Annual Report 2022 Annual Report

SSPH+ Strategy 2023-2027

The SSPH+ Foundation Board approved the SSPH+ Strategy 2023-2027 and a Financial Concept 2023-2027. The strategy outlines three strategic pillars pursued in the past period (i.e., fostering research, facilitating training and education and supporting science to policy) and the structuring of annual plans and budgets. The first set of actions is for general affairs, including governance and development and the last set of actions lists the actions needed to implement the newly adopted transversal strategic domain, namely the communication of public health sciences to the public. The strategy is strongly based on an interdisciplinary approach to public health that prioritizes research, education and practice. Moreover, it supports the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) for public health, set out in the United Nation's 2030 Agenda. The strategy ultimately outlines how SSPH+ can support key public health domains in Switzerland and beyond. The list of strategic outcomes and actions related to the SSPH+ strategy are available here.