“Public Health Resource” - SSPH+ for public health expertise for COVID-19 and beyond

Do you need the expertise of public health researchers? Do you have public health-oriented research questions to be answered? Do you look for an independent expert commission, a review board, a multi-disciplinary research team or an "open science" discussion? Unexpectedly, the long-standing concept of SSPH+ to be a "trusted partner" for public agencies, foundations, public or private funders or any other constituencies in need of public health sciences expertise encountered its large-scale proof of principle due to COVID-19. Within only three days, SSPH+ and the Federal Office of Public Health agreed on the immediate launching of the COVID-19 Public Health Resource discussion platform. Since 23 March 2020, the platform – closed to the public and the media – guarantees a fast communication flow linking questions and data provided by authorities with the inputs and expertise of the academic community.

SSPH+ can link you up with the proper expertise

As “Public Health Resource”, SSPH+ can link you up with the proper expertise beyond COVID-19. SSPH+ can launch competitive calls for your research needs, coordinate advisory or review boards for assessments or quality assurance, and find your independent experts for “second opinion” assessments or consultations or may provide you broad multi-disciplinary perspectives and feedbacks organized through “open science” exchange platforms, “hackathons” or advisory boards tailored to your needs.