Young Researcher Editorials
Young Research Editorials (YRE) is an editorial series of the International Journal of Public Health and training initiative of SSPH+. Specifically, it aims to engage PhD students to lead the YRE editorial series and is written by PhD students from across the world on topical public health discussions. The YRE series editors (a group of PhD students affiliated with an SSPH+ institution) identify relevant public health topics, acquire and review editorial contributions, and take editorial decisions. YRE address relevant and important public health topics - read more on the topics here.
Find published YRE here and here
YRE editors:
Peter Francis Raguindin (YRE Editor-in-Chief), Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine, University of Lucerne
Diana Buitrago Garcia, Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Bern
Jonila Gabrani, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, University of Basel
German Galileo Guerra, Institute of Global Health, University of Geneva
Ana Cecilia Quiroga, Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine, University of Lucerne
Contact: Peter Francis Raguindin
No article processing charges are due for YRE. Submit here.