SSPH+ Emerging Health Leaders: Skills Training and Leadership Courses

The aim of the Emerging Health Leaders (EHL) courses is to provide skills training for professionals in the field of health care and public health and offer specific leadership training for future health care leaders. 

All courses are planned on site if not otherwise indicated.

The cost of each course is CHF 300.-. However, for SSPH+ IGC students, Post-Doc students* and alumni of the NRP 74 Emerging Health Care Leaders Programme (EHCL), the course cost is CHF 30.- per course with a code**

Registration for courses of the EHL is here

Create your own login and password. **For code for registration as SSPH+ IGC student, post-doc or alumni of EHCL programme, contact: Maša Davidović (

*An individual who holds a PhD (up to 8 years after its completion and is affiliated with an SSPH+ institute or in the team of an SSPH+ faculty member).

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Date Title Speakers Location
24 April 2025

Customer Centricity & Storytelling: Perspective from the Communication Industry

Course Program

Course Flayer

Registration is open!

Walter Stulzer, Communication Industry (Futureworks, Chairman of the Board)

30 June 2025

Planning of a campaign in the health field: concepts and strategies

Registration is open!

Benoit Gaillard, Swiss Labour Union Federation and Simon Zurich, Les Tailleurs
