15th Anniversary

Jubilee Online Faculty Meeting 2020


Day 1 / 16 June 2020

A09:30 – 12:15SSPH+ - Where do we stay, where do we go “On the Move”?
A109:30 – 10:15Where do we stay? Highlights from SSPH+Audience: All
Keynote/Moderation: Nino Künzli
10:15 – 10:30VIRTUAL COFFEE BREAK – 15’
A210:30-11:15Where do we go? The SSPH+ Strategy 2023-2027
Breakout group discussions
Audience: SSPH+ Faculty Members
Keynote/Moderation: Nino Künzli
11:15-11:30VIRTUAL COFFEE BREAK - 15'
A311:30-12:15Convene in plenary, present group work, discuss outcomes, actions and next stepsAudience: SSPH+ Faculty Members
Keynote/Moderation: Nino Künzli
12:15-13:15LUNCH BREAK
B13:15-14:45Parallel Sessions B (max. 90')
B113:15-14:45IGC Academic Board meetingAudience: Upon invitation
Keynote/Moderation: Thomas Abel/Ann Walser
B213:15-14:00Post-graduate training coordinator workshopThe heads and coordinators of 7 master of advanced studies programmes in the area of public health from the various language regions of Switzerland met and identified areas of future collaborations, including how students will be able to obtain ECTS credits from more than one programme. This collaborative project, which was supported by SSPH+, will be briefly presented and discussed.Audience: All
Keynote/Moderation: Bettina Schwind/Jean-François Etter
14:45-15:00VIRTUAL COFFEE BREAK - 15'
C15:00-16:15Parallel Sessions C (max. 75')
C115:00-16:15SSPH+ IGC PhD students meetingAudience: IGC PhD students
Keynote/Moderation: Thomas Abel/Ann Walser
C215:00-16:15Using PROFILES to promote public health in medical schoolsPROFILES is the national framework for integrated learning in Swiss medical education and defines what a resident needs to be able to do on the first day of residency. In the workshop, participants will work on different tasks related to the transition of Public Health teaching from Swiss Catalogue of Learning Objectives (SCLO) to PROFILES. Audience: Medical background preferred
Keynote/Moderation: Julia Bohlius/Emiliano Albanese
16:15-16:30VIRTUAL COFFEE BREAK - 15'
D16:30-18:30SSPH+ PhD Students on the Stage - and welcome to the Jubilee
D116:30-17:00Vision and views from PhD students - SURPRISE 4UAudience: All
Keynote/Moderation: Rolf Heusser
D217:00-17:30SSPH+ ScienceFlashTalk Competition with Gaud Catho, Johanna Manuela Kurz, Rebeca Mozun & Apolline Saucy Watch our 4 finalists presenting their 3-minute flashtalks, follow the Q&A with panelists and vote for the best presentation. L. Suzanne Suggs will announce the winner and her award.Audience: All
Keynote/Moderation: Nino Künzli/Luca Crivelli/Antoine Flahault
17:30-17:45Warming-up Apero (join with your drink)
D317:45-18:30Jubilee perspectives of new SSPH+ Honorary Fellow Ruth Dreifuss - former Swiss Federal Councillor & Jubilee Award AperoAudience: All


Day 2 / 17 June 2020

E08:30-11:30SSPH+ beyond COVID-19
E108:30-09:15National success of Corona Immunitas - current state and visions / Q&AAudience: All
Keynote/Moderation: Milo Puhan
09:15 – 09:30VIRTUAL COFFEE BREAK – 15’
E209:30:10:15Visions for SSPH+ in the post-COVID-19 era
Breakout group discussions
Audience: All
Keynote/Moderation: L. Suzanne Suggs
10:15-10:30VIRTUAL COFFEE BREAK - 15'
E310:30-11:30Fostering SSPH+ research through PhD Fellowship programs: Your expectations beyond GlobalP3HSAudience: Upon invitation
Keynote/Moderation: Jorgen Bauwens
F13:00-14:00Teaching on the Move: Parallel Sessions F
F113:00-14:00Making use of the SSPH+ eCampus learning platform: hands-on introduction for beginnersThe SSPH+ eCampus has been in implemented in 2013. Based on the Learning Management System (LMS) Moodle, didactically ambitious courses can be set up, both distance based and blended learning. In this session we would like to show you how you can use the eCampus for your teaching. We will also report on our experiences with it in master programs and courses.Audience: Registration needed
Keynote/Moderation: Joachim Pelikan
F213:00-14:00Teaching the Teachers Online: Tools and TricksJoin us for a 60-minute workshop harnessing our collective wisdom to facilitate interactive online courses. Intended for Teaching Faculty who have some experience with online teaching, this workshop invites you to repurpose familiar tools and consider the classroom experience from a student’s perspective. Expect to learn from colleagues’ successes, identify areas for improvement and share technical know-how. Space is limited and allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.Audience: Registration needed
Keynote/Moderation: Mirko Winkler/Sarah Thiele
14:00-14:15VIRTUAL COFFEE BREAK - 15'
G14:15-15:15Final Parallel Sessions G proposed by SSPH+ colleagues
G114:15-15:15One Health: Integrating the health of people, animals and ecosystems at SSPH+In this session, participants will learn about the One Health concept (integration of the health of humans, animals and the ecosystem) and about transdiciplinarity. We will demonstrate the added value of these concepts using concrete examples and try to define critical skill set for health professionals at the people – animals - ecosystem interface.Audience: All
Keynote/Moderation: Salome Dürr, Anaïs Leger, Nicola Low, Simon Rüegg, Gertraud Schüpbach, Jakob Zinsstag
G214:15-15:15IJPH's move to open access: principles, decisions and the new partner FrontiersA competitive process shaped the new open access business model for IJPH. This session reports on the decisions taken and why Frontiers was elected as the new publishing partner. Senior representatives from Frontiers introduce the features of the publisher for the future cooperation. There will be plenty space for questions and discussions with Frontiers. Audience: All
Keynote/Moderation: Anke Berger with guests (Robyn Mugridge and Fred Fenter, Frontiers)
G314:15-15:15Tobacco policy in Switzerland - further steps and needsThe goal of this slot is to examine the current situation of the political process about the new Law on Tobacco Products and its key elements, including elements not included in the Projects, but necessary to achieve a public health impact. Format: brief summary presentation followed by an open debate. Target audience: all faculty meeting participants interested in political health.Audience: All
Keynote/Moderation: Luciano Ruggia
15:15-15:30VIRTUAL COFFEE BREAK - 15'
G415:30-16:15Surprise and Farewell - Join with your drink!Audience: All
... see you at the next year's 2021 SSPH+ Faculty Meeting... in person, in ZURICH!