A snapshot from the World Café at the SSPH+ Annual Meeting in Allschwil
In 2023, the Inter-university Graduate Campus (IGC) introduced 7 new courses/ teaching opportunities for young researchers/ 2nd Global Health Film Festival/ career event with lecturers from outside academia and with a world café around career topics. The IGC Academic Board with representatives from all partner universities is responsible for the content and quality of the IGC.
All PhD students and MD students supervised by a SSPH+ Faculty Member are welcome to join the SSPH+ Inter-university Graduate Campus and benefit from its offers and opportunities to strengthen their academic skills, competencies, career paths and networks.
In 2023, a total of 402 PhD students from 72 countries were part of the IGC:
The student representatives organized social events for the IGC students, online and on site. For the second time, the film festival in global health took place, at the SSPH+ Faculty Meeting in June and during the SSPH+ Lugano Summer School in August. The annual students meeting offered a career event with lecturers from outside academia and with a world café. The IGC manager, Ann Walser, presented the IGC at the ORPHEUS conference in Loewen, Belgium, and exchanged with coordinators of PhD program.
You can find course testimonials of participants here and testimonials of alumni about the SSPH+ Inter-university Graduate Campus here.
A snapshot from the World Café at the SSPH+ Annual Meeting in Allschwil
A picture from PhD students attending the IGC Life Course in Epidemology and Public Health at the University of Fribourg