Annual Report 2023 Annual Report

Smarter Health Care

The Swiss Learning Health System (SLHS) as a collaborative initiative funded by swissuniversities will end by 2024. However, the experience of conducting policy dialogues is set to broaden its impact by leveraging on the accomplishments of the concluded National Research Programme 74 (NRP-74). Notably, SSPH+, SLHS and partners such as the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH), the Conference of Cantonal Health Directors and the Swiss Health Observatory (OBSAN) plan to launch the "Smarter Health Care" website. This website, which will be established under the roof of SSPH+, is designed to foster dialogue and exchange, aiming to cultivate a collaborative environment for all stakeholders interested in health services and health system research. The ultimate goal is to facilitate co-creation and support the development of evidence-informed policies.