuscript and receive individualized help and critique.

      1. Dates: 13.10.2025 – 17.10.2025
      2. Registration: 13.09.2025
      3. Location: Online course on zoom
      4. Facilitator: Kali Tal, Julia Bohlius 
      5. Topics: General Scientific Skills, Transferable Skills
    • Systèmes de santé

      Comprendre l’organisation et le fonctionnement du système de santé suisse et se familiariser avec ses acteurs ainsi qu’avec les cadres politiques et légaux cantonaux et fédéraux.

      1. Dates: 14.10.2025 – 28.10.2025
      2. Registration: 31.05.2025
      3. Location: University of Geneva
      4. Facilitator:  
      5. Topics: Health Policy, Systems, and Management, Health Promotion and Prevention
    • Introduction to Hierarchical/Multilevel Models for the Analysis of Clustered Data

      This course is designed to equip participants with the fundamental concepts and techniques necessary for the analysis of clustered data. In many research fields and study designs, including epidemiology and clinical trials, data are often collected in clustered or hierarchical structures. Examples include repeated measurements of the same subject over time, data grouped by family or school or other type of units, and cluster randomized trials. Ignoring clustering can lead to incorrect standard errors and overly precise confidence intervals, thereby compromising the validity of the conclusions of the study.

      1. Dates: 21.10.2025 – 23.10.2025
      2. Registration: 21.09.2025
      3. Location: University of Applied Sciences in Bern
      4. Facilitator: Gian Luca Di Tanna, Joseph Alvin Ramos Santos 
      5. Topics:
    • Recherche sur l’être humain

      Le cours contient:

      • Gestion des données personnelles dans le domaine médical
      • Biobanques (Big Data)
      • Statut du corps humain, des échantillons biologiques
      • Exercices
      • Cadre juridique de la recherche avec l’être humain
      • PI, brevetabilité du vivant et benefice sharing
      1. Dates: 22.10.2025 – 24.10.2025
      2. Location: University of Neuchâtel
      3. Facilitator: Cora Graf-Gaiser 
      4. Topics:
    • Thinking, collaborating and generating knowledge across sectors

      In this module, social and human sciences will reflect on knowledge generation, problem formulation and identification, and collaboration across disciplines and sectors. Participants will be encouraged to question their own systems of thinking. Collaboration tools are presented and put into practice. The ethical values and philosophical concepts of One Health will be illustrated and discussed. The concept of common pool resources management is presented from a socio-anthropological angle, and an excursion to a village in Wallis will demonstrate its practical application for sustainability.

      1. Dates: 22.10.2025 – 24.10.2025
      2. Registration: 31.05.2025
      3. Location: University of Bern
      4. Facilitator: Christian Althaus, John Berezowki 
      5. Topics:
    • Umwelt und Gesundheit

      In diesem Modul analysieren Sie komplexe Problemstellungen aus dem Themenbereich Umwelt und Gesundheit aus der Public-Health-Perspektive und setzen sich mit den besonderen Schwierigkeiten bei der entsprechenden Forschung auseinander. Dazu

      • interpretieren Sie die umweltepidemiologische Forschung und bewerten diese hinsichtlich ihrer gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen aus individueller und aus Public-Health-Sicht
      • führen Sie eine Gesundheitsrisikoabschätzung zu einem bestimmten Umweltthema durch
      • diskutieren und erfahren Sie, wie Sie sich als Public-Health-Experte hinsichtlich der Prävention oder Begrenzung von gesundheitlichen Umweltschäden einbringen können


      • Gesundheit und Lärm, Luftschadstoffe, Radon, ionisierende und nicht-ionisierende Strahlung
      • Gesundheit und Klimawandel
      • Umweltepidemiologische Studiendesigns
      • Kausalität bei beobachtenden Studien
      • Methoden zur Einschätzung von Umweltexpositionen in der Bevölkerung
      • nationale und internationale Datenquellen im Bereich Umwelt und Gesundheit
      • Gesundheitsrisikoabschätzung (Impact Assessment): Methoden zur Quantifizierung gesundheitlicher Auswirkungen von Umweltschadstoffen auf individueller und gesellschaftlicher Ebene
      1. Dates: 27.10.2025 – 13.11.2025
      2. Registration: 27.08.2025
      3. Location: Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), Basel; University of Basel
      4. Facilitator: Martin Röösli, Martina Ragettli 
      5. Topics: Environmental Health Sciences
    • Digital Health Management - DHM


      Digital technologies are fundamentally and rapidly changing the delivery of healthcare services. The Digital Health Management course provides an introduction to the field and shows participants ways to navigate the evolving landscape of healthcare technology and digital solutions, including AI applications. Participants will explore the intersection of healthcare, information technology and business management, gain an understanding of the challenges and opportunities, immerse themselves in concrete cases and domains, and learn a

      1. Dates: 27.10.2025 – 09.01.2026
      2. Registration: 20.10.2025
      3. Location: Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), Allschwil and ONLINE (Hybrid)
      4. Facilitator:  
      5. Topics:
    • From Evidence to Implementation and Evaluation in Public Health


      This module is divided into four main components:

      • An introduction to the concept of health interventions and their initial evaluation, including the «development pipeline» for new interventions; followed by a systematic comparison of randomised controlled trials and alternative study designs
      • A case study on the use of insecticide-treated mosquito nets for malaria control in sub-Saharan Africa: from the very first studies in the field to policy formulation at national and international levels, and finally large-scale implementation and its evaluation
      • A case study on the monitoring and evaluation of the national malaria control programme in Papua New Guinea, including a discussion on the use of routine surveillance
      • A case study from Switzerland on the monitoring and evaluation of a health system programme
      1. Dates: 03.11.2025 – 04.11.2025
      2. Registration: 03.09.2025
      3. Location: Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) - Basel/Zürich/Tübingen/München/Wien
      4. Facilitator: Manuel Hetzel, Nicolas Senn 
      5. Topics:
      1. Dates: 06.11.2025 – 08.11.2025
      2. Location:
      3. Facilitator:  
      4. Topics:
    • Maitrise des processus et mesure


      Thématiques abordées:

      • Processus: description, optimisation, maîtrise
      • Run chart, control chart
      • Indicateurs, variabilité
      • Modèles: Lean, six-sigma…
      • Exemples pratiques d’application
      1. Dates: 10.11.2025 – 12.11.2025
      2. Location: Genève et Lausanne
      3. Facilitator: Marie-Annick Le Pogam, Aimad Ourahmoune 
      4. Topics:
    • One Health in practice

      This module presents concrete examples of One Health applications, including transdisciplinary project management, integrated health prevention, surveillance and control, and cross-sectoral data management. Theories of change are used to illustrate and apply the impact of health changes on stakeholders. The session also explores the benefits and challenges of cross-sectoral data collection, management, sharing, presentation, and protection.

      1. Dates: 10.11.2025 – 12.11.2025
      2. Registration: 31.05.2025
      3. Location: University of Bern
      4. Facilitator: Christian Althaus, John Berezowki 
      5. Topics:
    • Empirical Health and Labor Economics

      Course Structure:

      • Introduction to health and labor economics, with a focus on the interplay of both
      • Discussion of applied papers at the research frontier
      • Introduction to data available for research
      • Self-study time to develop a research project idea and Q&A sessions
      • Student presentations of their research project ideas

      1. Dates: 10.11.2025 – 14.11.2025
      2. Location: St. Gallen
      3. Facilitator: Beatrix Eugster 
      4. Topics:
    • Méthodologie et Epidémiologie


      • Acquérir les notions fondamentales en épidémiologie et statistiques
      • S’approprier différents outils et méthodes de collecte d’informations sur internet ou auprès d’un groupe cible particulier
      • Réaliser une revue de littérature et lire un article scientifique de manière critique
      1. Dates: 11.11.2025 – 25.11.2025
      2. Registration: 31.05.2025
      3. Location: University of Geneva
      4. Facilitator:  
      5. Topics:
    • Qualitative Health Research: BASIC Module: Defining and Developing Qualitative Research in Public Healt


      Within public health, there is a growing interest to study and understand human behavior, representations, and individual experiences of those taking part in a studied phenomenon. Qualitative designs are the method of choice to address those issues.

      1. Dates: 12.11.2025 – 14.11.2025
      2. Registration: 12.10.2025
      3. Location: Unisanté, University of Lausanne
      4. Facilitator: Christina Akre, Yara Barrense-Dias 
      5. Topics: General Scientific Skills, Social and Behavioural Sciences
    • Neurology and Psychiatry

      Objectives of the module:


      • know similiarities and differences in the healthy brain and in the development of gender identiy
      • know sex and gender differences in healthy and disturbed sleep
      • are aware of sex and gender differences in neurological and psychiatric diseases and their consequences for the treatment
      1. Dates: 13.11.2025 – 14.11.2025
      2. Registration: 06.11.2025
      3. Location: Zurich
      4. Facilitator: Maria Teresa Ferretti, Susanne Wegener 
      5. Topics:
    • GIS for Public Health


      The physical and social environment that surrounds us plays an important part in our health and wellbeing. The geography concept of ‘place’ thus cannot be ignored in public health. Whether investigating the level of environmental pollution, access to recreation or health services, or the patterns or spread of disease, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) provide the standard platform for exploring spatial attributes and relationships between our environment and health. This course offers an introduction to GIS and how it is used in public health and epidemiological research, with a focus on exposure assessment. It will introduce students to the basics including: working with and integrating spatial and non-spatial data; geographic scale and spatial precision; projections; geocoding; visualisation; thematic mapping; and understanding spatial relationships. Specific skills and tools will also be introduced in relation to methods for route analysis and for spatial linkage of exposure, contextual and confounder information for epidemiological or health risk assessment studies. Students will apply their new skills in a case study based either on their own data or on available datasets for defined topics.

      This course includes plenty of practical time for hands-on data analysis in industry standard GIS from ESRI, QGIS, R (with an emphasis on ArcGIS Pro), interspersed with a mix of short lectures and demonstrations. No prior knowledge of GIS is required, though completion of pre-course work is essential preparation for this intensive course.

      1. Dates: 17.11.2025 – 21.11.2025
      2. Registration: 17.10.2025
      3. Location: Swiss TPH, Allschwil
      4. Facilitator: Danielle Vienneau, Kees de Hoogh 
      5. Topics: General Scientific Skills, Epidemiology
    • Qualitative Health Research: ADVANCED Module: Appraising Qualitative Health Research


      Qualitative health research helps grasp behaviors and practices of patients and populations, combined with the meaning health professionals and stakeholders give to their practices and actions, both are known to underlie and influence health practices. By giving particular attention to the context of an intervention, qualitative research is particularly effective for evaluating programs and practices in the public health field. It allows to reflect on the broader health care context, with its socio-cultural and historical features.

      1. Dates: 24.11.2025 – 25.11.2025
      2. Registration: 24.10.2025
      3. Location: Unisanté, Lausanne
      4. Facilitator: Christina Akre, Yara Barrense-Dias 
      5. Topics:
    • Evidence-based Public Health using the GRADE approach


      • Literatursuche
      • Vor- und Nachteile verschiedener Studiendesigns (ökologische Studien, Vorher-Nachher-Studien, Fallkontrollstudien, Kohortenstudien, randomisierte und nicht-randomisierte Interventionsstudien, Meta-Analysen)
      • Studienqualität und Critical Appraisal (Levels of evidence, Lücken in der Evidenz, Kriterien der Kausalität, Darstellung und Interpretation der Resultate: absolute und relative Risiken, numbers needed to treat/harm/screen)
      • Grundlagen von GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation)

      1. Dates: 24.11.2025 – 25.11.2025
      2. Registration: 24.09.2025
      3. Location: Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM), Bern
      4. Facilitator: Myrofora Goutaki, Thomy Tonia 
      5. Topics:
    • Operationalisation and communication of One Health

      The current global, European, and Swiss governance of the One Health approach is presented in BM4. The concept of operationalisation is illustrated, and methods for quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the benefits of One Health are explored and applied. Demonstrating the added value of One Health provides a foundation for advocating its adoption and developing evidence-based policy orientations. Communication strategies to promote One Health to various audiences, including decision-makers, are discussed.

      1. Dates: 01.12.2025 – 03.12.2025
      2. Registration: 31.05.2025
      3. Location: University of Bern
      4. Facilitator: Christian Althaus, John Berezowki 
      5. Topics:
    • Pharmacology, Anesthesia and Intensive Care

      Objectives of the module:


      • understand how connections between sex, sex hormones and age affect drug actions and they will be able to explain how sex differences in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics modulate drug effects.
      • know the central aspects of pharmaceutical therapy in pregnancy and during breastfeeding.
      • know about sex and gender differences in the effects and side effects of important cardiovascular drugs.
      • know about sex- and gender-specific therapy with propofol, morphine, muscle relaxants and opioids.
      • are familiar with the gender-specific management of patients in intensive care, general aspects, including multimorbidity, and the most common intensive care disorders in women and men.
      • are familiar with gender-specific guidelines in drug development and are aware of the gaps in knowledge.
      1. Dates: 03.12.2025 – 04.12.2025
      2. Registration: 27.11.2025
      3. Location: Zurich
      4. Facilitator: Vera Regitz-Zagrosek , Ursula Amstutz 
      5. Topics:
    • Le partenariat patient(e) et professionnel(le) dans de domaine des soins

      Thématiques abordées:

      • Modèles de partenariat patient-e – professionnel-le dans le domaine des soins
      • Différents rôles de patient-es dans des partenariats
      • Aspects médico-légaux et éthiques du partenariat patient-e – professionnel-le dans le domaine des soins
      • Décision partagée et outils d’aide à la décision
      • Éducation thérapeutique et soutien à l’autogestion
      • Implication des proches
      • Évaluation de l’expérience patient-e au long de la trajectoire des soins
      • Espace patient-e et proches: doléances et médiation
      • Stratégies politiques internationales, nationales et cantonales
      • Associations de patient-es et réseaux de soutien
      1. Dates: 08.12.2025 – 10.12.2025
      2. Location: Genève et Lausanne
      3. Facilitator: Manuela Eicher, Sandrine Jonniaux 
      4. Topics:
    • Climate change, natural resource management and One Health


      Preserved ecosystems are the foundation for the health of species in the broadest sense, but also for the food security of our societies. Climate change and the over-exploitation of resources such as water and soil threaten these systems. In TM1, we will explore the impact of climate change and resource degradation on population health. We will also present examples of strategies for mitigating and managing tensions over resources in rural and urban environments.

      1. Dates: 12.01.2026 – 13.01.2026
      2. Location: University of Bern
      3. Facilitator: Christian Althaus, John Berezowki 
      4. Topics:
    • Ein Public-Health-Problem erkennen und lösen

      In diesem Modul setzen Sie sich vertieft mit der Frage auseinander, wann und warum ein aktuelles Gesundheitsproblem überhaupt ein Public-Health-Problem ist, welche Überlegungen für die Wahl einer geeigneten Lösungsstrategie relevant sind und mit welchen Massnahmen das Problem gelöst werden kann.


      • Wann ist ein Gesundheitsproblem ein Public-Health-Problem?
      • aktuelle Prinzipien der Gesundheitsförderung und Prävention
      • Strategieentwicklung
      • Spektrum der möglichen Massnahmen in Gesundheitsförderung und Prävention
      • Normen und Werte in Public Health
      • Instrumente der Qualitätssicherung und Evaluation

      1. Dates: 22.01.2026 – 11.02.2026
      2. Registration: 22.11.2025
      3. Location: Institut für Epidemiologie, Biostatistik und Prävention, Universität Zürich
      4. Facilitator: Roger Staub, Sonja Kerr 
      5. Topics: Global Health, Health Promotion and Prevention, Learning Health Systems
    • Soziokulturelle Kontexte, Migration und gesundheitliche Chancengleichheit

      In diesem Modul lernen Sie Erklärungsansätze zu den Zusammenhängen zwischen soziokulturellen Kontexten und gesundheitlicher Chancengleichheit kennen und nutzen diese bei der Entwicklung von Policies, Programmen und Projekten im Bereich Gesundheitsförderung und Prävention.


      • Gesundheitliche Ungleichheit: Erklärungen zu Entstehung und Reproduktion
      • Nationale Policies in der Schweiz und im Ausland
      • Erklärungsansätze für die Bedeutung des soziokulturellen Kontextes in Interventionen
      • Rahmenbedingungen für Policies, Programme und Projekte, die Chancengleichheit verbessern
      • Konzepte für Interventionen mit Chancengleichheit im Zentrum
      • Beispiele ausgewählter Interventionen
      • Barrieren und Erfolgsfaktoren für nachhaltige Interventionen
      1. Dates: 23.02.2026 – 25.02.2026
      2. Registration: 23.12.2025
      3. Location: Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM), University of Bern
      4. Facilitator: Annika Frahsa 
      5. Topics: Social and Behavioural Sciences, Migration health, Health Promotion and Prevention
    • Infectious diseases at the ecosystem-animal-human interface

      Although many zoonoses have been eliminated in most European countries, emerging pathogens represent a constant risk to the health of humans, wildlife and domestic animals. Living in a densely populated and highly mobile world allows pathogens to spread, adapt and emerge. TM2 presents concrete examples of the prevention and control of infectious diseases, with particular emphasis on zoonoses. The impact of the collapse of biodiversity and biosecurity needs are also addressed.

      1. Dates: 26.02.2026 – 27.02.2026
      2. Location: University of Bern
      3. Facilitator: Christian Althaus, John Berezowki 
      4. Topics:
    • Antimicrobial resistance and One Health

      Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is considered one of the greatest threats to plant, animal and human health and food security. It exemplifies the need for an integrated One Health approach, given the horizontal transmission of resistance genes between organisms and the necessity for intersectoral interventions. In this module, the complexity of AMR is explored, with a focus on antibiotic use in hospitals and on farms, the challenges associated with the development of new antimicrobial treatments, and AMR-related policy actions and their implementation within the Swiss context.

      1. Dates: 16.03.2026 – 17.03.2026
      2. Registration: 31.05.2025
      3. Location: University of Bern
      4. Facilitator: Christian Althaus, John Berezowki 
      5. Topics:
    • Implementation of One Health in the public sector

      In Switzerland, there are several positive examples of cross-sector collaboration at national, cantonal and community levels from which lessons can be learned. In this module, such examples are presented by those involved first-hand. They will share the difficulties and solutions generated while co-creating strategies or co-developing projects. They will discuss the results of evaluating these initiatives in terms of health and socio-economic added value. This module will help participants to successfully plan and implement One Health projects in the public sector.

      1. Dates: 23.04.2026 – 24.04.2026
      2. Registration: 31.05.2025
      3. Location: University of Bern
      4. Facilitator: Christian Althaus, John Berezowki 
      5. Topics:
    • Biosafety, biological risks and One Health

      Biosafety and biosecurity are disciplines that developed tools to prevent health hazards for humans, animals and plants. In this module, the theoretical principles of biosecurity and biosafety are introduced, followed by a discussion on their application within a One Health approach, supported by concrete case studies. Participants will visit the Spiez Laboratory, which specialises in highly infectious diseases and engage in real-life, hands-on exercises. The module is taught in collaboration with the Swiss Biosecurity Network (SBNet).

      1. Dates: 11.05.2026 – 12.05.2026
      2. Registration: 31.05.2025
      3. Location: University of Bern
      4. Facilitator: Christian Althaus, John Berezowki 
      5. Topics:
    • Vector-borne diseases and One Health

      Vector-borne diseases (VBDs), transmitted by midges, mosquitoes, or ticks, are emerging across many European countries due to the spread of their vector hosts. Factors such as warmer temperatures, globalised transport, and the management of water and wetlands in both rural and urban environments contribute to this trend. Integrated solutions are essential to mitigate the impact of these diseases. In this module, the complexity of VBD emergence is illustrated through examples in humans and animals. Integrated and community-based surveillance and control strategies are presented, along with practical field exercises. This module is taught in collaboration with SUPSI and will take place in Mendrisio in June when the vectors are active.

      1. Dates: 18.06.2026 – 19.06.2026
      2. Registration: 31.05.2025
      3. Location: University of Bern
      4. Facilitator: Christian Althaus, John Berezowki 
      5. Topics: