Annual Report 2023 Annual Report

SSPH+ Engine

Building on the very positive experiences and collaborations between SSPH+ and the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH), the SSPH+ Directorate and the FOPH agreed to establish an overarching structure (“FOPH engine”) to streamline and facilitate exchanges between the two organizations and to offer a dedicated point of access for expertise in both directions. In other words, this “engine” should power a deepened collaboration and exchanges, and enable even more synergies in the future.

The “engine” management team, which is jointly composed of SSPH+ Directorate members and the FOPH’s “Evaluation and Research Service” team will try to facilitate collaborations to address FOPH research needs and act as match-makers between different FOPH divisions and SSPH+ experts from the Faculty and Fellows. The “engine” management will also meet on a yearly basis with the FOPH Directorate for a “Horizon Scoping” to identify and discuss emerging trends in public health. We expect this “engine” to be operational in the second half of 2024 and are convinced that it will considerably strengthen and streamline the partnership and collaboration between the SSPH+ community and FOPH, with benefits for both sides.