Scientific Debate Training (Expo Dubai)
Scientific debate training promotes engaging contemporary public health debates.
Scientific debate training promotes engaging contemporary public health debates. Eligible PhD students will receive training and coaching on persuasive argumentation and debate strategy. The final output of the training is for students to pair up and deliver a 6-minute debate video on a contemporary public health topic related to SDG’s for a lay public. The students of the best three videos will have their video showcased online to Dubai Expo visitors of the Swiss Pavilion. Moreover, the pair of students with the best video will present their 6-minute debate live at the Swiss Pavilion in Dubai in January 2022.
Key components
- 1-hour teaching call
- 2 x 2-hour online workshop
Learning outcomes
- To know how to present a convincing argument
- To present scientific evidence in a limited time frame
1 ECTS is awarded for participating in all the components of this training offer.
SSPH+ will cover the costs for training and for travel to in person coaching - if applicable - and for the winners to travel and present/stay in Dubai.
Dates and procedure
- February 28, 2021: Deadline for application
- March 15, 2021: Announcement of the participants by SSPH+
- May 4, 2021 @9am: 1-hour teaching call with the project manager of the Expo, Emily Reeves
- May 13+14, 2021 @10am-12pm: Online workshop with Emily Reeves
- June 2021: Coaching for debate partners by Emily Reeves via zoom or in person (conditions and time permitting)
- August 15, 2021: Delivery of a 6-minute debate video via email at:
- September 30, 2021: The best three debate videos will be selected by a jury to be featured at the Swiss Pavilion; out of these, a public Jury will select the top debate video to be presented live in Dubai
- February 2022: The debate partners with the best debate will present their debate live in Dubai, COVID-19 permitting
Swiss Pavilion at Expo Dubai

Registration is closed!
Dr. Emily Reeves
Expo Dubai Program Manager
Hirschengraben 82
8001 Zürich