Spring School of Global Health in Geneva
The 3 day courses are intended for PhD students registered at SSPH+, other PhD students, and any other professionnals or students equipped with Master degrees in the (various) fields of global health.
The postgraduate Seasonal Schools are organised by SSPH+ partner universities. Courses are intended for professionals and managers of health administrations, hospitals and other services and facilities within the health sector, policy-makers or PhD students. Students registered in one of the PhD programs coordinated and supported by SSPH+ may qualify for reduced fees (please check the websites of those schools).
The 3 day courses are intended for PhD students registered at SSPH+, other PhD students, and any other professionnals or students equipped with Master degrees in the (various) fields of global health.
The 3 or 6 day courses are intended for professionals and managers of health administrations, hospitals and other services and facilities within the health sector, policy-makers and/or any student registered for one of the continuous education programs coordinated and supported by SSPH+.
See the SSPH+ Lugano Summer School flyer here.
How to register
The target audience of this 3 week Summer School are upper year undergraduates (Bachelor) and Master students.
The 3-week Summer Course in Epidemiology takes place annually in Florence (Italy).